Chapter Four

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The sounds of lockers opening and closing can be heard as students head towards their classes while I'm on my way to the cafeteria to meet Peter, my best friend and also to eat because I'm hungry. "Hals, over here!" Peter yells, pointing at the table he's sitting at with a smile on his face. "Stop walking so damn slow!" "This is my normal walk, you moron." He laughs and waves at someone behind me. "Yo, Onyx!" I also forgot to mention that he's also Onyx's best friend and who hangs out with him whenever his group of friends are not around . He's the only human in this school but knows that half of the students here are either werewolf's and witches. I still remember the day he found out that Onyx and I are not humans. It's one of his never to be mentioned again moments because he fainted when Onyx showed him his wolf while I'm standing next to him and as a good friend, I watched him fall. When I say fainted, it's not the normal one that normal people do - it's the one where they drop like a frozen statue backwards with wide eyes open. I also may or may not have a photo of that somewhere in my phone. "Don't call him over -- oh hey, hi, your majesty." I said, glaring at Peter whose busy trying not to laugh at my reaction. Onyx raises his eyebrow and looks between Peter and I before locking his gaze on me and slowly sits next to Peter, not once removing his eyes on me. Does he think that I'll melt if he continues staring at me like all the other she-wolves who are currently watching us? Well, two can play this game and I'm pretty damn good at it. "What are you two doing now? Is this some kind of a wolf thing were you can both read each others mind because if it is then that is just dope!" Peter exclaimed, biting a big bite on his sandwich. Onyx smirks and leans forward. "Can you read my mind, Hals?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "I'm pretty sure you'll blush if you know what I'm thinking of... all the time." Peter chokes on his sandwich and began pounding his chest like he's Tarzan. He can be Tarzan while the person next to him can be the big and ugly gorilla. Once he recovered on his choking incident, he stared at us with wide accusing eyes. "Thanks for the help. I think I saw God standing in front of me while my friends continues to stare at each other like it's the only thing they can do. Oh wait! It is." Onyx laughs and puts his arm around Peter's shoulder. "What can I do, bro? She can't help it." Excuse me? What did the gorilla say? "Nah. I'm pretty sure you're the one whose always staring at Hals." Um? What? "I'm going to get me some food. Bye." I said, standing up without looking at them before running like my life depends on it. I stopped in front of the counter and smiled. "Hi, Brenda! Can I have some pasta with extra sauce and cheese, some fries, a ham sandwich and an apple. Please. Thank you!" "That's a lot of carbs. Eat something healthy for once, orphan." A voice from behind me said accompanied with a few snickers from her associates. 'The Brats' that consists of Melanie and the rats. The Brats means 'The beeyotch and rats' if anyone wants to know. Brenda hands me a tray full with the food I said. "... and here's an apple for you since it is a fruit and it's healthy." The other staffs winks at me before glaring at The Brats who are now seething. I smiled at the staffs and poke my tongue towards the girls making them more angry. Meh. "What was that about?" Onyx asks once I'm within reach and grabs my apple, taking a bite at it. "Grab your own!" I said, reaching out the grab my apple but he stands up and takes another bite. "I swear, I'll hit you where it hurts the most." "I'd like to see -- what the f**k!" He groans, cupping his beloved jewels that I punched. Everyone went quiet except for Peter who is now laughing so hard. I took the apple from his hand and sat down but not before hissing out the words. "Don't. Touch. My. Food." "Holy s**t, Hals! I think you broke Onyx's jewels!" Peter whispered, glancing at Onyx who is crunched down to the floor, still groaning. "You alright, man?" He received a glare by that statement. "Well, sorry for asking. Go and continue your groaning misery." I silently laugh. "Oh my god, baby! Are you hurt?" a screeching voice yelled from across the cafeteria. I think I saw Onyx winced... yeah, I'd winced if I would listen to that annoying voice calling out to me. "What did you do this time, orphan?" I rolled my eyes and ignore her. "You don't have the right to hurt him!" ''I think you're the one hurting him just by listening to your sreeching voice.'' I said, biting into my sandwich. ''Excuse me? Who do you think you are?'' Melanie growled which didn't fazed me at all. ''You're just a nobody and everyone in here knows that. Stop acting brave when we all know that you're nothing but an orphan who got dumped by her parents because they didn't want...'' She didn't even get to finish her speech when a loud thundering growl came out of Onyx. ''Finish what you're saying and I'll make sure too dump you're stupid body outside that kingdom.'' Orion's voiced is laced with so much hate that made everyone flinched..not me, though. Orion's a big marshmallow to me. ''Hals, c-can you bring back Onyx. H-he's wolf is terrifying and I think I just wet my pants.'' Peter whisper-yelled at me. ''Ori, as much as I want to hang with you but you need to bring back Onyx.'' I said, standing beside him. It took a while before Orion gave back the control to Onyx who didn't stop glaring at Melanie before settling his gaze at me. "Are you okay?" He asks, still looking at me. "I just peed a little but I'm okay." Peter answered. I just stared at him and he did the same. We did that for a good minuted before he looks away and glared at Melanie again. She's still standing there? Woah. I thought she left already. "Leave." Onyx hissed before grabbing my hand and tugging it towards my seat that he now occupies. Meanwhile, our friend watches us and I swear, his eyes twinkled. Freaking twinkled. "You two are so sweet. It's giving me a tooth ache." Another voice said, dumping her tray on our table. "What 'ya doing here, your highness?" Onyx didn't even spare her a glance. To busy mixing my pasta and handing it back to me. "Hello, Erica." Erica gasps. "You still remember my name? Would you look at that! You're not gettting dumb like your friends over there -- ouch!" "Don't listen to her. She's just jealous." Peter said "Jealous of what?" Erica said, stabbing a piece of chicken and points it towards Onyx who is calmly taking off the crust of my sandwich not even once looking at Erica. "I'm speaking to you, sir. Hello?" Glancing at Onyx, I can feel that he's holding back a remark towards my friend. I grab the apple and placed it in front of him. "Here's your apple, Snow White." "And here's your sandwich, princess."
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