
The Ring Master's Obsession


Elerian is a smart beautiful curvaceous woman who has had to deal with so much heartache in her life. The only thing that has ever gave her comfort was singing and music, guitar and flute her only friends and her love of dancing.  Elerian had the voice of an angel so strong, so vast on notes but no one had ever heard her sing. Confidence her enemy. Elerian had no family that cared for her the family she did have had abused and tortured her, making her the butt of every Joke, the punch bag for everyone’s frustration. Forced to marry Marco at 17 Elerian couldn’t escape the shackles of her family or marriage, Elerian’s self-worth was non-existent but she kept going every day. When she turned 20 she left with the savings she had from the jobs she had since she was 14 and the money her grandmother left with the divorce papers signed behind and a note that told Marco and her family she had filed the papers and she would never return. Elerian moved to Blackpool somewhere her grandma had taken her time after time, somewhere she felt like she had come home. Elerian met Suzanne and Jessica, shortly after arriving they worked in the Blackpool Circus Suzanne a Trapeze Artist and Jessica an Acrobatics Artist. Jessica and Suzanne put in a good word for Elerian and she was taken on part of the Blackpool Tower staff she helped prepared the circus shows, helped serve and direct customers, set up the attractions and sometimes became part of them. All 3 of the girls became the best of friends and inseparable. Elerian was finally happy 10 years on and on the eve of her 30th birthday her world was turned upside down when she meets the new Ring master finally back from his travels Storm King ... Will Elerian ever be free? Will she ever find peace in the new life she has made for herself?

Storm King once a kind, caring, romantic and selfless man turned into a man who is cold, cruel, arrogant and stubborn. Storm was born into the world of fun, laughter and pure joy of the circus, his father was the ring master, as was the last 5 generations of his family. Finally back from his travels after 10 years it is now Storms turn training his whole life for this moment but as he stands ready to take his place, he’s not sure it's what he wants anymore nor is he willing to let his vulnerabilities be used against him ever again, but when he stands in the centre ring, the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen catches his eye, sitting in the stands to watch the show little does he know she works alongside him at the tower. Storm becomes distracted fumbling and bumbling around the arena nearly causing an accident. Not being able to understand how a stranger can have this effect on him, especially a woman. Woman have been the last thing on his mind since Kay she broke his heart and kept the pieces for herself to torture him and leave him as only a shadow of himself. The woman disappears from his sight and composure is restored he carries on with the show never forgetting the woman who affected him so. Will he ever find her? Will she piece back together his broken heart?

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Episode 1 - In the beginning
Marco had his spies watching me every moment he could, so when I finally had the chance to escape the torturous shackles that was my marriage, I took it, and I made every second count. I had hidden the money my grandmother left me in her will and my savings from my job away, ready for the day I could finally be free. I had been researching everything I needed to for divorce papers. I had hired a solicitor and got everything written up and filed. I signed everything. The day I left, I left the papers with my engagement and wedding rings behind. I walked out and never looked back. This was my fresh start and my time to build a life of my own with no one to tell me what to do or how to do it. I threw my phone away and took my most precious possessions, and I left. What I had with me wasn't a lot, but it was all I needed. I grabbed my bags and boarded a bus heading to Blackpool. I could never describe the feeling I had that I was on my way to my future, for once, I could be happy in the thought that I was making it on my own. I got there early hours of the next morning. Everywhere was alive with music and laughter it was the middle of February, a crisp cold morning in Blackpool as I walked along the sea front, my case and rucksack with me, I was about to cross the road when I noticed a B&B called the Northern star, I remembered my grandma telling me she had friends who owned it and that we were always welcome. I walked into the entrance a bell sounded as I opened the door, the front desk faced the door, a door to the left which led into the bar and a corridor to the right that led to the rooms, a petite lady with short silver hair came from the back room. "Hello sweetheart, how can I help you today?" she said, looking at me like she was trying to place my face but couldn’t. "Hi, my name is Elerian. Do you have any rooms available?” I said “Elerian? Josie's Elerian?” she said I was confused, “Josie was my grandma. She often brought me here when I was a little girl, I wasn’t sure if you would still be here, but I remembered the name of the B&B” I replied “Oh, my dear girl it's so good to see you after all these years, I was Josie’s best friend my name is Louise, come … come in we need to talk"she said as she opend up one part of the desk. I walked through the gap with my suitcase and back pack, Louise my case from me and wheeled it through to the back I followed her to her office, she pushed my case into the corner by the desk I took my rucksack off and placed it on the floor relief washed over my face as I sat down on the sofa that she had, “would you like to drink?” she asked me “water please if that’s ok?” I asked “of course, it is. I'll be right back?” she said as she walked out of the room. I looked around the office and spotted a photo that was on the shelving unit with the files for the business, I got up to get a closer look I picked it up and it was a photo of Louise, my grandma and me stood outside of the Northern star my finger slowly stroked over the face of my grandma as Louise walked back in holding two glasses of water. “That was taken the last time you and your grandma ever came here. You were 13 about to turn 14. She brought you out so that you would have a good memory to go back with. Josie knew what the plans were for you, and no matter how hard she tried, nothing would stop what they wanted. Your dad was all about how he looked and how much money he had he was never about family. Your grandma tried so hard to bring him up the right way, but when he met your mother, he changed his attitude he was a different person. Money and possessions were all he valued and he valued you as just something he could trade for more money and more power; your grandma left you everything she got from your grandpa for that reason she knew if she left everything to your dad, you'd never see any benefit from it he would keep it for himself.” she said, tears filling my eyes, I placed the photo frame down on the shelf and gently took the glass of water from Louise’s hand. “Thank you” I said, wiping the tears from my eyes, “Your welcome sweetheart” she said “So, you know I have to ask, don’t you? What happened after the last time you and Josie were here?” she asked me. I took a deep breath and told her everything, "Marco and I got married, I was 17 everything seemed fine to begin with a year had passed Marco and I had grew to be friends it was a few days after our wedding anniversary and my family came for a visit, my dad asked Marco why I wasnt in my bedroom, why I had been let out to socialise with others. Marco and I were both confused so I was dismissed by my dad and I left while he talked to Marco. Whatever my dad said to Marco, I have no idea but it changed the way Marco seen me after that, thats when the abuse started it started with a slap here and there, then it got worse he threw me across the room, he pushed me against the wall he would have his side kicks do most of the work when he took a mistress. I went to hospital with broken wrists, broken ribs, black eyes, he would keep me hidden away to let me heal so no one would see the damage he caused. Eventually his mistress Cassie seen me as a sport. I accompanied him to events to stop tongues wagging, but Cassie would be there too making sure I knew my place, as time went on everything became normal, so did the pain, I stopped flinching at the sight of a hand being lifted towards me. The day I found out my grandma passed away and she left me everything everything only got worse. My family of course tried to contest it, Marco tried to take it from me, but thanks to grandma they couldn't touch it. After that I decided I wasn't going to just sit waiting for the next hit to come so I joined college and did different courses to extend my knowledge. I also got a job online doing freelance marketing and advertising, websites, leaflets, logos. Marco never found out he was out from early in the morning until late at night or most of the time he stayed at another place nearer his nightclub it was the base command to his family business. I went to college learned everything i could and did as many as two or three courses a t the same time. I have so many degrees and qualifications all for different things, computer technician, florist, nurse, graphic designer, chef, management, first aider. I learnt about health and fitness and worked out in the gym, everyday keeping myself occupied I learned self defense, archery, sword fighting, jujitsu. I wanted to be able to protect myself but I knew I would only do that when the right time." I said "Oh sweetheart, what else happened?" She asked me "6 years ago one of Marco’s men retired and he replaced him with a young man called Reggie. He was assigned to keep and eye on me. Reggie never spoke to me. Then one day I had just gotten home from college, Marco took hold of me the moment I got through the door and threw an envelope with me. 'How long as this been going on?' He shouted at me I lifted the envelop and looked it was my certificate for the latest course I had been doing which was, Nursing. I smiled at seeing it. Out of nowhere Marco hit me smiling in front of him was something I wasn't supposed to do. He knocked me to the floor. Reggie moved to help me, Marco shouted at him and Reggie stopped in his tracks, when Reggie questioned Marco. Marco hit Reggie, told him he was never to question him again. Marco lifted me off my feet and hit me again I fell to the floor but I made eye contact with Reggie and shook my head to tell him just to let it happen. Marco ripped up the envelope and through it at me, it was the first time I had cried since the first time Marco hit me i had no control over my actions and I slapped Marco across the face. I couldn't help it everything I had worked so hard for he ripped it up. Marco walked into the garage and came back with a leather belt. Reggie tried to get to me but the other body guards got to him first and held him back, Marco stood me up, he ripped my dress from me, he turned me around standing naked with only my knickers on and he lashed out at me with the leather belt with every strike the belt cut into me, he stopped when he couldnt lift his arm anymore, i collapsed in a heap on the floor, he told me that now i could clean myself up and he left after that and I never seen him for weeks" I said wiping a stray tear that was falling down my cheek, Louise took hold of my hand and squeezed it I squeezed it back. "When Marco and the others left, Reggie scooped me up in a bundle and carried me to the shower, he turned the shower on and made sure the water wasn't too hot or too cold and he held me in his arms as the blood washed away from my body, I held on to him and I cried like I had never cried before. Reggie dressed my wounds, he wanted me to go to the police but I couldn't do it going to the police would only make it worse. That was when my plan to leave came into action, Reggie helped me when I finally got that chance to leave I took the chance the money I saved up from my jobs and from my grandma I hired a solicitor got the divorce papers put together signed them and I left the rings and the signed divorce papers behind and now I'm here" I said "Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry you have had to endure that, I'm so glad you're here," Louise said We both sat there for hours crying over everything I had gone through, laughing over the good times we remembered from the times I spent with grandma here. “So, what are your plans now?” Louise asked me “I want to make a fresh start here, I am going to find a job and a home and build a life my grandma always wanted for me, in 3 months it will be my 30th birthday and I intend to be free of my old life completely by then” I said “Well, I couldn’t agree more with everything you just said sweetheart so let me and Harry help, stay here with us work in the bar and do house keeping until you find out what you really want to do. At the top of the B&B, we made a flat for our son, he left to travel round the world and is now settled in London living with his husband Seth the flat is just going to waste and I wouldn’t have it any other way please say youll stay and use it” she said “Oh, Louise, thank you so much, but please let me pay rent, I would never have it any other way” I said “No, I won't accept it sweetheart stay as long as you want you and your grandma are family and I won't have it any other way I insist you stay here with me and Harry and we will take you on until you find what you want to do?” she said Louise introduced me to all the staff there was Louise herself, Harry her husband, Lucy and Howie. Howie mesmerised me i was completely puzzled and confused at how my mind and body reacted to him but i wasnt going to pay too much into it. Louise told me where everything was I knew I wasn’t going to get everything right but I had an idea at least for my first day at work tomorrow. Louise also told Howie to give me the tour tomorrow and to make sure he looked after me while working here. "Why don't you go and get settled in, and we can sort all the fine details out later? it's the top floor. I hope you don't mind. You will appreciate it,” she said handing me the key. "Well, I'll love it." I smiled and walked through the door took my case and bag and headed to the lift, I used the lift to go to the 4th floor, and there it was, the door to my new home... well, at least for a little while. I opened the door, and I was welcomed by the smell of lavender and camomile so soothing and relaxing. Everything was brand new, the walls white, grey coloured curtains, a TV on the wall as a feature other the fire place, a grey fabric sofa and huge cuddle chair face towards the TV, it was the whole length of the B&B it was beautiful, the kitchen was modern and functional for what I needed, I walked into the bedroom to be completely blown away I was met with a bright airy room white walls, with grey and blue accent colours throughout the room from the décor. A fitted wardrobe across the back wall, and huge wooden four poster bed. My favourite part of the whole flat was, one beautiful feature I never expected, a balcony that over looked the sea, leading from my bedroom. I opened the doors of the cool crisp night to look out into the night sky, millions of stars and the moon shining so bright as I stood there, taking deep breaths thanking my grandma for the life she had finally been able to give me. I know she wasn’t here with me, but I swore I could feel her with me telling me the best was yet to come... After taking in my environment, I decided I would unpack everything I had brought with me, get in the shower, and have an early night. It was the best feeling in the world knowing I was able to stretch out, relax and go to sleep without the fear of being dragged out of it to be tortured or told off for something I had allegedly done wrong. That night, I slept like I had never slept before. The next morning, I woke up at 630am, got showered, dressed, and made breakfast, I dressed in a black pants white shirt and headed down to start work at 9. As I got to the bottom of the stairs, I heard a ruckus between a male and Louise she seemed very distressed, Male “I don’t understand how my booking isn't in your system. I booked it and paid for it all at the same time. This is ridiculous” Louise “I know sir please accept my apologies I will get to the bottom of this and come up with a solution, if you would like to go into the bar, I will get some beverages sorted for you on the house and will...” Male raised his voice “THATS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!” I couldn’t stand it anymore. The way he spoke to Louise wasn’t good enough he should have more respect. I walked through the door after putting on my covid mask. He looked at me, my god he was handsome, but I wasn’t going to let him get away with speaking to Louise like that, not him nor his friends, that I suddenly realized were with him. “Excuse me, sir, regardless of the misunderstanding or mistake made here today, you have no right to speak so rudely or disrespectfully to this lovely woman. You're supposed to be a gentleman. You have been nothing but a brute. Now I'm going to take Mrs House to her office and I will be back to give you the solution to the problem which I am sure you will find very agreeable” I said as he looked at me like I had just slapped him, I walked past him to open the door to the bar “If you would like to follow me, I will get you and your friends a beverage, and I can resolve the issue we have for you.” he and his friends followed me, the male was stunned and was silent until he was seated at a table in the bar, his friends had laughed at his reaction to the way I spoke to him. "Give me 2 minuets while i sort out Mrs House first" i explained i left the bar amd back into the coridoor I opened the desk and walked throigh taking louise to her to the office. “Stay here Louise don’t worry I'll take care of this ok” I said she nodded "Lucy coukd you take Louise a cup of coffee please?" I asked I walked back to the gentlemen I had saved Louise from a few moments before. “Right gentlemen what can I get you?” I asked Stunned silence was still in the male's face. One of his friends decided they would take the lead, “Could we please have a pot of tea with sugar and milk it's too early for any alcohol but maybe put a brandy in our dear friends here, he seems to be traumatized” he said smiling at me. “Of course,” I walked away and began gathering everything I needed from behind the bar, grabbing a brandy on the way out as I brought the tray out and sat it on the table. Finally able to speak the tall male I had stunned into silence, he decided he was going to say something. “Have you sorted the room situation out for us?” he said “I have a solution to your problem yes, I only got here yesterday and was given the key to the flat at the top of the B&B that is my home, but while you are here you can stay there with the condition, I will be able to come up for changes of clothes and you keep your sticky paws out of my draws” I said looking at him. “deal” he said after a few moments I took my keys out of my pocket and took the spare key from the keyrings, and gave him it, “if you give me 20 minutes while I change the bed and put my things away, then I will come and get you all, and you can freshen up and un pack?” I asked “very well” he said I walked away and walked out of the door, and upstairs, I needed to get everything sorted. I wasn’t going to let Louise down. She needed somewhere for them to stay. I moved all of my things into one side of the fitted wardrobe in the bedroom it was only a couple of shelves and one draw with my underwear in. I changed the bed sheets, and I went back down to the bar. “Gentlemen please follow me. Your room is ready for you." I said they each stood up and followed me through to the corridors, "Gentlemen," I said as I ushered them into the lift it was a squeeze. I was stuck between the wall and the tall male. I really must get his name, just like he was reading my mind. "What's your name?" he asked me, "Elerian, " I replied, looking at him. My mask still over my mouth, my goodness who was this man he was gorgeous and very stern, he knew what he wanted and he got what he wanted. I couldn't help but also feel a growing sense of dislike the way he spoke to me. I wished at that moment I could get away from him. The lift was so small either way we couldn't turn away from each other. "My name is Storm King, this is Greg and Kristen," he said 'DING' the lift sounded the doors opened I stepped out into the corridor thankful I could avert my attention to the door of my home which I was giving up for 3 men I didn't know, I opened the door and held it open while the men brought their bags and things in from the lift. "This is my home. I should hope you would treat it with the same respect as you would your own home, I have moved all my things into one side of the fitted wardrobe in the main bedroom and I have one draw in there please be stay out of there. I will stop by once a day to collect what I need does that suit you all?" I asked they each looked at me and nodded, "Very well, I will let you settle in," I said as I began to turn and walk out of the door, "Hang on if there are no rooms in the B&B where are you staying?" Storm asked me "That is my concern. Enjoy your stay, sir" I said as I walked away and closed the door, heading to the lift. The lift doors opened. I stepped in, took my mask off, and as the doors closed, a hand stopped the door from closing it was storm, "Elerian, wait... I...wanted to say, " he said mesmerised at what I couldn't understand, "You wanted to say what, sir?" I asked he cleared his throat, "I wanted to say please stay with us you can have your room we won't bother you or cause any trouble just I won't have you sleeping... well wherever you can when you're working, you need somewhere to relax after your shift, not worry about where you're sleeping, please?" he said I was taken back by his words and smiled "very well I shall keep to myself you won't see much of me while I'm working anyway but I will accept your proposal, on the condition that no ladies are brought back here if you all want to pull go to their home not mine?" I said he held out his hand for me to shake it, I took hold of it, shook it, then let go I smiled he smiled back, "Enjoy your day, sir. If there is anything you need, just phone the front desk," I said as he stepped back, the doors closed, and I was left in the lift on my own, smiling and giggling to myself, I went to check on Louise before I started and told her what was happening she agreed if I was OK with it, I got on with my day, it felt great to be doing something useful and worthwhile the last 15 years I hadn't been able to work or do anything I wanted to do so being able to earn my own money I felt proud and like I was finally getting the fresh start I needed, the hotel became busier as the day went on karaoke was on at 7, I had made many friends with the regulars and the staff. Howie and I were getting on great. I did notice I was being watched, Storm and his friends joined us down stairs about 1pm they ordered drinks and began their day of celebrating ready for the weekend, I was lucky i didnt have to serve them Lucy fancied Storm so I let her have the pleasure, I wasn't going to serve them all day then spend the night in the room next to them it would have been too much. I at least had to have some time to myself, they were going to be staying for ... actually, how long were they here for one thing I hadn't checked or asked? Please tell me it's not long, only a few days I finished handing out the drinks to Tom the regular I had made friends with and headed to the reception to check, oh no no please not that long, two whole weeks, argh! now I was wishing I hadn't offered, but hopefully, by then, we would have a free room they could move to, think positive I can do this I'll be working almost the time and they won't stay at the hotel the while time there here ... Will they?! "Hey sweetie," Louise said as she came into reception "Everything OK?" she asked "yeah everythings fine, I just wanted to check how long my guests were staying for?!" I said "oh sorry sweetheart but we will change them as soon as we can into one of the other rooms once they're free," she said, trying to make me feel better, "it's OK, I'll survive. I'm working anyway, so we should be good," I said "By the way, you've become a hit already," she said "Have I?" I asked "Tom and Andy, our regulars love you they have a high opinion of you already. Keep up the great work, sweetheart." Louise said smiling at me she picked up what she needed and walked back out of reception, I headed back to the bar, Lucy caught me, "Elerian, could you serve Mr. King and his guests for me? I really need the toilet," she asked Storm was looking at me from across the room, "yeah sure what did they want?" I asked "3 pints and 3 shots of JD," she said before hurrying off I pulled 3 pints, poured 3 shots of JD, I came out from behind the bar, and walked over as I did. A little girl had fallen over in front of me, I caught her before she fell, but I had spilt 2 of the 3 pints down me, plus 3 shots. Luckily, the little girl was OK, I placed the tray on the floor the little girl was crying and couldn't stop saying sorry, I knelt on the floor looked at her and said "Are you OK?" she nodded, and I said,"and I'm ok, so no harm done. I just got wet, that's all, " I said she nodded her head, "Now, how about I get Lucy to get you a chocolate brownie from the back?" I suggested, she smiled and nodded her head excitedly "Lucy, could you get this delicious little girl a chocolate brownie?" I said as I walked back to the bar with the tray and glasses, and when you get a chance, freshen up these drinks for me while I go get changed," I said "Yeah, I would too Elerian your top is showing off more than what you bargained for," she whispered to me, I closed my eyes, "Oh no, not my underwear?" I whispered back she nodded, and I was about to wrap my hands in front of me when I felt a jacket wrap around my shoulders. It was a storm. I looked up at him he was looking straight ahead "Take my jacket and go get yourself sorted," he said quietly, "Thank you, Mr King," I said as I took hold of the jacket and headed out of the bar and upstairs to get changed...

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