Chapter 22

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Ryoka still hadn’t told Damien how she knew about the facility they were currently gazing at from a hidden section across the road from the facility, it had just been luck or maybe it was fate that made it to be in the same region they currently were hiding out, hardly a two hours drive away from the new house they were staying. To Ryoka, the facility looked perfect to hit, there was sparse security, probably because a lot of security would alert the public to what was being done inside, right now it just looked like any ordinary private facility, but Ryoka was sure that no good could come from whatever was happening inside. For that reason, they had brought gallons of gasoline to raze it to the ground, the plan was to spread the gasoline around as much as possible, and then infiltrate and do the same, if possible cut the gas line that led inside as well, then trip the alarm, ensuring the lot of the personnel exits before setting it ablaze, if all else fails, Ryoka was determined to shift into her dragon and raze it all from the outside in. This was the second time they were here, the first time had been to just know the place and scout it out a bit, this second time, they came with the plan already set and ready to be executed. Ryoka did not give Damien a chance to change her mind, or even add to or subtract from the plan, she made it all by herself, she had even been watching him like a hawk watches chicks, she wanted to see if he’ll make any foul play, but rather than being a bit uneasy since he had no part in the plan except to be the getaway driver, he made no other move and Ryoka felt a bit of guilt at suspecting him so much, but then, she still does. Using her dragon sight, she had scanned and spanned the place and found the perfect entry spots, the first through the barbed fence and the second through and into the facility, both were tricky but she had her dragon abilities to help her through. “Don’t forget your part of the plan Damien, it is crucial, once you see the signal come get me, ok?” Ryoka said teasing Damien a bit about the whole thing. Damien tooled his eyes and signed “You did not even tell me what the sign is going to be, is it the tripping of the alarm or the blaze?” he asked already frustrated at that point for her withholding details from him, he was starting to wonder if there was a reason for that. “Oh don’t you worry Damien sir, the signal will be loud enough for you not to doubt it is the one, just don’t slack off on me ok?” Ryoka said again still with the teasing tone, Damien frowned his face, remembering something at that point but he held it in and didn’t share it with Ryoka, he couldn’t even if he wanted to, it would spoil things. “Fine, go do your worst, in fact, have at them” he said dully encouraging, Ryoka gave him a pat on the shoulder and got out of the car, hefting the first two kegs of gasoline. Damien watched her go without even a bit of fear, or maybe she was disguising it really well, in any case, she reminded him or her mother, he had had a lot of encounter with her and it had been when he was pretty young, but she left an impression on him, the same he was finding right on Ryoka, that was what he remembered but couldn’t tell her, since he had given her the impression that he never knew her mother. Within a few moments she was done soaking up the parts that would be quick to burn and retain flames around the building with gasoline, then she came back for the other two kegs and headed back in, this time into the facility, Damien had a finger in his mouth which he bit as she snuck in and successfully infiltrated, she looked like a spider monkey as she scaled the facility walls to the part where she had seen the opening. It was a vent of sort or probably an outlet, Ryoka only just wished it wasn’t a smoke or fire or even heat outlet, or maybe even toxic gases, that would be really bad, a huge bad luck and the mission would end before it has even begun. She remembered Damien’s expression when she had told him that the outside soaking of the facility was just as insurance, should in case she got captured, once the outside had been soaked he should make sure he lit it up regardless of whether she is still inside or not, he had been shocked at the determination behind Ryoka’s words and her eyes as well, but then she told him jot to worry that she wouldn’t get caught. As she got out of the outlet and into the facility she started to trace the gasoline about as she moved, then she found out it was a laboratory where certain tests and experiments were being conducted, she actually got even more angry and worked faster to ensure she covers a lot of ground, this place has really got to go. When she was done and looking for the alarm to trip, she reached a side of the facility where current testing was being done, she peeped through the demarcating polythene saw a couple of scientists with security around them conducting an experiment on a guy of about her age or older, she gasped in surprise horror as she saw it, he was kneeling in a huge round glass compartment, and Ryoka noticed that the space in the glass compartment was huge enough for a dragon so she rightly guessed he had to be a dragon. “Start the shifting process Adrian and this will go a whole lot easier and less painful” one of the scientist said into a mic that echoed about the room, but the guy they had referred to as Adrian just remained on his knees as he was, unmoving and unbothered. The another scientist clicked on a button after which arcs of lightning shot up from around the glass compartment shocking the life out of Adrian who screamed and yelled, but his screams were defiant rather than that of pain. “I’ll kill you, I promise you that I will you all, once I’m able to leave here, you lot will be the first I’ll come after and kill” Adrian said huffing after the electrocution stopped. The scientist and security all burst out laughing like what he said was the comedy of the year, he had probably been saying it a lot of times and this was the same reaction they would give. Ryoka got angry, really angry, and not just at the all white clothes these people all wore, which was really sickening to her already, but then, she was going to give Adrian his wish, she scanned about and found that there were four security and twice as many scientists. The security were the threat here so she went for them, silently at first as she went for the one closest to her, she pull his knife from his thigh strap and stabbed through his back aiming for his kidney as Damien had taught her, she knew she got it when froze in shock and pain yet unable to yell out. She dove down just as the next closest one was about to notice that there was something wrong, and before the blood got apparent on their all white clothes, she was already under him, kicking his legs from under him, he fell and hit his head but she still hit him again to ensure he was really knocked out. Now though, there was commotion already as they discovered something was really wrong, the remaining two came closer, pointing their guns as they approached, Ryoka could hear the scientists asking what was going on with scared and low voices, still she stayed were she was under the cover of the tables. Before the two security guys got to her though, the first one she had stabbed finally fell to his knees, blood loss must have made him weak, but that was enough to distract the other two that were coming towards her so she slid out from under where she was and moved at the nearest guy again. With speed, she disarmed him easily especially because he was not expecting it and then she came up behind him and placed the knife she had removed from the second guy she had knocked out at his throat, hiding at his back as well while facing the last guy who faced them as well unable to shoot because by doing so he would shoot his partner. Ryoka removed the knife at this third guy’s hip as well and threw it at the last guy aiming for his shoulders, her aim was true and he cried out then dropped his gun to the other hand just as Ryoka had wanted, then she threw the other knife she had at the third guy’s throat at the last guy again aiming for his other shoulder and he dropped the gun entirely still shouting in excruciating pain. After this Ryoka quickly kicked the third guy she was behind at the back of his knees and they buckled under him, falling him to his feet, she took out his side arm and slammed it at the back of his head knocking him out, and then pointing the gun at the scientist who were scared out of their minds, she had them huddle up together. “Free him, right now” she said to one pointing the gun at him while referring to Adrian, the scientist shook his head and Ryoka shot him at his leg, then she pointed the gun at a lady scientist next. “How about you, would you be cooperative or you’ll be like this gentleman there that has to walk with a crutch for the rest of his life cos I shot his kneecap” Ryoka said to the female scientist, she needed no more urging and ran to the buttons where she clicked the one that opened up the glass compartment. Adrian who had been looking on in surprise all the while smirked and came out, he was a bit weak from the way he swayed as he walked, but then his elation right now, pumped enough adrenaline into him to keep him up. “Now, hit the alarm” Ryoka said to the same female scientist who was hesitant at first, not sure Ryoka really meant to say that, “C’mon, go on, do it now” she prompted then the scientist did as she was told and pulled the alarm which started blaring out loud. “Are there any other captives?” Ryoka asked looking at the scientists who shook their heads and then she looked at Adrian as well who confirmed that there really weren’t any other. At that Ryoka threw the gun in her hand to Adrian who caught it adeptly, “You have less than ten minutes to take care of your business and escape with me, this place is about to go up in a glorious blaze” Ryoka said to Adrian who smiled widely at that. “Oh, I only need five minutes, and I don’t need this” he said and dropped the gun while still smiling contentedly and wickedly. Ryoka left the room before the screams started and headed out towards the start point of the gasoline, Adrian joined her before she got to the place, he was panting from running but then he had a really wide grin on his bloody face that complimented his bloody body. “I see you got your wish” Ryoka said to him to which he nodded still grinning and panting “Thanks fairy godmother, now what is the plan to exit here?” he said and asked, then Ryoka pointed at the floor at the wet gasoline trail. “We light that up and let the rest take care of itself, we really need to run far away though because I had cut the gas pipe before I even saw you so it must have spread really wide by now” Ryoka said. Adrain nodded and then he spit on the floor at the gasoline trail, the spit hit the trail and it blazed to life and then the fire spread following the trail. “What are you doing? I just said we have to get clear first didn’t I?” Ryoka yelled as she ran and pulled Adrian along as well, they got out of the building and were only a few meters away when the first explosion boomed and started the chain of explosions. The two of the fell from the shockwave but quickly got back on their feet and headed out still, Damien came through and pulled the car around in front of them and as soon as they entered he drove off at once. “Who is this?” Damien asked as he sped away from the site. “Adrian meet Damien, he is my guardian and trainer, Damien meet Adrian, he is the special generation dragon I just saved from the WIC” Ryoka said and then she rested her back on the car seat, relaxing as she was very contented with her handwork.
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