

friends to lovers
YA Fiction Writing Contest
special ability

Seventeen-year-old Baby Colin is about to graduate high school and is invited to the last party of the year. Without knowing, Baby arrives to find that it's not a party at all but a cult gathering where she is sacrificed to the dark lord.

The next morning she wakes up in the house surrounded by the bodies of those who killed her. There's a voice inside her head that doesn't seem to go away. Soon, Baby finds that the demon that has taken possession of her body has never done this before.

Soon, the two them figure out that they might be able to undo the possession by figuring out who the demon was during its life. The only problem is that Baby's time is limited. They need to figure out who the demon is before the demon gets strong enough to take complete control of her body and soul.

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Excision ft. Messinian- Neck Brace     I'm usually paying attention to everything around me. Mostly because there is usually some i***t ready to cause me some kind of discomfort. Today, however, I couldn't be more excited to get to my car. I don't want to stop for anyone and that includes my dear best friend. A-part of me wants him to stop me so he can ask what I'm excited about but the bigger part is urging me to get home. I looked around the hall to make sure he was nowhere in sight in hopes that he'd see me or to try and avoid him seeing me. But he's nowhere in sight which means, I am not going to wait at all.      I turned around smacking right into someone's back. I stumbled back dropping my bookbag and the binder under my arm. My perfect notes slid out from inside the folder just as the person I had bumped into turned around to step on them. Now I'm going to have to rewrite them.      "You okay?" I looked up to see one of Colton's baseball buddies. Only guys on campus that are kind of nice to me because my best friend wills it so. I tried really hard not to roll my eyes at him. "I'm sorry,"      "It's okay," I said shooing his foot away. He stepped back before crouching down to help me gather the sheets. "No. No," I shook my head, stopping him from grabbing any of them. "They're in order. Please, don't mess them up,"      "I'm sorry," he chuckled standing up. I gathered my pages calmly and put them back in the binder. A few passersby were laughing.      "Colin is such a dork," one said. I rolled my eyes while I put my binder in my bag and stood up straight to face the guy who just stepped on my notes.     "Have you seen Colt? No one has seen him since lunch when he walked you to class," the guy asked still standing there.      "He didn't actually walk me all the way. Kallie Jenson caught his attention," I smiled trying to be polite. Colton always encourages me to be polite. He squinted his eyes and let out a little huff.      "Does that upset you?" he asked. I fixed my bag over my shoulder before I looked up at him.      "That he didn't walk me all the way to class?"      "Aren't you two a thing?"  I shook my head. "Of course not. Colton might as well be my brother,"      "So, you're not his girlfriend?" he smirked.     "God no. That would be so weird,"      "Why?" he chuckled.      "Some things are best left unsaid," I shrugged. He laughed this time the smile reached his eyes, his lips stretched over his perfect white teeth, and his eyes crinkled in an adorable way.      "You're funny, Colin. I'll see you later," he said walking away. He knows my name well, my last name and I have no idea what either of his names are.      That was one of my many awkward encounters. Not the worst but definitely embarrassing. I am the world's weirdest person when it comes to socializing. The only reason Colton even talks to me is because we've known each other since we were born. Our dads are brothers and not in the blood-related kind of way. They served in the Marines together. After two tours, they both settled here and we're now neighbors.      Colton's mom bailed when we were three. We don't remember her very well anymore. She's not part of our thoughts too often. My mom died before we started ninth grade in a car accident. We were both devastated. So much we stayed over at each other's places for almost a year. Our losses kept us together and I say losses because I suffered with my best friend as much as he suffered with me. My mom is still very present in our thoughts.      His car is gone which means he's not here. Which is really weird considering he has baseball practice. He never misses that. Baseball is his life but hey. Girls have a way of persuading guys to do stupid things. The three men in my life are living breathing proof of that. The three of them have a weakness for blondes and redheads.      Excision blared from my speakers as I backed out and got the hell out of the parking lot. Everyone always turns to look at me as the drop of my convertible beetle falls back. The deep loud booming voice called out before the bass started to thump wildly.      My taste in music comes from my mom. She had been a headbanger. Raves and games were her life. So much so she made a carrier out of composing music for video games and high-end fantasy shows. That is the number one reason why people at school know Colton and me. I DJ part-time on weekends and in every school production ever along with the school dances.      The music gives me power confidence. When I'm up there, no one can touch me. But once I get down I can barely say a few sentences without tripping over my words or worse my actual feet. I am a complete and utter mess. Colton says I have two sides. Colin and Night Riot. Night Riot is the persona I take on stage. Everyone loves her. Me not so much. I think it's the neon lights on my cat ears and goggles.     Colton's car isn't where he usually parks, now I'm a little worried. His dad is there. I pulled my phone out as soon as I pulled my car into the driveway. I texted him to ask where he went and rushed out as fast as possible. I ran towards the mailbox and practically ripped the little door off the box.      There are a few envelopes. I started to toss them aside until I held the one that will determine the rest of my life. I smiled at it praying to everything that is good in life that it's exactly what I want it to be.      "Open it," I jumped at the sound of my dad's voice. I looked back to see him leaning against his car behind me with his arms crossed and smile on his face.      "I'm scared," I said feeling the warmth of my tears fill my eyes. He smiled.      "There is only one way to find out and no I will not open it for you," I sighed looking down at the letter.      "You're no fun," I said turning it over.      "That's not what your mom said," I looked up at him shaking my head.      "Really? What are you thirteen, dad?" he laughed coming over to me.      "Open it, Baby," he encouraged. I began to peel back the flap carefully and slowly. Not because I was afraid I was going to ruin it, but because I am really scared.      "Colin," we both looked over at our neighbor's yard to see Colton had pulled up. "You weren't going to wait for me?"      "Hell no," I said finally finding the courage to pull back the flap.      I read through the letter letting the words pour into me and laughed. I looked up at Colton. He knew to open his arms for me. I ran over to him and jumped into them. He swung me around and then set m down as we both did a victory dance.      "I got in," I screamed.      "Long Beach here we come," Colton shouted.      "What?" I asked looking back at him. He pulled a folded piece of paper from his back pocket showing it to me. I screamed again. "We're going to Long Beach State,"      "Damn," our dads said in unison making us both laugh.      "I am so proud of both of you," James, Colton's dad said coming over to us. I jumped into his arms. Colton sandwiched me between the two of them before James pulled us over to pull my dad in.      "I guess we're moving to Long Beach," I said stepping back before walking inside.      That's my dad ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Cool. James smiled at me and motioned me to go after him. My dad has never been the kind of guy who admits his feeling or shows them. At least, not since my mom died. James, I hate to say it, is kind of a surrogate mother. Sometimes, I find him doing things around our house when he's over. I scold him but he's kind of a scary guy. Not as scary as my dad but close enough.      "Go, I'll be in my room if you need me later," Colton said pushing me towards my house. I nodded going up the walkway towards the house.      "I'll get these," James called but I didn't turn around to see what he was talking about.      My dad stood in the kitchen with his hands on the edges of the sink's counter, his head hung like it was difficult to hold himself up. I put my things down on the couch and walked into the kitchen to sit on one of the stools at the bar that looks into the kitchen.      "Dad?"      "I'm sorry," he sighed before turning to look at me.      "Do you not want me to go?"      "It's not that. Of course, I want you to go, Baby. I am really proud of you. Never, not once did I doubt you,"      "Then why are you so sad?"      "The music program, it was your mom's dream school. She was devastated when she didn't get in. She cried for three days. She would be so happy and proud of you right now,"      My dad hardly ever talks about mom. In fact, right after the funeral we got rid of all her things. I made a big scrapbook out of all the pictures he was going to throw out. They hurt him way too much. He has her name tattooed across his back and I think that is the only thing he has to remember her by that and the picture of the three of us in his wallet. It's also the reason why he can't keep a steady girlfriend. I doubt he wants to. He was completely and hopelessly in love with her.      I went around and wrapped my arms around him. He never hugs me at first and I hardly ever hug him. Emotional things like this really aren't our forte. My dad and I rarely talk about our emotions. We joke and sometimes he disciplines me when I am out of line but that's the extent of our relationship. James is our guardian. He knows us both like the back of his hand.      That's why what happened next left us all ripped open and bleeding. James didn't deserve what he got. He had been an amazing man. A great father and the greatest best man that had ever lived. When Colton and I got home the next day, our worlds shattered. It was the first time I saw my dad cry. It was the first time my best friend completely fell apart. Little did we know that it was only the beginning. 

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