
The Unknown Wolf

enimies to lovers

Talia has grown up always believing she is a human never knowing anything about the supernatural world, thinking it was something that was only in books and movies. Pretty much a lonely child struggled to fit in with the other children, her only friends being her cousin Jayden and his two friends who only visited on the holidays.All of a sudden Jayden stops getting in touch and falls out of her life then her mother passes leaving her alone. She quits school to get away from the negative people in her life who have never cared about her and starts working. There she finally meets two friends and her life starts to improve.All of a sudden she starts to hear a voice in her head talking to her, it even gives itself a name, thinking she is going crazy she keeps it to herself and puts it down to stress hoping that some time off work will stop the voice.Out of the blue almost two years after he disappeared Jayden comes back into her life on the night she protects her girlfriend from four rogues telling her he is actually her brother and her real parents are alive and want to meet her.There is also the fact they are werewolves, so is she and she will turn soon. She thinks they are as crazy as she is and living in some sort of cult until he turns in front of her making her accept the truth.As if that wasn’t bad enough she is part of a prophecy thats why they had to give her up and now she has to lie to everyone she meets.Then there are the twin alpha’s that appear, which is the last thing she wants as they are her mates and she doesn’t believe in love after seeing how humans treat each other. Tristan is happy with that at first until she starts to get under his skin and his thoughts on mates starts to change. Tyler on the other hand has been waiting on this day and wants Talia more than anything.Throw in an arrogant, obsessed alpha who decides that Talia is the one for him and Tyler’s jealous friend with benefits, will they finally be together.

We pull up to the pack house and I can feel Blade acting strange what’s up with this stupid mutt now. As I walk in the door all I smell raspberries and hibiscus it smells amazing before I feel myself being pushed back and Blade taking over. He stalks forward towards a girl I have never seen before who is standing beside the Alpha’s family next thing I know he’s pinned this gorgeous girl against the wall stuck my face in her neck and growled mine. I hear loud growls all around me then next thing I know I’m on my a.ss and my face is bleeding. She hit me, I can’t believe she actually hit me who the he.ll does she think she is. ‘How fu.cking dare you I am no one’s don’t ever and I mean ever touch me again without my permission or you won’t get off so easily next time’ she roars at me. I am still a bit stunned from the hit and the audacity of this girl when I hear Scott

‘Forgive my Alpha, I’m Gamma Scott at your service Luna’

‘I’m not your Luna’ she says shocked

‘I think Blade would disagree on that Luna’

‘Enough with the Luna, I have no intention of being anyone’s Luna, my name is Talia’ she says as she shakes his hand.

I have finally got myself together so I stand up ‘I couldn’t agree with you more, why would I want you as my Luna, who even are you some nobody. How dare you hit me’ I growl, hearing more growls around me. As she just laughs like it’s the most amusing thing she has ever heard, most she wolves try anything to entice me and this one has no interest who the he.ll does she think she is.

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My Family and I
Chapter 1 My life so far has always been pretty good growing up, we have a nice house I’m really close with my mum Evelyn who is the most fun and loving person ever. My dad Thomas is pretty strict and not around all too often he’s always busy at work so he can get annoyed easily when he is at home. We are not as close we get on ok but there always seems to be something he is not happy about to do with me or my mum I swear even the perfect person could disappoint that man. My name is Talia, I am pretty average myself tall thin long dark brown hair and green eyes, I don’t have many friends at school I’m a bit of a tom boy so the other girls find me too rough around the edges for them and the boys don’t want to be hanging around with a girl who acts and looks more like a boy. My cousin Jayden visits every holiday and stays with us he is 2 years older than me, we are very close, I have been told he is one of my mum’s relatives children but apart from Jayden I have never met any of my other relatives. Jayden has green eyes and dark brown hair like me, it’s apparently a family thing I take after my gran he said, it’s strange my mum and dad don’t have the same colourings as me but mum said she looks more like her dad whereas I’m more like her mum in looks. I have never seen any pictures of them when I asked I got told all of them where lost in a fire before I was born. Whenever Jayden is here he’s always hanging around with his two other friends James and Dean. They can be pretty annoying at times as they always treat me as a little kid compared to them. Jayden got me interested in martial arts when I was around 7 he said he wanted me to be able to look after myself when he wasn’t here. I started with kick boxing, now at 15 I’m proficient in it along with taekwondo, Akido, Kendo and I am currently learning Krav Maga. I love my martial arts I am so grateful to Jayden for getting me into them it saves me from a lot of sh.it at school, as everyone including the boys are too afraid to give me too much trouble after I beat up a group of five girls that had been bullying me and tried to get physical. Then I broke an older boys nose when he tried to cause me trouble for beating up his girlfriend who was one of the girls that attacked me with her friends. There is only so much sh.it a person can take I have never intended to use my skills and strength on another person, but when they keep coming after you at some point you have to say fu.ck it and stick up for yourself. Especially if they are planning on causing you real harm, the school couldn’t do much about it, it was caught on video that they started it and i was just defending myself and the a.sshole was too embarrassed to report his injury. Needless to say people are wary of me now but they still whisper behind my back. I do my training five days a week and I also help out the instructors with the children’s classes, it’s really great to see them improving their skills and confidence, and the younger children love being around me, they don’t judge me like the kids at school. I have no interest in dating anyone which is probably just as well as no-one has any interest in me, they all think I’m the strange, friendless, weirdo, recluse. That’s not even going into what they think about my looks not a curve in sight, either puberty doesn’t want to hit me or I will forever look like a preteen boy, it probably doesn’t help that i wear mostly sports, baggy and boy style clothes, not even the freaks or lesbians are interested. But hey who gives a sh.it they are all as.shol.es anyway the day I want to date someone from this school is the day I think I will get myself sectioned in the local asylum for the mentally disturbed. I can’t wait to get out of this he.ll hole the only thing good about this place is my mum and my martial arts, one day I will escape from here, for now I just need to keep my head down and get on with it.

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