Chapter Four

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        Why did he have to be a fake person? She felt like she was wasting her time talking to someone who wasn’t really there. But then again he wouldn’t be there to betray her either. She smiled as she realized how silly she was being…she couldn’t even trust her own conscience.             Her eyes grew wide as she smelt bloodshed…but it wasn’t coming from her dream world. It was coming from the outside world. Something was wrong…very wrong. She backed up out of his arms her eyes terrified and she looked worried as she faded away.         Cole stood in confusion for a minute wondering if she had figured it out or not. But the look on her face…something must have been wrong on the outside world. He had no right being there anymore so he disintegrated out of her mind and back into his own body.         Moonshine shot awake and stood her ears up straight. She looked around to see the other wolves stirring in the cave. Growls rose deep in their throats as they focused their attention to the front of the cave. Their tails started to poof like a Halloween cat and their nails raked into the ground under their paws.         Moon snarled and bared her teeth as an unknown shadow started to show up at the cave opening. Some of the wolves coiled close to the ground, getting ready to pounce and attack. Where was Sam? He should be here and aware of what is happening.         They sniffed the air and smelled the blood of a human…covered in wolf blood. That could only mean one thing…hunters. The shadow finally came into view and as one wolf pounced and knocked the human to the ground, he hesitated when he was going down for the throat.         Nicolae, the wolf standing above the human whined and looked behind him to the others who were anxious for his attack. “What are you waiting for?” a wolf snapped at him and Nicolae snarled real loud and glared at the wolf.         “Don’t you notice something about this human?” he barked and moved over just enough to expose the human’s identity. Muscles loosened and the growling stopped, they all looked around at each other and made an awkward glance at the human’s terrified face.         “She’s…she’s only a child. What is a small child doing around here covered in our comrades blood?” one of the female wolves asked in a concerned voice. The wolves exchanged glances of worry and concern.         “I don’t know,  she looks terrified. Kairi, Moonshine, come here and take the child and clean her up. She looks traumatized…” Nicolae gestured towards the pack. Moon stepped forward to Nicolae and the human girl and Kairi came up beside her.         Nicolae lifted his giant paws and weight off of the girl and she shrieked as more tears welled up in her eyes. She was covered in dirt head to toe and Moon felt bad for her. Cuts and bruises covered her legs and she had a nasty gash on her cheek.         She was a pretty girl, ten maybe eleven years of age. She had medium length dark brown hair and bright hazel eyes. She had a nice tan complexion and her cheeks were rosy from all of the crying.         Moon couldn’t help but wag her tail very softly to show her she didn’t mean to harm her. She whined and nuzzled her face. The girl made some whimpers and cringed when Moon touched her. Moon looked at her and licked her cheek while giving her a friendly wag.         Kairi went into human form and the girls eyes grew wide at the transformation. He came over to her and picked her up right off the ground with ease and started to head outside. Moon followed and watched as the girl stared at Kairi with wide eyes, still taking in the information of him transforming from wolf to human.         Kairi’s shaggy brown hair covered half his face and his blue eyes hinted mischief. He was a good looking boy no doubt but Moon never saw anything in him but a good friend. Kairi seemed to be one of the more down to earth guys. Although he does play around a lot, it’s to be expected, he is still only a pup in some peoples book.         They went down a pathway that led to a secret cave that only the wolves used for healing. They went deep inside of it and put the child on a rock to sit on. Her eyes were still wet but she didn’t cry anymore. She seemed in shock and unable to take all this in at one time and she stared at Kairi while he lit some candles around the cave.         “You don’t need to be afraid. We aren’t going to hurt you. What is your name?” Kairi asked in a soft tone not wanting to scare her even more. She looked up at him with an alien stare, like she couldn’t believe he could talk.         She remained silent and just continued to stare at him, she moved her gaze to Moonshine and she lolled her tongue out and wagged her tail to make herself look like a nice doggy. When what she really wanted to do was bite Kairi in the ass.         “Oh, I see you have met Moonshine. Don’t worry, she is a good wolf, she won’t hurt you.” Kairi lifted the girls arm in his hand and examined the cuts on it. “Looks like you got beat up a bit huh? We’ll fix you up.”         Kairi went for some herbs hiding on the side of the cave next to the small pool of water. As he got what he needed Moon came up to the girl and whimpered. The girl shakily put a hand out and placed it on her head. She started rubbing her ear and Moon leaned into the rub, making a satisfied noise.         This small human’s touch surprisingly didn’t disgust her. She was so innocent and pure hearted, not a single bad bone in her. Moon thumped her leg as she hit a hotspot and the girl smiled. Everything and everyone touching her always made her feel unclean but she didn’t mind this girl’s touch so much…or Cole’s         She shook her head not wanting to think about Cole at a time like this. The girl looked between Kairi and Moon and finally said something, “Naomi.” She looked at them to see what they would say and she looked down at the ground.         “That’s a pretty name…where are your parents Naomi? You’re pretty far out here for a girl your age.” Kairi pulled up a chair that was sitting in the back over in front of her. He took her arm and dabbed at her cuts with water and a rag.         Her eyes filled up with tears again and she sniffled but she remained quiet. She finally answered after Kairi stood up to get some more rags. “She’s dead.”  She was chocking on her words and she wiped her nose with her arm as she cried harder.         Moon went up to her and tucked her tail between her legs as she lowered her ears to give her an apologetic gesture. The poor girl, she lost her mother and she’s beaten up to a pulp. Kairi made a face and came over with more water and rags.         “Moon, I have to go for a little while. Watch her please.” Kairi turned around and left and the two just stared after him until he was out of sight. Moon looked back up at Naomi and gave her tail a wag.         “Are you like him? Can you change to?” she asked so innocently and Moon couldn’t help but bow her head to the floor and roll over on her stomach. The girl smiled but her face quickly twisted with pain and she held her upper arm and chest.         “Oww! It hurts!” Naomi held her arm that was turning blue. Moonshine didn’t have a choice but to change form. The girl could be seriously hurt and she didn’t want it on her conscience if she died because she selfishly didn’t want to change form due to her fear.         Moon transformed into her human form and she stretched real quickly. She hadn’t been in human form in the outside world ever since her attack as a young girl. Moon grabbed her arm to move it out of the way and the blue traveled to under the straps of her dress to her chest.         “I’m going to move your strap just to see what the problem is ok?” Moon touched her dress strap as the girl nodded and it got to be purple by her chest. The girl started to writhe in pain and she almost started screaming. It was swelling…fast.         There’s too much pressure. Moon looked at the girl and into her eyes. “What I am about to do is going to hurt, really bad but don’t freak out, you will feel better once it’s done. Are you ok with that?”         The girl hesitated before nodding and she intentionally lengthened her canine teeth. She laid the girl on her back and sunk her teeth into the girl’s chest. She cried out but Moon quickly released and blood exploded out of her chest. She bit her arm to be on the safe side and the coloring started to go back to pink.         “That hurt…but it felt good.” Naomi looked down at her chest and she seemed like she was going to pass out. Moon went and grabbed the water and rags to begin cleaning up the blood and to clean out the bite wounds.         Moon rubbed herbs and disinfectants on her cuts and bruises. She tried to have a conversation with Naomi but she was quiet. She didn’t want to talk about what happened, Moon knew that feeling all too well and didn’t want to pry.         “Can you at least tell me how your mother died? Or how you got out here?” Moon was full of concern, eventually someone is going to go looking for this child and she wanted to make sure no one would be missing her.         “Car crash…and wolves.” Her voice cracked and she broke down crying again. Moon’s eyes grew big and she started to think.  What wolves in their right minds would attack an innocent girl and her family? It didn’t make sense…unless…the Enemy clan was the one responsible.         “Wolves…are you sure?”         She nodded and she hugged Moon tightly. Moon was surprised by it but she slowly returned the hug. She felt compassion for her, it must have been horrible to lose her mother and to end up lost deep in the woods.         She released Naomi and wiped her cheek to get the rest of the dirt off of it and gave her a warm grin. “You’ll be okay. You seem like a strong girl, would you like to stay here for the night? Tomorrow morning we can go back and try to find someone to help you then if you like.”         She looked doubtful but eventually she nodded. She looked at Moon and gave a short and sweet smile. “You’re pretty. I like your hair.” She reached up and twined one of her fingers in a long ringlet of her brown hair.         “Thank you. You’re pretty yourself.” Moon smiled back and she went for a bandage to put on the final cut across her cheek. She could feel Naomi’s gaze on her as she moved around looking for the right size bandage.         Her eyes were full of question as she saw Moon come back to her. Moon placed a long white bandage across her cheek and Naomi blinked a couple of times before she looked toward the entrance of the cave again.         “He’s back.” She pointed toward the entrance and she looked over at Moon who had a terrified look on her face. She turned around quick and Kairi looked as surprised as she did. Moon shrieked and spun around real quick and like lightning flashed herself back into a wolf.         Naomi squeaked at the sudden move and blinked as she looked down. She looked back up at Kairi whose eyes were as wide as watermelons.         He said nothing as he walked up to Naomi to look at the bandages. Moon scurried to the side of the cave and sat quickly with her tail curled around her legs. “Wow, never seen that side of you before. Kinda hot if      you ask me.” He smirked and the only response he got from Moon was a snarl and a poof of her tail.         “Okay, Okay, geez you don’t need to be so snippy. I know how you are about yourself I won’t tell anyone that you actually turned into a civilized human form.” His voice was full of playful sarcasm and Moon gave him  a nasty glare.         “You shouldn’t have seen that. You tell anyone and I’ll personally tear your throat out with my own bare teeth.” Her talking in wolf made Naomi’s expression fill with confusion.         “Well aren’t you just a ball of sunshine?” Kairi helped Naomi off the rock and put her on his back. “Come along, Grumpy.” He stuck his tongue out at Moon and she just stared at him as he walked ahead chuckling.         “Bite my tail!” she barked loudly in response. She just got a bellow from him and he walked away. Moon walked behind but she couldn’t get within a ten foot radius of him…no telling what she would do to him.         She snorted as she walked along and smelled the nature around her. It was approaching sunset and soon the real danger would be out. At least she could snuggle against Cole tonight and relax a little bit.         When they approached the pack they all looked at them and then glanced over behind their shoulders. Sam must be back and this was going to need some explaining. Sam came out of the shadows as Kairi brought Naomi inside the cave.         “What is the child doing here?” Sam didn’t have any emotion in his voice, although most could easily see that he wasn’t in a good mood.         “She stumbled here after her mother was killed by wolves. She apparently was driving with her mother when it happened. She found herself here and we bandaged her up. We can’t take her back this late. She’ll most likely be killed at this time of night. It’s a wonder how she made it even in the daylight.” Kairi gave a serious tone toward Sam so he would respect the fact that this girl had gone through h a lot of trauma.         Sam nodded, “very well. I guess she is going to have to stay with us. But tomorrow, we’re gonna have to figure out what to do with her. She can’t be exposed out there with knowledge of us.” He turned around and started walking back toward Sarah.         It was a good thing that Sam is such a kind-hearted wolf. He can be a total d**k-head and stubborn but for the most part he was a very loving, playful person. Although when it came to battles and the pack’s safety, it was hard to get him to understand to reasoning. That was pure instinct though.         Moon’s head started spinning as she watched the wolves take Naomi to the back of the cave. She stumbled forward trying to get to her spot, but was walking like a drunk. A couple of the others looked back at her. “Moon, are you okay?” she didn’t respond and looked at everyone. She saw two of each of them now. Moon fell over and hit the ground. Several wolves ran to her and all she saw was blurry figures coming towards her as her world went black.                                                                                          *** Cole was cooking a giant steak when he stopped cold and the metal spatula hit the floor with a clunk. Something was wrong. Moonshine passed out, he could feel it. Growling to himself he bolted to his bedroom and slammed the door as he threw himself into his bed. He slammed his eyes shut and sent his energy toward Moonshine.                                                                                              ***         Moon opened her eyes to see bright blue sky and soft grass underneath her. She sat up and looked around to see she was in her dream realm. What happened? She looked around and rubbed her temple. She had a headache and boy did it hurt!         She heard rustling in the bushes and glanced toward the direction it came from. Cole stepped into view and he looked concerned as he came over and dropped to his knees by her side.         “Are you okay?” he asked with such concern it made her boil up inside. Damn this man was sexy. His pores oozed with strength and man, it made her want to turn into a feral beast. She stared at him with hot intensity and wide eyes.         She nodded, “Yah, I’m okay…I passed out on the outside world. Stupid me, I forgot to eat, guess I won’t make that mistake again.” She sighed as she looked down and saw his hand holding her arm. Her gaze traveled from up his legs and his lean muscular hips…and another certain part of his anatomy that obviously wanted some attention of its own. She let her gaze move up farther as she wanted to desperately taste that yummy body of his. His chest was pure muscle and she could see them ripple from under his shirt. She made her way up to his perfect mouth that was begging to be kissed.         He screamed seduction in so many ways it made her hot. But she also feared it. But she wasn’t going to worry about it. He wasn’t real, end of story. He almost looked too good to be a fantasy, too yummy.                                                                                              ***         His body was on fire by the way she was looking at him. She looked like she wanted to devour him alive. Personally, he didn’t have a problem with that idea. Her cheeks were flushed and she looked so defenseless just sitting there next to him. No one around…         He gave a big smirk and moved a ringlet of hair from her face and pushed it behind her ear. She looked so beautiful, her eyes locked on his and he swore he could see the life swirling around in them.         He kept his hand on her cheek and his hand fit perfectly for cupping her face. He growled lowly from how soft her skin was. He wondered if her skin was as soft on the rest of her, he wanted to explore every inch of her body. Images of her and him naked in his bed made him so hard it ached.         Before he knew what he was doing, he moved his other hand to move to the small of her back. She cringed at the touch but eased up a little bit when he pulled her a little closer to him. The hand on her face tilted her head towards his and moved his head down to kiss her. She seemed scared and she flinched as if waiting for him to hit her but he didn’t.         The moment his lips touched hers he felt like he owned her. He wanted to throw her down on the ground and ride her like no tomorrow. He needed to be with her and he was about to lose what little self control that he had left.         She deepened the kiss and he groaned from the taste of her. She tasted so good, she tasted better than he thought she would. He heard her sigh in response to their tongues dancing. He growled against her lips as he lightly lowered her to the ground and began putting his weight on her pinning her to the ground beneath him.         A moment later her eyes snapped open and she pulled away so fast you would think the devil was at her feet. Her breathing was labored and tears rimmed her eyes. Cole looked at her with confused eyes as she crawled backwards to get away from him.         It was then he understood. It wasn’t him that made her terrified…her past spoke clearly now. She was raped. It was written all over her face. His anger boiled up so high he was sure he was going to combust from it. Only a sick pervert would want to take advantage of a young girl.         No wonder why she didn’t trust him and seemed a little closed off. She avoided any kind of interaction involving her personal being. She just simply wanted a friend and here is the only place where she can find one she can trust. And he probably just blew it and made her think she isn’t safe anywhere…his luck.         Composing himself, he acted oblivious to his newfound knowledge. “Umm, are you okay? Did I do something?”         “No…I…I need to go. I’m sorry.” She stood up real quick and ran off before he could respond. He stared blankly after her and wondered what exactly had happened. Some type of s****l act happened, or she wouldn’t have acted like he ran over her puppy on purpose. The only explanation for it was rape. But then again it could be something else. He had to know before it ate his insides out.                                                                                                  ***         Moonshine stopped by a tree trunk to lean against it and catch her breath. She clutched at her chest and felt her heart fluttering out of control. She wasn’t expecting that…at all. If she were in the outside world she wouldn’t have even allowed him to touch her let alone kiss her. She surprised herself that she let him. What terrified her most though, was how she desired him just from one simple kiss.         How could she be so careless? She shouldn’t have a figment of her imagination take control of her like that. She hated being controlled. It only reminded her of what she never wanted to think about ever again.         Images of her and her parents that night filled her head. Their blood scattered across her face, their killers’ faces as they enjoyed slashing them to tiny pieces. She just stood there helpless with horrified eyes. A nine year old doesn’t need to see her parents get killed by ruthless people right in front of her.         Then the searing images of her parents’ killers kidnapping her while nobody heard her screams flowed in to her head. Moon gripped at her hair as the memories threatened to consume her. Even in her dream realm she was being haunted. All of this because of a hot guy giving her a kiss that turned her on. She had to admit that it was amazing. She never knew what it truly felt like to be turned on before.         She must be in heat. Yah that must be it, she probably just has some crazy hormones acting up that haven’t been sated. She hoped that’s what it was and not some weird romance with some figment of her imagination.         The pain of her memories coming back to her was too much to take and she screamed so loud that it could have broken windows from its blood curling screech. Birds scattered and flew away and it echoed through her dream realm. She fell to her knees still clutching her hair and crying trying to make the memories go away.         Cole shot through the forest so fast and dropped to her side to grab her, it couldn’t have been human. Then again it was the dream realm, anything can happen. She shook uncontrollably and wasn’t aware of Cole holding her to his chest. She barely noticed he was even there.         “Make it stop…please…make it all go away.” She was mumbling to no one in particular and by the time she looked up and gazed into those molten gold eyes she snapped herself back into the outside world.         Cole sat there staring at where Moonshine was just seconds ago. He felt so dumb and helpless not being able to take away the pain she was suffering through. He clenched his fists as he growled lowly to himself, “Moonshine…you will be mine.” 
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