He Who is Fair

262 Words
Beneath the cold and damp earth, There lives a wise and cunning King. He who is immortal and fair at birth, Whose life the thorny vines hath bring. / All through the ruthless winter, His Court falls into sleep, All through the raging summer, His Court made all men weep. / The Fair King brings endless wars, With the subtle wave of his silver hand. His Court battles under the burning stars, Blood flows thick across all men's land. / When he moves, nobody sees, His sword that gleamed like glass. With it he slashed his enemies, Their bodies lifeless among the grass. / It is unwise for one to think, the Fair King's help is of great need. Heed the warning and do not drink, the cup of poison that is the King's deed. / All may seem so bright and fair, Promises and words conceived, The King shall slay those who dare, Break the vow his Majesty received. / The King asks and in return gives, A kiss and a gift wrapped in string, Ribboned and adorned in leaves, With the promise of poison from a sting. / Do not mistake that the King who is Fair, Shall concede to thy whisper and cry. All who's living should listen and beware, The King desires all men to wither and die. --- He Who is Fair, from the novel Becoming Chaos By Matthew Spades Copyright license under Stary PTE This is an original work of literature. Reproduction by any form or means in part or in full without written consent from the author is illegal. All Rights Reserved.
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