Chapter 3 : Blind offering

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She waited for a while but nothing happen. Slowly she opened her eyes peeking at him. “Go home,” he said and just like that, he turned to leave. “Wait, mister, please wait.” Her voice echoed in the empty parking lot as he turned to look over to her. “What?” he replied without turning to look at her. “How could you be so heartless to the woman who loves you?” “Who are you to ask me?” His lips curved up in a wicked smile. “I’m just curious bystander” She answered. “So what ….?” Athena pressed her lips tight. “Do you really believe that you will never fall for anyone?... ... Ever?” “Goldfish, what are you trying to say?” He looked at her with an unamused face. “From what I understand. You are willing to make any girl your girlfriend as long as she won’t demand for your love right?” Athena tried to show him how serious she was but her question only made the man amused. “Yes”. “How about you try me? I promise. I will not demand for your love.” She promised to cause the man to laugh again. After he stopped laughing, the man spoke. “Little girl, are you perhaps thinking that you could eventually make me fall in love 'with you'? Too bad ... Countless women already tried that and besides ….I don’t think you are capable of that.” “Stop calling me ‘Goldfish’, I am neither a goldfish nor a little girl. My name is Athena. I am about to turn eighteen soon.” “You are one brave little girl. Do you know who I am?” “No.” “And yet you’re still blindly offering yourself.” She nodded and the man smiled. He stared her from head to toe for the second time His intensity made her shudder slightly. This was the most daring thing she had ever done in her life. The man directed a gaze of disbelief at her, he shook his head. The goldfish was the most intriguing person he ever met. As the silence dragged on, the man’s lips curved into triumphant, mocking smile and his hand landed on her head. He ruffled her hair and leaned in on her whispering next to ear in a hushed voice. “Parking lot is not a good place, at least for little girl like you. I’m sure you’re aware of that. Now run away.” She could feel him smirk as he whispered against her ears. “Sorry but….?” His gaze traveled from her head down to her to toes. “I‘m not interested in unattractive little girls.” She simply didn’t care when other people commented about her looks but she was affected by his. “I will prove to you how attractive I am.” His lips turned down in disapproval “But I am not into little girls. With goldfish memories” “But Sara is just four years older than me” She argued not backing down. “Miss Sara is…… a mature, Sexy woman. And you’re…” He raised an eyebrow. “Even though you’re four years younger than her, you look like a school going kid.” Athena was feeling quite bad. No one ever made her feel like this before. “I purposely dressed like this today”. She hissed bravely in a tone above a whisper. If she knew that she would meet this man at end of the day. She would’ve at least made herself a little more presentable. “Oh …really?” he said with a smug look on his face. “I will show you”. The man shook his head.“Now, go home. It’s late for little children to be out.” He smiled and entered his car. She snapped out of her past. “May I have this dance?” Zeus sexy voice sent shivers down her spine and before she could react, He took her hand and guided her towards the dance floor, where there were a few other couples were also dancing. He took one of her hands and smoothly placed it on her lower back and the one on his hand. And they danced. She never thought that it would feel like this exhilarating, intense, magical and so much more. That she faltered in the steps. “Don’t you like it?” “I wouldn’t say that but…. This is the first time attending a party like this”. “Tell me what is your name.” He asked “Athena” “Okay tell me something about yourself.” Surprisingly he didn’t recollect her name. “Nothing interesting, there is to tell about myself”. She really didn’t have anything worth telling him, now she thought about it. Her life was utterly normal and peaceful; most people would think it was boring. She could not think of a single interesting thing to tell him because nothing interesting happened to her before he showed in her life. So before Zeus could ask again, Athena was quick to beat him this time and asked him a question first. “What your full name?” As her voice died down, the music also stopped, indicating that their dance was over. She didn’t want to leave the dance floor yet, without hearing the answer to her question, but the man had already pulled her off with him.
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