Episode26-Triggering his Vampire

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The full moon is directly overhead when Melody sneaks to the Ground of Peace. She is giddy, almost swivelling, both from fatigue and from the lack of blood. She needed to get to the oak tree because her powers were getting drawn by the full moon. Unlike others who have been taking their portions to avoid the full moon affecting them, she has not been taking hers because she wants to be in full control of every event. But the crack on the ice and the oak tree withering making it lose its powers has made it more difficult for her, shattering her already weakened control. She is still learning how to be in control of her body during the full moon and feeling helpless and powerless wasn't the feeling she wanted. She had been watching Mael closely since the break of dawn, his every twist and turn, she had been there. Afraid of letting him slip out of her sight for even one second. That is one of the things that weakened her the most. She was torn between the decision of hibernating or watching him but she chose to watch him. She had watched while Mael and Harry chatter about irrelevant things, wandering without aim. Something black has winged toward the oak tree as she drags towards the sanctuary of the ground of peace, but even her night senses can not make out what it is. She has to watch while trying to make out what it is. Then she feels like someone is behind her but turning, there is no one there. Then she turns back to the oak tree. It is empty now, purged of whatever has been there. On the ground lay a thin strip of a feather. That to ordinary eyes would have been a bird in the dark. But she sees its true colour, and as she runs it between her fingers, bringing it slowly up to touch her lips, she could smell the scent of something different. The danger that had just speared her. It is bad enough that she is out of sight, away from the school and the part that could protect her but now she is in a forbidden place, weak and helpless. The one person that could have backed her up isn't anywhere near there. She needs to get out or get help but without revealing anything. But to do this, it comes with a prize of having to say the truth or looking for an excuse or lie to cover up the reason for being there. In a place where no one is permitted to go. She has to look for a way to bring herself out of this mess. It is late and no one would even hear her scream if whatever that was lurking around her decides to harm her. With the last of her energy, she crawls to the tree and touches it. There is a wave of current rushing through every vein in her body. Once more, she didn't feel totally helpless or alone. She is back to be strong and could defend herself. But touching the tree, gave her something but took a lot away from the tree. It withered rapidly more than it has already. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she sneaks back to the school. Avoiding Hunters and all the messengers, she went back to her dormitory with nobody noticing her absence. ********* "Hi, Mael. Harry. How are you feeling Mael?" "Better! I am ready for the day. It is strange is that I feel brand new. My memory is still missing but the weakness is gone. Like, it never happened." "Oh, that is a good thing. A good rest, proper meal and a day down at the holding can work wonders." Melody jokes. Grabbing both their shoulders, "what do we have today?" "History with Professor Toad first, Vampireology and then sports," Harry answers excitedly. "Someone is getting serious with academics," Mael says, impressed. "Sports? What kind of sport could they possibly know how to do in this school?" Melody inquires. "There is inky one way to find out. And that is to play! Come on, let us get to class." The three walks away to where they would pay anything to be away from right now and that were Professor toads class. As they walk in, as always, he had his strict and unfriendly face. Surprising, he didn't put his disguise act. He was just himself in his robe. "We meet again!" His voice booms with displeasure. "Of course, some of you have been up to no good," looking at Mael with intense eyes, like he knows something, "others, just waiting early for a class with me. Whichever way, we are in this together." Mael scowls as his birthmark burns intensively. "Mr. Hercules, does anything seem to be the problem?" "No, professor." "Good. You know I hate unnecessary attention. Sit up and pay attention!" "Yes, professor." "Okay, back to what we have today. The FIVE KINGDOMS," he reads out before writing it on the board. "Why are we still having this class again?" "Because we didn't finish with it the last time." "Okay." "Mr. Hercules, what did you find out about the kingdom of Antigon?" Melody seeing that Mael isn't at all himself and seems not to understand what the professor had asked began to raise her hands, trying to get him to focus on her. "Put your hand down, young lady." Staring deeply at Mael, "the question is for you Mr. Herculess." "I've no idea, professor." "Interesting. Your focus has been on other things, I can see. Well, since Mr. Hercules doesn't know, I naturally have to let you all know." Walking back to his desk, "as you all know there was and still is, a prophecy." "I don't know," Harry mumbles, causing the whole class to burst into laughter. "I see that we have a comedian. Interesting." Ignoring Harry, "it was foretold that a boy would be born to put an end to the senseless war between the Five Kingdoms that has been going on for a long time, little did they know that the prophecy would only prompt another war. That prophecy by the pure goddess and which, Rimalon led to to the second war." A boy on spectacles raises his hand. "Yes, Mr. Huge." "Why is she called the pure goddess and witch?" "That is an interesting question. Can anyone answer that for us?" Once more, Melody raises her hand. Amongst every other person in the class, it is nothing but pin-drop silence. "It seems that we have just one person. Go ahead." "She is called the pure goddess because Nimshi is also a goddess but got corrupted and now is an utterance of black magic. Although Nimshi fought alongside King Omiri, in fact, she was the first true witch who sacrificed a lot for the Five Kingdoms but when something unexpected happened she was imprisoned and later banished. Since then, Rimalon took over and has been trying to keep the Kingdoms and whatever purity is left of them. Some even say that she was an actual beautiful woman who was once in love but had to choose to protect her people over her lover, there she had to turn herself into a little child and has stayed hidden away from everyone." "Someone did her research. Well down, Melody!" He exclaimed. Melody takes a bow and seats. "To add to that, Rimalon betrayed her lover by not telling him of that decision. As so did the princess betray the Queen by gaming with Nimshi to seek revenge on everything that has to do with Omiri. She was driven by jealousy, greed and taste for power that she had to kill her sister, her husband and nearly killed their child. She even publically executed all those who had previously rebelled against her and imprisoned their offspring. Those who had the opportunity of living had to seek refuge away from the Five Kingdoms. "That is intense," Harry whispers to Mael. Mael is gripping both edges of his desk tightly until his knuckles turn white. His eyes are glowing and his fangs out. His breathing is heavy and unsteady while he slowly roars. "Dude, are you okay?" Harty shakes his shoulders. "I am fine," he grunts. "You are not. What is with your eyes? They look different." "Turning his face away from Harry's view, " maybe it is because of the reflection of the sun. I am fine." Professor Edwards notices the change with Mael, "that would be all for today. Go get ready for sports." "Just when I started enjoying the class, it had to end." One of the students hissed. The students began to troop out, "not you, Mr. Hercules, stay."
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