Alpha Gabriel

1346 Words
The Toronto lumber conference buzzed with activity, drawing attendees from all over the world. Alpha Gabriel and Beta Matthew of the Moondance pack stood out. The Moondance pack had deep roots in the lumber industry in North Eastern Ontario. Known for their expertise in timber and forestry, the pack had built a reputable business empire that spanned generations. Gabriel, as Alpha and CEO, carried the weight of this legacy on his shoulders. The pack relied on their timber business to sustain and support their tight-knit community. In the Moondance pack, trust and loyalty were paramount. Each member played a vital role in the pack’s success, and Gabriel listened to all his pack members. The pack members respected Gabriel’s leadership, admiring his dedication and commitment to their well-being. The men landed a few hours earlier at Porter Airport and went to the conference center. Gabriel, a tall and muscular figure with topaz eyes and dark hair, couldn’t shake his preoccupation with his pack. Despite the lively atmosphere surrounding them, a sense of unease consumed his thoughts. Noticing Gabriel’s furrowed expression, Matthew spoke up, breaking the silence. “Something bothering you, Alpha?” With a sigh, Gabriel confessed, “I can’t shake this feeling of unease. Being away from the pack for too long makes me anxious. I have a nagging feeling that something might be amiss.” Matthew understood the weight of responsibility that came with being an Alpha. He empathetically stated, “Leaving the pack behind, even temporarily, can be tough. But you have to trust Thomas and the others to handle things. And this is just a brief trip. We’ll return soon, and everything will be as you left it. Trust me.” Matthew had been a close friend of Gabriel’s for years. Their connection was more meaningful than just their pack and lumber industry roles. Matthew’s father had served as the former Beta, passing down his knowledge and wisdom to Matthew, strengthening the ties that bound them. A small smile formed on Gabriel’s face. “Thanks, Matthew. I appreciate it.” Gabriel resolved to make the most of his time there, gaining new ideas and knowledge to benefit their lumber business. A booth showcasing new technology for tracking wildlife activity caught Gabriel’s attention. Intrigued, he began questioning the vendor about its accuracy and effectiveness. Gabriel soon realized the potential benefits this technology could offer the Moondance pack and invested in it. Matthew felt compelled to express his admiration. “You know, my friend, as the Alpha of the Moondance pack and CEO of a major lumber company, you have a lot on your plate. Yet, you do an incredible job. You’re a natural leader who finds time for the business and the pack.” Matthew patted Gabriel on the back. “My friend, you must learn to loosen up and relax. Maybe take advantage of this trip to enjoy the fairer s*x?” Gabriel scoffed. “You know my thoughts on the matter. I’m waiting for my mate.” “I know, I know,” Matthew said, waving his hands, signalling surrender. “I get you don’t want to start anything in the pack, but why not enjoy some R&R while we’re away from the pack?” Matthew questioned. Gabriel ignored Matthew. It was easy for him. He found his mate early on. Matthew couldn’t help but admire Gabriel’s devotion to their pack as they walked away from the booth. “You genuinely care about our pack, don’t you?” Gabriel’s fierce determination shone through as he nodded. “I would do anything to protect them. They are my family, my responsibility, and I won’t let anything harm them.” Proud of his Alpha, Matthew smiled. “I know you won’t, Gabriel. Our pack is fortunate to have you as their leader.” Grateful for Matthew’s support, Gabriel returned the smile. “And I am lucky to have you by my side, Matthew. Let’s continue making the rounds and see if other new technologies could benefit us. Rumours have it that the Blood Moon pack is struggling with rogues. We might as well see if anything can help us increase our pack border security.” Gabriel saw potential partners approaching him at the convention center. His reputation as a fair negotiator attracted many, but he swiftly assessed each deal and decided on the spot, using his business acumen and instincts. Gabriel’s ability to balance the pack's needs and the business world's demands was commendable. Amidst the bustling atmosphere, Gabriel couldn’t help but notice a woman who approached him with apparent interest. He caught the scent of her attraction, resulting from his werewolf pheromones that seemed to draw human women. With a coy smile, the woman leaned closer to him and asked, “Hi, I’m Sara. What brings you to the conference, handsome?” “Hi Sara, I’m Gabriel of the Wolf Lumber company,” Gabriel replied. “Matthew, my business associate, and I are here to network and learn about other lumber businesses and technologies.” Sarah’s eyes sparkled, her interest clear. “Well, I have a few ideas that I think could be beneficial for your lumber business. Would you like to grab a drink later and discuss this further?” Gabriel politely declined, saying, “I’m sorry, maybe some other time.” He couldn’t stand it when women threw themselves at him. Sure, werewolves were attractive to women, but he had one goal: finding his true destined mate. Matthew couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at Gabriel’s discomfort, aware of his Alpha’s aversion to such attention. Sarah smiled at Matthew before turning her gaze back to Gabriel. “Gabriel, I’ll leave you to it, then.” Sarah confidently walked away. Gabriel admired her physique and demeanour. He was not blind. But, like so many similar encounters, this encounter left him yearning for his destined mate. Acknowledging Gabriel’s unease, Matthew teased, “Looks like someone’s a hit with the ladies.” Rolling his eyes, Gabriel couldn’t help but smile. “It’s not my fault that human women can’t resist our charms.” Matthew laughed and added, “Well, luckily, I’m taken! So, I avoid all this harassment.” Gabriel nodded, thinking of Matthew’s mate back at the pack and understanding their bond. “Indeed, you’re fortunate to have found your mate.” Gabriel felt a sense of accomplishment as the day drew to a close. The deals he had made and the connections he established promised a bright future for their lumber business. Leaving the exhibition center, Gabriel returned to his hotel room, filled with pride for his achievements. Gabriel and Matthew settled into the hotel restaurant for a late dinner. Matthew reflected on the conversations, connections, and decisions made at the conference. “Gabriel, my friend, you’ve done exceptionally well at the conference. Your leadership and business acumen continue to impress me. The Moondance pack and our lumber business are in excellent hands with you.” Gabriel appreciated Matthew’s words of encouragement. “Thank you, Matthew. Your unwavering support means a lot to me. Together, we will guide our pack to new heights.” The two men discussed the conference and how to use new technology to improve security and efficiency. Gabriel’s mind was no longer clouded by unease but fueled by excitement for the future. “Matthew, I believe this technology will benefit our pack. It will help us track rogue activity, securing our members and lumber operations,” Gabriel remarked. Matthew nodded in agreement. “With this advanced system in place, we’ll be able to address any potential threats swiftly and protect our pack’s interests. It’s a wise investment.” As they delved deeper into their plans, the conversation flowed effortlessly between them. They brainstormed ideas, discussed strategies, and shared their visions for the pack’s growth. As the night wore on, Gabriel and Matthew completed their plans for integrating the new technology into their pack’s operations. They changed the conversation to lighter topics and shared stories, which meant avoiding the topics of flings or destined mates.
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