
Disguised Princess

contract marriage

Isabella, daughter of an alpha king wolf and fairy, was only 10 when her mother was banished from the kingdom. Some time after, she started to show signs of powers; making her a rare hybrid. When the much older alpha to another pack bids for her hand in marriage, and wins, she's left to travel to his pack lands with her best friend, days before her 18th birthday. Upon arriving she meets a mysterious man who awakens a fire in her she never knew existed; he tells her the alpha is on a hunting trip and will return soon. Who is this strange man? Why is the alpha away this close to her birthday?

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Chapter 1
Awful ringing broke into the edges of my deep slumber, causing my eyes to flicker open angrily. Today was the day I start the long journey to Dark Lunar Pack. For such a cliché name you would think their pack would be in a forest of some type. Instead the journey would be by boat, due to the pack lands being on the edge of an ocean. I groaned and shoved off my blanket, tossing my head side to side while stretching in a lame attempt to wake myself up more. The blaring of my alarm continued and I reached for my phone, fumbling to slide the damn button to the side and turn it off. Unfortunately my victory was short lived as my phone slipped from my hands and landed square in the middle of my face, causing me to yelp out in pain. Kennedy, my maid and best friend, came scrambling into my room in a panic. Her lips curled into a smile as she held back laughter when all she saw was me rubbing my forehead with my claws extended into the screen of my now shattered phone. I shot her a glare and she started laughing harder. "Your dad is going to kill you for breaking another phone!" She laughed while holding her sides. Her mother had been my mother's best friend growing up. After she died, my mother wanted to bring her in as my adopted sister. My dad went a different path and brought her in as my maid, which ultimately lead to his divorce with my mother and her banishment from the pack. I wanted so badly to leave with her. We could have had a wonderful life together in the realm she'd come from before she discovered she'd been mated to my dad. My dad threatened to have me executed if I ran away to find her. I was only 10 and he was really threatening to execute his only daughter. Soon it was discovered that I'd inherited my mother's fairy powers, something highly unnatural in our kind. Usually if another supernatural were mated and marked by an alpha werewolf, it was said their children would inherit none of the other supernatural abilities. I was then placed for the highest bidder, to be shipped off the day before my 18th birthday in order for my first shift to be on their territory. As my bad luck would have it, the winner was the extremely old alpha of Dark Lunar Pack. Kurt Blackdale was reaching his 70s at the time of bidding for my hand and no one found it disgusting that I was 60 years his junior. In fact, everyone seemed to find it honorable that he was waiting for my 18th birthday to marry me and mate with me. If my mother could birth hybrid pups, surly I could as well! What was worse, I had to leave days earlier than anticipated in order to make in time. This was not ideal. I wanted to run and find the realm of the fairies, to learn more about my powers, to have my mother help me through my first shift. I didn't want to be stuck on a boat, in the middle of the ocean, with my dad's most loyal guards watching my every move including a simple pee break! Before I knew it my shattered phone was back on the nightstand and I was enveloped into the tightness of Kennedy's arms. I was so thankful I still had her by my side. With everything that had gone on in the last 7 years, she was still my best friend, my sister. "Issy," she cooed as she stroked my hair. "I can tell when you're over thinking. Girl? You're way over thinking." "I can't help it, Kenny." I whined into her shoulder. "How would you feel if you were promised to some extremely old geiser or your dad would kill you? Like, here I go! Princess Mary Tudor on her way to her disgusting king of France. On a rickety old boat and everything!" I pushed her away and slammed my head back into my pillow in a huff, laying my arm over my eyes. After Alpha Blackdale won my dad's bidding for my hand in marriage, I'd found a strong connection between myself and Mary Tudor. Both of us were sent away to rule another country. Both of us were forced to marry a disgusting older man. A big difference was I had no deal to remarry if he died. I was to come back home and spend the rest of my life in a convent once he was cremated; his ashes to be spread over his lands in order for his wolf to give his pack the last of his strength. Many hoped that before his obvious death, I would have either already born his pups or would be pregnant with is pups. That way the pack would have a new alpha to take over rather than holding a tournament. Typically the beta would step up but in Dark Lunar Pack, there was only an alpha and his team of advisors. Alpha Blackdale didn't believe in a chain of command, he wanted all the governing power to himself. This was why tournaments were held to be his advisors and why he was insistent on one to be held to replace him if he had no heir. This was also why I would be sent back home after his death instead of taking care of my pups; should I have any. You'd think they would let me stay in case any pups were hybrid as well, but no. I would give birth, instantly ripped away, and summoned once any pups started showing signs of power. As if I'd be able to teach them anything, I had no one to teach me. I removed my arm from over my eyes and peeked over at Kennedy, who was sitting with her arms crossed and staring at me. She laughed as I stuck my tongue out at her and shook her head, glancing down at my shattered phone. Yup, Dad was going to kill me. "We need to start getting you ready. I have to get your hair washed and styled, we need to pick you a gown, and you need to say goodbye. Luckily the humans are all tucked away in their homes so they don't interfere." The only good Dad has ever done in my life was allow the humans to live on our land with us. It was too much of a hassel to keep the secret of our kind. As luck would have it, some of the pack members even started to find their mates through the humans that chose to live on the land. They made their own homes within the kingdom to remain members and stay safe. I let out a loud, exasperated, most likely annoying groan and sat up in my bed. By looking around I could see Kennedy had already laid out everything needed to style my hair as well as a few gowns. It made no sense that I was expected to wear a gown today when I wouldn't even be in Dark Lunar Pack for 4 more days! Stupid storm brewing in the area. I stomped over to my private bathroom and slammed the door, walking over to my shower and twisting the water on to the hottest setting I could stand. While the steam filled the room I looked around the room and mentally accepted that this was goodbye and good riddance. The only reason my dad allowed me to have this room was because Alpha Blackdale's advisors would make random visits to the kingdom in order to make sure I was still in good health. Healthy princesses produced healthy pups, if I'd had the room my dad would prefer I had I wouldn't be healthy enough. Slowly I stepped into the water of my last shower in this horrible place and washed the auburn waves I'd inherited from my mother. Maybe that was why dad hated me so much; I had her auburn waves, her green eyes, her freckles, and her powers. All he gave me were his cheekbones and his chin. After turning off the water I wrapped a large towel around my body and stepped out, scuffling my way over to my door and opening it. Kennedy looked up from my vanity and nodded approvingly before standing and pointing sternly for me to sit. Hours later I was standing next to the front door of what was supposed to be home to me, with my hair in an updo, a lacy tan gown, a suitcase, and a purse. It was time for my dad to make a show of a goodbye in front of his guards and Alpha Blackdale's advisors that had come to retrieve me; to pretend he would miss me. "Oh my beautiful princess! No king is ever ready to let his special baby girl leave to her own kingdom! Whatever will I do while you're gone, off making me hybrid grandpups with your new husband!" You've got to be kidding me. "Know that today, we happily combine our lands and now the shark guards of Dark Lunar Pack will now guard our lands as best as they can!" Did he just say shark guards? Everyone cheered as my dad made it a point to kiss my hand and nudge me towards the boat. I was supposed to make a goodbye speech, but all I could think of was the fact that my dad had mentioned shark guards! Forcing a smile I waved slowly to everyone before turning on my heel and going inside the boat. This was going to be a long 4 days.

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