Chapter 3

1320 Words
Seattle- Three years later. “Excuse me, sorry, passing through, coming through…” Eugenia said as she brushed past the crowd of pedestrians in the busy street with her hand clenched on her bag that was crossed over her shoulders. Her long brown hair flapped behind her back as the soft breeze bush passed her face and her pink plump lips moved with smiles on them, her eyes twinkled and her face radiated in the bright day as she hurried over to the bus that had just arrived. Eugenia got it before the bus left and paid as she spotted a seat at the back and was about to take it excitedly, but it was immediately taken by a young man who was faster than she was and she looked at him with furrowed brows. “That seat is mine!” Eugenia shouted as her lips curled up and the people on the bus turned around to look at her, but the man who had sat on the seat adjusted his suit and placed his briefcase carefully on his side before he glanced at the seat as if searching for something, but looked up at Eugenia when he didn’t see what he was searching. “I can’t find a name on the seat.” He said arrogantly, making Eugenia scoff at his words in disbelief. She thought he had lost something only to find out that he only put on that act to be sarcastic to her. “I didn’t mean my name is written on it, I meant I was about to sit on it fir---” “But you did not.” He interrupted her as he jutted his chin up, only pissing Eugenia off the more. “Just suck it up and hold onto that.” He pointed at the handgrip and Eugenia followed his fingers as she looked at it and she clenched her jaw. “Why don’t you be a gentleman and hold onto it yourself while I take the seat!” She raised her voice again but her words made a sarcastic smile spread through the young man’s face. “I didn’t get on this bus to be a gentleman to a rude lady.” He told her and Eugenia’s lips parted as she blinked profusely and touched her chest. “Who? Me?” She raised the corner of her brows when he nodded in response. “You are the rude one here so why am I the one called rude, huh?” She raised her voice again and glanced around to the people who were still staring at them. “You all saw it right, you all witnessed what is going on here, right?” She asked as she looked at their faces. “Between me and him who do you all think is the rude one, huh?” She was asking this question but no one responded to her and she turned to look at the man only to find out that he has put a headphone on his ear to block her voice and she closed her eyes momentarily and pushed her hair back clenching her fist but didn’t throw a punch. Eugenia bit down her lower lips and glared at the man again as she squinted in anger. “You, you are arrogant, rude and mean, but---” The man looked away from her and gazed out of the window and Eugenia swallowed her words. “I forgot, there is a lot of your type around the world.” She humph and clenched on the handgrip as she swallowed hard mumbling curse under her breathe. ‘Let’s clear our head Eugenia, let’s clear our head and not ruin our mood’ she thought to herself. ‘Today is a happy day, so don’t let a nobody ruin your day for you.’ She told herself and tried to smile, but she knew part of the joy has been stollen by this man, she glared once more at him and turned her eyes away from him and the young man turned his eyes from the window and glanced over at Eugenia. He crossed his arms and accessed her outfit, she was wearing a white shirt and a black pencil skirt and her hair was let down perfectly behind her back and he could see a little sweat tickling down her forehead and he could tell that she had run and also, he noticed her breathing sharply as if she was trying to catch her breath, his eyes lowered down to her legs and he noticed the flats she was wearing and the bag hung around her shoulder. ‘Should I have just let her have the seat?’ He thought to himself, but quickly shook his head, brushing the thoughts off his chest. ‘No, she has no manners and I wouldn’t be in the situation of riding a bus if my car hadn’t broken down.’ He exhaled softly and his eyes met with Eugenia’s eyes since she has turned to glare at him and he immediately turned his eyes away from her and glanced out of the window again. The bus came to a stop at the terminal and they all got out as a man in a black suit rushed out of his car and rushed over to the young man. “Sir,” He called out and the young man turned around and looked at him with a frown. “I am sorry, sir,” He told the young man quickly as he took his briefcase. “I am here to escort you, and everything is set, everyone is waiting.” He said with respect. “The car is over there.” He pointed at the car. “Let’s go.” He told him and they both walked over to the car and the door was opened for him and he glanced over his shoulder to see Eugenia, who was glaring at him. He scoffed and got into his car as the car drove off. “I see he is wealthy,” Eugenia muttered to herself and scoffed. “If he was wealthy then why didn’t he just take a car rather than get onto this bus and piss me off, how arrogant!” She cursed and ran her hand through her hair only for her eyes to catch the time on her wristwatch. “s**t!” She shouted. “I am late!” Eugenia shouted as she ran off in a hurry. Eugenia rushed over to a huge company building with the company name written boldly on it. “TAK ENTERPRISES INC.” She read it out with a smile and nodded to herself. “Let’s do better in this interview Eugenia.” She smiled to herself and walked into the building as she rushed over to the place where the others who also came for the interview sat and she sat down and tried to calm herself by drawing a sharp breath. A lady in heels and a classy outfit walked out of the interview hall as she looked at the interviewers as she called out, “Eugenia Clarkson, you are next.” “Yes.” Eugenia got to her feet and followed the lady as they walked towards the interviewing hall. Eugenia mumbled a little prayer and smiled to herself. After some words of encouragement, she walked into the hall and took a seat, putting down her bag as she exhaled softly. “My name is Eugenia Clark---” Her words were caught up as she lifted her eyes only to see the man who she had shouted at and cursed on the bus seated in the middle of the other two interviewers and he raised his eyes up from the file in his front and recognized her and an evil smile curled up on his lips as their eyes met and the space around Eugenia went blank.
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