Chapter Eight

1030 Words
This day got even worse when Onyx parks his car a few meters away from where a party was being held. We both look at each other, eyes wide. "This better not be a freaking engagement party or else I'm packing my bags and move to Alaska." Unbuckling my seat belt, I open the door and speed walk towards my house. I almost got tackled by a bunch of giggling kids but someone catches me from behind. "Careful, Hals." The first thing I notice was the abundant of people. Everyone are laughing and talking to one another. Onyx never left my side as we beelined our way to our parents who are grinning like something amazing just happened and they can't wait to share it. "What is going on?" I asks, before grabbing what seems to be a chocolate truffle from the waiter and putting it in my mouth. "This better not be what I think it is." Queen Alexandria giggles, almost spilling her champagne in the process. "It's not. The one you are thinking about is already being finished. Right, darling?" The King nods and wraps his arm on her waist to steady her and taking the empty glass away. "No more champagne for you, darling." "But the party just started." Queen Alexandria said, stomping her foot and checking her watch. "Three hours ago. It's too early to stop drinking champagne." My mother who is standing beside the King, smacks him on the head before handing the Queen another glass of champagne. If another person did that, I'm a hundred percent sure that their heads would be detached from their bodies in less than a minute. "Party!" They cheered, jumping up and down around the King. "Should we help my Dad?" Onyx whispers while watching the King get smack by two very drunk woman but still smiling like an i***t. Running an entire kingdom would do that to you. Now I feel bad for Onyx. He'll be acting like that in a few years maybe even sooner. "Depends." I shrug. Tearing my eyes away to look around. "On what this party is for." "It's your birthday!" My mother yells, scaring a small kid who was just passing by. "Happy birthday, my beautiful daughter." It's not my birthday. Not even close. "Milly, Halsey & I are both celebrating our birthday's on my birthday celebration next week." Onyx places his hand on the small of my back. A move that my mother notices right away and began whispering to the Queen. "Right. Well, uhm, enjoy your drinks and have fun." The king sent us a betrayed look as we walk away. Onyx led us towards a table that are occupied by our friends. Peter waves at us before continuing his debate with Ericka about chocolate and fruits. "All I'm saying is, why would you dip fruits on chocolate? That's just disgusting." Peter says, making his point as he dump fruits on a bowl of melted chocolate. "Fruits should be eaten as it is. No need to complicate it by adding more flavor." Ericka glares at him. "The f**k are you talking about? I don't even like chocolates." Peter puts a hand on his chest dramatically. "You're the worst of them all." Turning his head towards me, he points an accusing finger at Erica. "This is a chocolate loving group. Why are you here — ouch! Did you just hit me? I'm a human. I'm fragile. You don't get to hit me whenev — Halsey, make her stop!" Erica rolls her eyes and looks at Onyx and I. "Heard you two are getting married or something." "No, we're not." "Yet." Peter slaps his hand on Onyx's shoulder and drag him away from our table before I could get my hands on him. Ericka and Trevor laughs at my face while I watch Peter glance behind his shoulder and see my glare. A waiter stops in front of our table and puts down a plate of brownies and left without another word. "Is that suppose to be yours or for all of us?" Trevor asks, looking around for another waiter. "Yup. Just yours. They're handing out steaks but you already got in to the desserts." The sound of steak perks my attention as I began eyeing all the waiters passing by, waiting for them to put a plate on the table. "That better be mine, sir. Is it cooked or not? I do not want any blood on my food unless I killed it, then I will surely enjoy drinking it's blood." Scared by my words, the waiter gulps before ushering someone. Another male walks in and hands me a plate of very well cooked steak. Is it burnt? What are those black things? The waiter clears his throat and shifts uncomforably. "Those are just ground pepper. Uhm, enjoy." Hmm. I scared them off. Trevor and Ericka are already devouring their food while the other two idiots are still nowhere to be found. "I shall eat my fancy peppered and overly well cooked steak at peace." I announced, slicing a huge chunk and putting it into my mouth. Yum. "This is amazing. Waiter! Give me more!" "Ohhh. Steak." I stab my cutting knife right next to the hand that belongs to Peter. He shrieks and hides behind Onyx. "What is wrong with you people? Everyone is out to kill me, Nyx. I swear." Onyx grumbles. "Don't call me that." King Magnus finally made his appearance while sporting a huge beach hat instead of his usual crown. He keeps on glancing behind his shoulder and takes Onyx's arm. "If you see your mother, can you tell her that I'm going home? She's going cray-cray with all the champagne she drank with Mildred. They are both crazy!" "Uh, dad." "They kept on hitting my face. I have no idea what's going inside their heads right now. They're crazy." "Dad..." He freezes instantly when he senses someone behind him. "You better not be talking about me, Magnus. Or else, you'll be sleeping next to the horses tonight." I watched with a mouthful of steak as the Queen drags the blabbering King by the ear. "Sorry, Dad!"
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