
Return Of The Rejected Luna

second chance

She was rejected by her Alpha mate who chose her best friend over her in the presence of the crowd. She vanished from the pack due to depression and was taken in by the Alpha King of another pack.A secret unfolded. She was pregnant with her mate.Five years later, she returned to her pack with her twin pups, sending shivers down the spine of everyone who thought she was dead.She returned with her children, not just for them to know their father—but to take back her position as the Alpha's Luna. What will happen between her, her mate and her best friend who took over her position? Will she unfold the secret between them or stay mute in order not to be killed?

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Chapter 1
EOWYN’S POV “Let go of my Alpha! Kindly take your kids back to your pack or….” “Or what?” I cut up her sentences. She has been an enemy since Alpha Remus brought me into his pack, she keeps pestering around me, always reminding me that I was rejected by my mate on my coronation day. “Are you the Alpha of this pack? Or are you entitled to taking care of me and my kids? Why always acting like a wench?” i scolded her, she was doing much. I know that I've spent a whole five years in the Red Owls Pack, but she isn't entitled to the responsibilities. Alpha Remus has been the one taking care of me and my kids—and he hasnt for once complained that I'm a burden to him. He's always there to cheer me up when it seems like my past was dawning on me, and you would never believe that he isn't the father to my twin sons. “Alpha Remus is my mate, and I'm entitled to be his Luna…you're stealing my position and taking my place in his heart.” she sniffed and pulled her full red lips into a smile. “You're the reason he hasn't crowned me, neither is he talking about it again—just go back to your pack and meet your Alpha, you forsaken wretched female.” Amelia jabbered, ending it with a curse. I give all my respect to Alpha Remus, or I wouldn't mind beating this b***h to pulp. No matter what it seems to be, she has no right to lay abusive words on me, not when I know so well that she's Alpha Remus’ mate, and then I have nothing to do with him. “It's been five years already and I'm so tired of repeating the same sentence over and over again. Just seven days, Eowyn—I'm only giving you seven days to leave this pack to wherever you wish to go, or I'll make you hate yourself.” she threatened me, making me smile even when there was nothing funny about the threat. “Who knows if Alpha Blaize is even the father of the kids? b***h!” she slammed angrily and walked away. This was a very interesting scene. If the child does not belong to my mate, then who else? Alpha Remus? Amelia must be out of her senses, she shouldn't push me to reveal her secret to Alpha Remus—besides it's of no use to me when I already made up my mind to leave. Five years is already much, and my kids need to know their father as well. “Mother! My father is an Alpha?” Draco tapped my arm. What sort of question was that? I exhaled a deep breath and stood on my feet, heading towards the wooden wardrobe so I could pack up our belongings. “She keeps telling you to leave, that you should meet your Alpha—that means Alpha Remus isn't our father…” Dante added, I glanced at them but their facial expression made me swallow deeper. All these while, they've been monitoring Amelia's movements and words, yet pretend they know nothing. I had thought they were well convinced that Alpha Remus was their father, making me think of how to spill the truth to them. Now they've found out themselves, making my decision a bit easier to work on. “Lets go to our pack, i need to see my father…then i'll always visit Alpha Remus too.” Dante uttered, rubbing his palm against each other. I was dumb, just busy packing up the necessary belongings we needed, but at a time, a thought popped into my head. “What if Meredith already has a child for Alpha Blaize? Will I still be welcomed with my kids or will I be denied and kicked out the second time?” I dropped the little bag on the floor. “I am Luna and Alpha’s mate, not Meredith—and I must take back my position no matter what. I just hope he'll welcome me and the kids…'' I grabbed the kids' footwears and walked towards them. ~ With my kids walking side by side with me, I walked into the palace of the Owl Blood Pack. My eyes darted around as I tried to recollect the surroundings, a lot of things had changed within the five years of my absence—but there was still one particular place that never changed, the place where I was rejected by my Alpha mate and betrayed by my closest friend. That day was like the end of the world to me, I felt like hell for being looked down on and rejected on the day I was to be crowned. Alpha choosed my best friend over me, rejected me and spat on me in the presence of the pack members who came around for the coronation. Unable to withstand the pain, I ran out of the ceremonial ground into the woods. I got shot by an arrow and ended up in the Red Owls Pack after so many days of being unconscious in the woods—but it was heartbreaking to me when the royal physician assigned to treat me announced that I was five weeks pregnant. At first, I couldn't believe it, but after three months had elapsed under the same roof with Alpha Remus who promised to care for me, I found out that there was nothing false about the news—I was indeed pregnant for my Alpha mate who rejected me. The kids held my palm tightly as we walked into the assembly chamber of the Alpha king. The whole palace was quiet, so I knew a meeting was ongoing…and it would be better to walk in so the whole cabinet including the ones I trusted will attest that it was me. “I'm sorry Ma'am, but no one is allowed into the assembly chamber until the meeting is over..” the guard standing before me bowed. He must have recognized me by showing such respect, that means I didn't change a bit even after childbirth. “I must go in!'' I sighed deeply. “My father is an Alpha, let us in…” Draco screamed, though his voice was still tender, but it still drew the attention of the people inside the chamber. Before I knew what was going on, Draco and Dante sneaked into the chamber, causing confusion between the guards. With that opportunity, I walked in as well. All eyes were on me as murmurs already took over, but I walked firm until I reached the presence of Alpha. The kids were also there staring at him. My eyes fell on Meredith who must have lost all her blood due to my presence, her looks were too heavy but would do nothing. “Your Majesty…'' I bowed to him. The kids glanced at me and bowed as well. “Incase you've forgotten, my name is Eowyn, your mate and the supposed Luna of this pack—and standing at my side are your kids, Draco and Dante…” Meredith almost fell off her seat, she was shaking but was trying so hard to hide it. That was impossible because she was sweating profusely, licking her lips multiple times. She tapped Alpha, her mouth agape but a word couldn't fall out of it. She is the worst friend someone can have. Not only did she take my mate away from me—she also thought I was murdered by the arrow shot…now my presence before her seemed like a daydream. “Your Majesty!” one of the ministers mentioned, but he raised his hand to avoid any question from the floor. Gradually, he stood up and walked down from his throne, his eyes affixed on me. “I have no idea who you are and why you're here, but I order you out of this pack with these things you call my kids…” he blurted. That wasn't funny. I had thought he would come back to his senses by now, but he's still under the spell of the slut that I called a friend. “Not when the kids have the same looks as you. Even if you'll kick me out the second time, you must take in these kids." I retorted, but he smirked and spat after taking a glance at Meredith who was smiling at his actions. “In case you were unaware, I rejected you because you betrayed me—” he stepped down a bit and bent his head towards mine. “I'll take you to your early grave alongside these liabilities if you ever step your feet closer to this pack again.” he whispered and walked back to his throne.

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