

age gap
realistic earth

Morgan always believed she hated Eric but her feelings change when she finds herself staying with him. He makes it obvious that he has no room for love in his heart.

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Temporary cruelty
CHAPTER ONE The historic Trinity Church was beautifully decorated with colorful flowers. The large church was cold and spooky. It was ten in the morning but it was still dark outside. Violent blasts of thunder made the window panes jiggle and the lighting splashed through the large room. Everyone sat quietly with fear written on their faces as the young bride and groom said their vows. Most of the people were there just because it included them in the elite circle of New York to be seen there. No one wanted to miss Henry Bradford’s son’s wedding. Some watched the church’s large windows anxiously and others browsed through their phones as if to distract themselves from the sounds of thunder; obviously looking forward to the fun part of the ceremony which was the reception that was going to take place at the exclusive Norman hotel. Morgan Keen stood next to Allen Bradford facing the old black priest with white hair. She looked frightened but she tried to disguise it in her voice as she repeated what the priest was saying. She had not imagined herself getting married at twenty three years old. She looked straight at Allen and knew she was doing the right thing; he was her best friend, the only one who had helped her live as any person deserved to live. Allen smiled reassuringly at her and his hazel eyes brightened; his long and curly blond hair was brushed backwards just as she liked it and she half wished their wedding was real. This was not the dream she had for her life but she had learned to accept that this was the closest to happiness as she could get. Once she had imagined living a life better than her parents and she was living it. She felt guilty wanting more because as long as she was concerned she needed to be grateful for her predicament but what was she to do with that empty feeling that made her restless? She saw the priest’s lips move but she couldn’t hear anything. Her mind was blank and her heart was beating heavily. Morgan briefly glanced at the crowd after the priest had given them permission to kiss and amongst the hundreds of people present in the church her eyes found Eric Bradford. He sat at the end of the church next to a woman Morgan recognized as Liz Hoffman, his regular… she didn’t want to think about the interpretation. His hazel eyes showed so much abhorrence that she looked away from him quickly and kissed Allen while everyone clapped. By the time everyone was at the hotel at 6PM it had stopped raining. The reception was glamorous. The lighting in the elegant hotel main hall made it look like something from a fairy tale movie. There where long glass tables covered with pink table clothes. On the Centre of the tables was a row of white roses in blue vessels and all the chairs were covered in white rustic faux sheepskin. Morgan had not been involved in the planning of the wedding. She didn’t want any parties and Allen had promised her that they would go to court and have a quiet marriage but as soon as his father found out he insisted on a big wedding. Allen’s father hired the best wedding planners in town who took care of every single detail and they seemed pleased that Morgan wasn’t interested in their preparations and resolutions. Morgan was surprised by Allen’s father’s approval of their marriage. Even if he came from an old fashioned generation of a family that didn’t believe in inter racial marriages he didn’t seem to care that she was colored. Morgan looked lovely in her sleeveless white wedding dress; it fitted her tall and fine figure flawlessly and her long black hair was tied in a knot to expose her round face and highlight her brown eyes. She accidently caught a reflection of herself at the corner of her eye in the mirrored wall of the room and she was forced to stare at the large mirror. She looked nothing like herself. She was used to dressing up for photo shoots but that was just playing ‘pretend’. That night she looked like someone her parents would never have recognized. As usual Allen was surrounded by people and was chatting heartily; he was a jovial and likable man. He had already removed his jacket and loosened his tie. Morgan had never thought he was attractive but she acknowledged that he was a suitable man even though he was too feminine. The music that could have been pleasurable on any other day sounded like noise as she blended with the enthusiastic gathering, most of the people she had already known and others she had only seen on TV or on Newspapers. She was getting a headache from all the false smiling and obligatory tête-à-têtes with people she barely knew. “You finally hit the jackpot.” She heard Eric’s soft voice say behind her. She stiffened and willed herself to ignore him but as she started to walk away, his firm hand restrained her. She turned and saw the contempt in his eyes. “Let me go please.” She retorted. How dare he degrade her? She had enough of his impudence and humiliations at work. Instead of letting her free of his grip his hold on her got tighter. “For a new bride you don’t look happy.” He whispered with mockery in his tone of voice and his eyes glinted at her condescendingly. Morgan looked around in mortification; she didn’t want people gossiping about them. She didn’t know why being so close to Allen’s cousin made her feel as if she was doing something wrong, after all they worked together. She felt a surge of exasperation for always letting him get the better of her as she looked at his suit rather than his gorgeous face. He had short and straight black hair, clear skin and a strong handsome face. His grey suit outlined firm shoulders and extended to narrow hips and long lean legs. Eric could have been the most handsome man Morgan knew but she thought his disposition outweighed his appearance because he was the rudest, bitterest and most egotistical human being she had known. “I don’t care what you think! If you don’t let me go I will make a scene and see what your Uncle will say about his perfect nephew.” She barked. “Do what you like.” He pulled her to the dance floor. “You owe your cousin in law a dance.” Morgan followed him to the empty dance floor unwillingly. People were already looking at them curiously but she knew things would be worse if she denied him because there was no telling what Eric would do if he didn’t get his way. Eric held her waist lightly and she moved with him to the slow love song that was playing. Her body responded to his contact, she felt her blood rise in her neck and face. Her hands shook around his neck and her legs felt weak. It wasn’t the first time he had aroused sensations like that in her. Every time he was near her she felt panicky. Her foot stepped on his and she hoped he would stop dancing but he just giggled. This was unlike him, she had never seen him dance at any parties; he was always discussing business or drinking at the bar. He was a dreadful dancer but he continued it as they stepped on each other’s feet. “You won’t get rid of me so easily.” He pulled her closer to him. “I designed your wedding dress; the least I deserve is a dance.” “You got paid handsomely for it.” She snapped. “Handsomely? Morgan have you been taking some English lessons?” He laughed. “You and your little husband just suddenly decided to marry within two weeks. It’s very strange.” He held her embarrassingly tight. “What are you trying to do? Everyone is watching us now.” She snarled, trying to move away from him as she glimpsed at the people around them. “We must be interesting to watch.” Eric chuckled and moved her closer to him. “Please.” She couldn’t stand the stares anymore and what upset her the most was how Allen had neglected her. He didn’t seem to notice anything, he was at the bar drinking and talking to a group of people. “You are trembling, do I frighten you this much?” he whispered. His lips lightly brushed her ear. Morgan lost control of her senses, her shaky hands held his neck steadily as if he was a crutch and for a few seconds she forgot everyone else. For a brief moment it was just her and him. She was intoxicated by his scent. He smelled so good; it was a mixture of his masculine scent and mild cologne. She closed her eyes and enjoyed how it felt. Eric instantly let go of her and she struggled to find balance. When she looked at him his eyes were twinkling and his jaw clenched. “I wish you all the misery you deserve.” He whispered and walked away from her. She didn’t hesitate to walk away from the room hurriedly. She didn’t know where she was going she just walked on and found herself outside in the garden crying. She could not comprehend why Eric always had that effect on her, even if he always found a way to belittle her and remind her of her sordid past. She didn’t understand why he had looked so hurt. Did he think she was so bad for his cousin? She felt her heart bulge in agony and knew he wasn’t worth all that attentiveness but it had always been that way with Eric. He treated her so badly and yet she could not forget that he had given her opportunities no one else would have and he still helped her learn and grow in the company. She bumped into someone in the garden and she stopped in confusion to look to at the irritated Liz. “I am sorry.” She said. “Is it already mid night, Cinderella?” she asked scornfully. Morgan didn’t reply. “Almost everyone thought the storm during your wedding ceremony was an omen.” “I am sorry Liz but I don’t have the energy to argue with you.” Morgan attempted to walk away but Liz stood in her way. “Only one question…” “What is it?” “Are you happy?” “Yes.” she replied calmly. “You are so happy that you can’t stay away from Eric.” She walked closer to Morgan. “I don’t know what you mean.” Morgan turned away from her to walk away but Liz held her arm and pulled her back roughly. “No matter whom you marry or what you wear you will always be a gold digging whore.” Liz spat. Without thinking Morgan turned back quickly and slapped her hard across her face with all the loathing she had for the venomous long legged blond. Liz gave out an exaggerated cry that sounded as pretentious as everything about her. She knew that Liz’s outrageous cries would soon alarm the other guests. Eric had already caused a scene by harassing her; she didn’t need any more drama that night. She ran back into the building and stood next to Allen, he was the only one who could protect her. The next morning was worse than the previous night. Morgan hadn’t had enough sleep, she had failed to sleep; she tossed and turned in her bed. When she fell asleep she had a nightmare about the wedding. In the dream she stood at the altar with Allen, he was smiling and when the priest gave them permission to kiss Allen disappeared. She had turned to look at the crowd and the church was empty. She stood alone at the altar in confusion. “Allen…” she called. She woke up shouting Allen’s name and she was sweating profoundly. She had never wanted a family of her own because as normal as she wanted to feel, she could not picture herself as someone’s wife or mother. She had never fallen in love and she was sure everyone played ‘pretend’ because no two people could surly stand each other forever. Her parents’ marriage had been a disaster and it had left her wanting nothing to do with matrimony. She had spent most of her childhood wishing her parents would divorce but instead she had to endure the quarreling and the sound of things breaking. Morgan had woken up earlier and made breakfast, she was glad she didn’t have to share a bed with Allen; who had spent their wedding night in his lover’s arms. She sat at the small table in the kitchen playing with her omelet as her mind replayed Eric’s behavior and wondered how he would react if he found out she had only married his cousin to help him keep up appearances with his traditional father who would never accept that Allen preferred men to women. Her thoughts were interrupted when Allen and Fred entered the room holding hands. Fred was the first to kiss Morgan on her cheeks; he was a tall, dark and handsome successful model with short red hair. He taught Morgan most of what she knew about modeling. His blue eyes looked at her inquisitively as he sat opposite her. “You look gloomy.” Allen said kissing her cheeks and then sitting close to her. “Are you having second thoughts about the marriage?” Fred asked with concern. He put eggs and toast on his plate and begun to eat. “No, last night was too much for me, I feel drained.” Morgan said. “Nice eggs, you could always take up cooking when you become too old to model.” Fred put more eggs on his plate. Morgan laughed and sipped her coffee.” I will be cooking for you love birds, you are the only ones that seem to think am a chef.” Allen and Fred laughed and continued eating. “Poor you, my cousin couldn’t stay away from you.” Allen said. “Don’t remind me about your rude cousin.” She sipped her coffee. “I am happy I didn’t attend that circus.” Fred laughed. “Fred, don’t be so harsh. That’s our wedding you are calling a circus.” Morgan laughed. “Allen really comes up with the most disturbing ideas. I can’t believe you agreed to it, Morgan.” “You are just jealous, enough with that. I want to know if Eric was bothering Morgan.” Allen said seriously. Allen and Eric never got along; Morgan sometimes thought that was the reason for Eric’s resentment towards her. “The usual, he is not worth it.” She was afraid to add to the list of things they fought about. Morgan had come from a very different world than the one the Bradfords lived. She was born in a poor and dysfunctional family. Her mother was a failed white actress who had spent all her adult life waitressing and her father was a failed black musician who worked in construction during the day and sung in clubs at night. When she met Allen they were both Seventeen years old. He had been a regular client in the fancy restaurant she worked at as a waitress. He was the only rich customer who wasn’t rude or dismissive. They talked about art and one day he invited her to an art exhibition. Their friendship had blossomed from there on despite their social status. Her parents struggled to make ends meet and growing up she learned to understand that the world was a tough place and one had to do all they could to survive. She had never been very good with school work but she always imagined living better and since she was a young girl she felt she didn’t belong in the poverty stricken world she was born in. At eighteen years old Allen and Fred were able to convince her to model, something she had never imagined. She had never thought of herself as pretty or attractive. When she was younger her mates teased her about her height. She was taller than most of her age mates and her father always said she would have been handsome if she were a boy. Fred and Allen’s persistence made her accept an interview with Allen’s infamous cousin. Allen and Fred always discussed the dull and egotistical cousin. Morgan didn’t think a man like that would give her any job that didn’t involve her cleaning his office or making his coffee. She had waited outside Eric’s elegant office nervously. She felt stupid even being there because everyone in the building was dressed stylishly and she wore a second hand blouse and jeans. She sat opposite the pretty secretary in her early twenties who pretended not to be staring at her but Morgan could feel the woman’s eyes moving up and down her body. She knew the woman was probably wondering what a girl like her would have to do with her boss but her name had been on the list of people Eric Bradford was supposed to meet that afternoon and she couldn’t do anything but ring him. Morgan had been outside Eric’s office for less than ten minutes but it felt like forever, she felt imprudent for letting Allen and Fred convince her to that interview. She got up to leave when the door opened and the most gorgeous man she had ever seen stood at the door. For a few moments she stopped breathing and her body shook in embarrassment for being there. “You must be Allen’s little friend.” Eric muttered. His face was stern and his eyes looked tired. The expensive dark brown suit he wore made him look like a god. Allen’s father Henry had raised Eric. His mother had damped him at her brother’s house and disappeared. Allen had told Morgan that she was probably dead. Even though it was his mother who was a Bradford, Eric used it as his last name because no one knew who his father was. Like Allen’s father Eric was a costume designer and a photographer. He had been the CEO of Bradford Designers and modeling agency since he was thirty succeeding his uncle who no longer designed. Morgan realized that Allen had nothing in common with the two and he was jealous of their close relationship. “Umm…” Morgan hesitated. She knew she had enough time to run out of there before she made a fool of herself. “Come in, I don’t have all day.” Eric said and turned to walk back into his office. Morgan visualized her escape but she wasn’t brave enough to do it so she followed Eric in his office. Eric sat behind a large mahogany desk on which stood a lap top, a telephone, sketches of outfits and photographs of stunning women and men. His office was bigger than any office she had been in and she was surprised to see open closets full of costumes and the only two sofas that were in the room were filled with rolls of unused cloths. It was more of a studio than an office and she was sure it hadn’t been organized in a long time. She wondered who was able to clean it without disturbing the mess because the floor and windows were spotless and the room smelled fresh. When she looked at Eric she was surprised to notice how young he was, he couldn’t have been more than thirty five years old but from the stories she had heard from Allen and Fred she pictured someone in his late forties. “Sit.” He ordered impatiently pointing to a chair opposite him. Morgan quickly sat down but she was still shaking. “Can I see your portfolio?” Eric asked. What portfolio? Allen should have explained to him that she had no experience in modeling. She wanted to tell him that but she couldn’t utter a word. She was shaking so much that she was sure if she tried to get up she would faint. Damn Fred and Allen for not preparing her. “You are Morgan…” He looked around and read through a note book. “There it is, Morgan Keen.” “Yes…” Morgan got up. “I am sorry I wasted your time. I shouldn’t have come.” She rushed to the door. “Is this some kind of joke?” Eric snapped standing up. Morgan stood at the door nervously. “No, I… don’t know how I let Allen talk me into this. It’s silly; I don’t know anything about modeling.” She stammered. “Allen is silly….” Eric said. “Please don’t blame him; he was trying to help me find a job.” She muttered. “So you need a job?” He walked towards her. “Yes.” “Since you don’t know anything about modeling, what can you do?” He asked. Morgan was confused by his sudden consideration. That man had not even bothered to greet her but he was suddenly engaging her in a conversation. “I can… I have worked as a waitress.” She said shakily. “I could use someone to run some errands for me around here; it will be a good way for you to learn the industry.” Eric said. Had he just offered her a job! But what did he mean by errands? She had no intentions of being his cleaner. She didn’t want to spend her life having a job that didn’t improve her existence. She had seen her parents work like slaves and get very little and she was determined to change her circumstance. “What sort of errands?” She asked. “Organizing my office, that sort of thing as you can see it’s a mess. You would be my assistant.” He looked at his watch and went back to his desk and dialed a number on his telephone. “You can start tomorrow at eight.” He said looking at her portentously. “Debra, what is next?” He said on the phone. What a big-headed man. Morgan could not believe she had been offered a job and yet she felt affronted. Working in that place would give her opportunities she could never have dreamt of but she could not stand Eric’s disposition. She didn’t say a word; she just walked out of the office. When Allen heard about Eric’s job offer he was fuming but although Bradford designers belonged to his father, she knew his cousin was in charge of everything that went on in the company. Even though Morgan didn’t like Eric she was in his office early the next day. But that had been six years ago. Now Morgan was a well-paid model working for Bradford modeling agency. Morgan nearly fainted when she saw Eric at the kitchen door; he stood majestically with an amused expression on his face. Allen and Fred’s faces went as white as ghosts when they noticed him. “The three musketeers, I didn’t expect to find the new bride and groom…” Eric said as he entered the room. “If you didn’t expect us what are you doing in my apartment?” Allen barked. Allen and Morgan had bought an apartment with two bedrooms three years after working for Eric. It was as modest as everything in their lives; it was on the first floor of an old building. It was almost empty except for the basics such as a TV set and one sofa in the sitting room and of course the simple 4 seat dining room set and tall fridge that was in the adjoining small kitchen. Allen could have afforded an apartment in the wealthy parts of New York but he preferred Brooklyn, the place where Morgan had lived all her life. She and Allen had shared that apartment since they were twenty years old and for three years they had lived happily. Fred had lived with them when he wasn’t at his parents’ mansion in the Hamptons. Eric in his expensive suit and rich man exterior didn’t fit the environment. Morgan could count the number of times he had been to that apartment; she wondered what was so urgent that he had to come. “Guess work, I want a word with Mrs. Bradford.” Eric said. He always treated Allen like a child. “Morgan has no business with you” Allen countered. “She’s my employee…” “She has a week off for the honeymoon and as her manager I will not let you a***e her…” Fred looked at Allen affectionately. “Let’s give them time.” Fred got up and Allen reluctantly followed him into their bedroom. Morgan begun to breathe deeply, she didn’t want to be in a room alone with Eric so she sat up and walked to the sitting room to create space between them. His hazel eyes met her brown eyes penetratingly then rolled over her body gradually, taking in her disheveled black hair and the boyish pajamas and a frown creased his brow. Morgan felt vulnerable under his scrutiny, all the composure she had tried to master was stripped away. “Now that you have married the millionaire’s son I suppose you will want more expensive accommodation.” Eric mocked. Morgan felt tears coming into her eyes and swore at herself. She had never been as susceptible as she was that day and she wished she could make Eric see that money wasn’t everything but she knew he would never understand that. After all he revered money and it was obvious that to him money was the center of his actuality. “Is that why you came? Do you have a house I would be interested in?” she asked. Eric’s eyes became dark with anger. “You know why I came.” He barked moving closer to her. She felt her heart skip at his proximity and she tried to move but she hit the wall, there was no escaping him. “I don’t and…”she murmured shakily. “You assaulted Liz last night.” He said. “Your little girl friend…” Eric pulled her close to him and she feared fighting him because she knew he was capable of using force. “Bullying people on your wedding day must be a ghetto thing but you are in a new world now, you can’t assault people and expect them to do nothing, Liz was ready to involve the police.” Morgan struggled to free herself, she didn’t care anymore. “Let her involve them.” she howled. “Her father is a politician. How do you think things will go?” he snapped. “I don’t care!” she cried. “You stay away from Liz, do you understand me?” “She is the one that follows me around.” She blurted out. “Why? You have nothing to do with her.” Morgan knew very well that Liz had notions that there was something between her and Eric but there was no point telling him that because he would just laugh at her since he thought she was beneath him. “Why?” He insisted. “I don’t know.” she muttered. “You are lying.” “I don’t have to tell you anything!” she shrieked. Eric just stood there watching her as if deciding his next action. “I don’t want to see you looking like a ghost when you come back for work.” he said. “What do you mean?” she asked wishing she had put some make up on her pale face. “I mean just because you want to destroy your life the rest of us can’t suffer for it.” He rasped. Morgan walked away from him and he let her. He confused her, sometimes it was as if he paid attention to everything about her and other times he couldn’t care less what was happening to her.

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