
Monster man is about breastly wolves there was happiness at first then gradually it turned ugly with greed wickedness all in


Monster man is horror fiction with wolf packs turning against themselves all in a bid to be superior survival greed to continue the blood line of the wolfly beast Bricks had to disociate himself from his wolfly beastly packs knowing he was different and wanted to continue being different then there was jealousy and motive to bring him down all In a bid to kill him all means by his beastly pack wolves was tried and he trying all means to reconcile and survive

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Monster man
Ebooks: Book title: Monster man Genre: horror fiction Author:Uche okpala Book content: Bricks Bricks family and death Life of Bricks junior Children's disappearance The revenge Prologue: Mr Bricks born into a family of half were wolf and half human his siblings having the same characteristics.Mr Bricks junior being the elsldest son in the family and humble just like his father had a kind heart not wicked in nature like some of his family members,there was hatred towards him of having that characteristics of humbleness his family not liking and in terms with his attitude then the death of his father which affected his life because of it was so unexpected he also had to come to terms with that and own up to his responsibility as the first son of the family and of his father being the elsldest was a great responsibility for him because of his humble nature he had to be dutiful carrying the whole family along in all responsibilities his simple minded nature his siblings hated including his mother they didn't like him being so kind and human.Mr Bricks junior getting married to his wife starting a family mattered to him and in some while he was a happy married man with a family of his own to keep him occupied his wife dutiful made him happy,then with their daughters on the way all was well but not for long. 1)In a town there lived a man his name Bricks and his wicked wife Jackyster he was comfortable enough to take care of his family of four boys but being a hard man did not really fulfill that he had his youngest second wife who was barren.sh was so saddened with the fact that she could not have children, she was much younger than the first wife.Being a hard man his four boys went to school started their family too unfortunately he had a short life.Also unknown to his family he was an animal on human skin some times changes to the other side which is the beast that his family never knew of,he was a werewolf beast ,but he never used it to harm anyone lucky for him he was comfortable in both selves man and animal were wolf beast.His wife never knew his children suspected that he was an animal but they kept it to themselves his first wife being the mother of his first sons who were boys and only children was wicked,wanted all the wealth for herself and children and nothing for the younger wife who one way or another needed assistance.So after Bricks their husbands death his burial was a great one being well known in the community. 2)His burial was a great one being well known in his community and comfortable.The day the family received the news that he was dead there was wailing some of the family friends in the community and off were touched by the sad news.Days after Bricks death friends loved ones came by to condole with the family his picture all over the house Bricks junior was affected mainly by the loss of his father he didn't believe when he had the news at first,his mother and step mother cried for days they were in weeping he comforted his step mother he was sympathetic for that she had no child and now she was a widow her eyes were swollen reddish she couldn't be comforted.On the day of the church service the father commented on Mr Bricks being a hard man but had lmpacted in a lot of lives people who commented on tributing on Mr Bricks saw him as a good man sometimes hard but did alot for many people's comment was how he will be missed how his humble nature would be missed how he had bettered alot of lives with evidences people being thankful to his life and family.On the other hand his wife was weary wailing children the same but in her heart she was also happy that her husband was dead she didn't like his humble nature and also some of his children.After Mr Bricks wake keeping burial he was laid to rest Prior to Bricks death he met his first wife Jackyster they fell in love and decided to have children they had visitors come to celebrate with them after the marriage there was alot of joy. so that night in bed his new wife close to him,he thought of his other self the wickedness will he be able to care for a child but he waved it aside and went on with his present life and so he did.He held his wife closely that night kissing each other touching her all over and then making love to his wife,she yearned for more and he was so energetic to give it to her after so much exhaustion they slept off.Friends and family mourned him his first son Bricks junior, second son Eeric,third son Larryks, fourth son Brucet.They were ambitious too.Their mother being the first and wicked wife hid the will from them later the three other sons found out but did not want all the contents known to Bricks junior,the first son because of his sympathetic nature and soft heart.His other brothers were heartless and wicked as their mother they tolled in their mother's footsteps on the other hand their mother was human but had lots of wickedness in her her son's inherited the beastly trait of half man half beast from her husband she didn't know until very late about the trait,when their traits started.Jackysyer was hurt by her husband's death she thought to herself how she would continue without her husband's presence having control of the children will be difficult,and she would have no companion,someone close by to talk to cause she was not in talking terms with the second wife and her jealousy grew worse on how she would take everything all to herself and nothing for the younger wife everyone was grieved. 3)After the death and burial of Mr Bricks,his family had now come to terms with the fact that Bricks was gone and they all had to continue and move on with their lives and so they did.Bricks will included all members of his family both extended his mother had passed on when he was a young boy,so he was left with his father and sisters lucky for them they did not have the beast in them only his father and Bricks but non of them knew that their brother Bricks was half man half beast until later only their father knew and he also kept it a secret from Bricks and his sister's.He wanted Bricks to discover it himself and that he did later on,and when he discovered it,after the wedding to his wife,to his first wife Jackyster,it was almost late because his father did not live long to explain everything to him the only thing his father told him about him being a beast was that a long time ago his great grand father was bitten by a werewolf and since then some of them were infected with the trait of werewolves and some others might be lucky just like his sisters.His father passed on and was buried he had to live with the sad part of his life.His sisters later knew of it and they tried managing it,up until his marriage to Jackyster his sister got married and they all moved in with their lives managing the condition.He was the only boy with four sisters in number.After the burial of Bricks everything was not the same his son's got worse . When the trait of beast began to show it's ugly face and started to originate excluding the first son who could control himself the animal were wolf beast in them started to originate they became worse excluding her first son Bricks junior causing mayhem murder killing because of that distinct power they believed they were powerful and could do as they wish and also pleased their mother,their mother on the other hand encouraged them but didn't know at that time that they were also beast and had more wickedness and evil attached to them at first she thought them human like her .They all settled having their families graduating from school. 4)On campus.Bricks junior was well respected,every school days as he usually goes to school in college/ university his days were from lecture back home bat that time Mr Bricks was still alive so he was from home for a short time until he decided to stay on campus.One morning he was walking to school as he normally did he was met by a backing dog that kept on backing at him he shoved it off but it was there he kept on shoving it of but the dog still lingered on so as he was about stoning this dog it's owner came rushing at him draged her dog and was on her way she was also angry in a way the dog still barking.Somany this times this occurances of dogs kept happening to him on his way to school or out for a walk so most times he is in his car driving to prevent such occurances.Bricks junior was so happy he was on campus his room mates were not at such the pleasant types but he kept at it with them.So after some lectures one a day he wasn't feeling so well he went back to his room on opening the door he was met by his room mates they had the speaker on after telling them to turn it down they did and then started a discussion with him on a party that will be happening that night he refused at first but after some days on campus he got use to it he decided to accept most of their invitations to most parties. 5)So after lectures Bricks junior who was good in school,went partying at night.A day he was in a lecture as he was being lectured his friends had to tap him to awake he was asleep.in the class he still slept back at it then he was suddenly caught by the lecturer and then warned not to sleep and stop sleeping in class that day he tried his best.His brother Eeric got admissions and joined school he also was on campus and started partying .Any time Eeric got back home for the holidays he gossiped.to his parents how Bricks junior partyed alot not facing his studies and his parents were angered . Bricks junior was warned severely severally by his parents and denied it.Eeric sometimes invited his younger brothers to the parties so one night as him and his brothers usually did,some group of friends drunk were out on the way after the party then Eeric his brothers were wolves themselves attacking their victims clawing through them leaving non alive.This incidences kept on happening in school,schools,off and on campus the police could not ascertain what it was and the cause the victims and their parents were at a loss.Bricks junior suspected it was his brother,but was not certain and not sure so he kept calm. 6)The attack in parties and out continued with lots of death off and on campus the police were seriously at it to find out the cause which was not yet certain Eeric and his were wolf brothers kept at their hunt .Then Larry and Brucet entered school so they got invitation to parties Halloweens.Bricks at this time was in almost in his finals he dating his girlfriend who became his wife his previous relationship before her didn't work but his present relationship worked out leading to him marrying his girlfriend.He had a date that day with his girlfriend so as he drove in packed and they two into the restaurant he sat and ordered they sat discussing as they ate drank he had a call from one of his friends telling him that one of his lectures was dead it was a bad news to him.After the date he dropped his girlfriend and then off to his room he was lodging in a self contained apartment and was meet by his friends who greeted him and welcomed him with the bad news they discussed for long then him entertaining them and they were off. 7) Bricks junior thought of his life how this will affect him he didn't want a change of lecture or carryover and then his mind went to his girlfriend Carolyn he thought of her as wife material after being in several broken relationships he made up his mind after graduation he would marry her.Bricks junior graduation was a great one he was happy he had finished . Bricks junior's parents were so happy he had finished schooling he made his parents proud especially Mr Bricks he went out severaly on dates with Carolyn until one faithful day he proposed to her she was over joyed he to the same.They two started on preparations for the wedding with days and months coordinating the wedding,his wife picking and testing her wedding gown.Carolyn looking at herself in the mirror checking her wedding dress out it being a fit for her having the consent of her wedding and making sure all was in place the cakes the food the drinks everything in place she was certain it was time. 8)The wedding was a great one after being pronounced man and wife Bricks junior's brothers in attendance looked at the two with hate they were so unhappy that their brother was getting married pretending to be happy for him they ate and danced with him at his wedding,Eeric flaunting his girlfriend telling his father him he will soon be getting married his family also being happy for it encouraging them to be like their brother Bricks everybody was dancing and making merry at the wedding eating drinking all was in abundance.Eeric's relationship was off and on he was about finishing school his junior brothers the same for now they lived off campus so as not to be disturbed and interrupted by other students they wanted to make their lives secret so as never to be caught.Their were wolves nature grew stronger fierce and wanted blood most nights they would emerge into their werewolves selves moving in their packs some times alone satisfying their thirst for blood hunger .They some times watched the tv seeing on the news about one missing persons or the other,brutal killings,deaths, mayhem which was caused by them they would sometimes feel guilty but keep it to themselves.The police kept at it but no headway . 9)All in the news paper tv the police trying to hunt and investigate the unsuspicious death happening severally on almost a daily bases. Eeric graduated from school and his brothers followed .Eeric's relationship was off and on he envied hi brothers especially Bricks junior he got married having some difficulties and had three children all girls he was so angered by the fact that his friends were different he wished and wanted a boy.Larry settled got married had a boy after so much disturbance from their parents to tore their brothers Brick's junior's footsteps they all settled down gradually.Brucet had difficulty settling down his marriage was short lived his wife left him after having a girl he was left alone.Some of their children were werewolves some human. 10)So having their families and children, Bricks junior settled in the city with his wife.Met his wife in school decided they settled down they had a slightly quiet wedding Carolyn his wife was beautiful and ambitious .They were both busy with their lives and business sometimes,they both went out on a date lodging in hotels having fun so during their honey moon they were in one of the hotels they had lodged both got naked jumping into the swimming pool , making love in it ,after getting so wet and entangled in love and s*x they were served dinner they had requested watched the tv and were off to sleep.The next day they had breakfast and went on and on for weeks until they left the lodge back home . Sometimes they went to the beach.Carolyn taking off her clothes to the beach wear some what seductive swimming trunk and Bricks junior his boxers they had and enjoyed alot of fun. 11)So one morning Carolyn feeling so weak, decided to visit the hospital on getting to the hospital waited for the doctor.On the doctors arrival some tests were performed and she was confirmed pregnant she was so over joyful on her way home she started to start buying things for the baby and she did.She also branched at the church to thank God for the good news and called her husband and told him there was a surprise he tried guessing but he failed so he waited till he got home and hung up the phone.On getting home his wife told him that she was pregnant they were both happy from that day on they both started buying things and shopping for the baby the baby arrived after some months bringing joy to the family so after their first daughter their second daughter followed people came to celebrate with them. 12)Brick's junior's family were so nonchalant on his success . Bricks junior had the were wolf beastly trait like his siblings but never used it to harm anyone he tried always to control himself even though it is sometimes difficult . Settled down with his wife Carolyn had two daughters lucky for him they were human which also vexed his family.So his siblings decided to plot and kill him and his family,his mother also wanted him dead . Bricks junior was happy comfortable hardly used his other self that is his were wolf beastly self to torment, unlike his brothers who did and we're wicked.So one day after school his daughters had finished from school so they were being picked on their way with the driver the car was attacked driver killed his daughters no where to be found when the information got to Bricks junior and his wife.of the incidence of their daughters missing and the death of the driver he was shocked. 13) When the information got to Bricks junior and his wife Carolyn about their missing daughters and driver they were shocked they didn't believe that something like this would happen,and to him especially Bricks junior.Even though in his work he had somany enemies very hard and strict in his business,also an entrepreneur he did not know who to suspect ,if it was from his place of work or his brothers.So the police came inquiring information he just gave the little he knew but didn't really suspect anybody exactly he gave an account of not being friends with trouble and avoiding it but trouble has a way of finding him,he narrated how his driver was sent to drop his children and then him at work.Then he sent for the driver to pick them up after they close from school.The police was on the case for a long time with no results everything was slightly on a hold.So Brick's junior and his wife kept on visiting the station,on information on a break in their daughters case but all was in vein until after somany years there was a hint in their daughters were about and the results were negative,that their daughters were dead and so the parents were in grief for days they were in pain no one to confort them.But they later came to the conclusion that their daughters were dead and had to move on with their lives.Some days months later Mr Bricks junior and wife were called to the station on answering the phone they told them to come to the station that they had come to their house somany Times and there was no response so as they both got to the station ,the police told them informing them that their daughters corpses have being recovered and we're it was recovered that they both have been confirmed dead.Carolyn wept . 14)Then him hearing the bad news,his wife wept for days unknown to him his siblings were planning a more worse hit after weeks, days,past a year his daughters bodies were found.It was then that the police had confirmed all suspicion that his daughters were dead but not just dead murdered.Bricks and wife mourned,now it was finally concluded so and how this took.place was a mystery to be pursued the two couples were grieved.The burial was set there was so much mourning because his daughters were young everything seemingly came back to normal after the disaster that had happened befallen the family.Bricks junior was not satisfied with the fact that his daughters were dead.So with out his wife's knowledge he went on with his plan to higher a detective who briefed him on his daughters death,he suspected his siblings but held it within him until it was evident.As everyone went on their daily life's the detective detailed him on the were about of his brothers and also his mother he didn't include his step mother cause she had being nice to him and had being a nice person. 15)His main concern was his family the detective briefed him on their movements,what he was told was that the detective saying saying his siblings as wicked had their hands in some killings showing him pictures as evidence,the detective said he was not sure of his daughters murder but other aspects of his siblings lifes were they had murdered changing into were wolves the detective got so scared asking Bricks junior that it might be a risk for him to continue that by mistake if he was sniffed or caught his dead meat.So Bricks told him that he was guilty forgeting to tell him that his siblings were werewolves and how dangerous the job was so after so much persuasion the detective continued but not for long.Bricks junior warned him never to disclose all that he had seen to anyone but only to him. 16)He also decided to do his research himself after the disappearance of his daughters Bricks junior's children the rumors were all around the town his brothers heard of the news and were so happy they came visiting him pretending to be sympathetic too.Carolyn was on the television and also preparing dinner it was almost evening and she called her husband to know his were about , telling him that she was scared and needed companion but he told her that he was on his way just finished from work and was driving so after their discussion she then hung up the phone she was then setting the table for the food when the door bell rang,she got to the door to her surprise it was her husband's brothers not her husband.She then told them that her husband was not around but he will soon be back home.So if they could wait for him so they waited for him for a short while,and then had a discussion within themselves and then later changed their mind.They now had a bad intention to deceive Carolyn into thinking wrong over her husband painting him bad .So the day they came visiting he was not around,so they met with Carolyn his wife she made them comfortable serving them everything they needed,so they pretended to be sympathetic too ,they continue d trying to bias her mind telling her that it was her husband that had a hand in their missing daughters and that she should be careful of him,that she is likely to be next .Not knowing their true nature she was convinced at first .His brothers were happy at what they had done by convincing Brick junior's wife and they at were about to do mot evil for they had other plans to kill Bricks junior so they started on the plan. 17)After Bricks junior came home and his wife told him of his brothers visit and how she was almost convinced of him maybe having a hand in their daughters disappearance he immediately talked her out of the thought and she later started thinking right.Carolyn was in a way convinced that her husband might have no hand in their daughters disappearance he wanted her to be careful and told her of how evil his brothers were so she took heed and was careful.After days of mourning and Bricks junior and wife were on the conclusion that his daughters will never be found and were dead they both forgot about it and decided it to rest it was now in the past.Bricks junior decided to persuade his wife to have children and let them forget the past,for weeks months he persuaded her but all in vein.One night he forcefully tried persuading her his wife until she succumbed, kissing her passionately before bed time she pushed him off he drew even closer pushing her to bed. 18)They began ? kissing each other it to a while before they began to undress after totally undressing he kissed her all over and then passionately made love to her again and again until they were so tired they lay down had little discussions and then lay down to sleep,the next day they repeated their love making again days nights they did the same they later forgot about their daughters and decided to start all over again weeks months passed and Carolyn was confirmed pregnant again nthis time a boy , before Bricks junior and his wife conceived of their son they adopted a boy who was at that time already two years old staying with them for some years. So they were so happy to be having another boy which made them happy 19) Bricks junior and wife their two daughters the loss was too much for them to bear but with their son on the way the loss of their daughters everything was now in the past .His siblings had started on another plan to eliminate him and his wife so they did.He decided to pay his mother a visit his mother welcomed him he met one of his siblings Eeric to discuss the will and contacting their other siblings concerning the will.As a family their mother was present so the day came they all arrived at the family house all were present including the second wife.During the discussion some quarell broke out some in disagreement with Bricks junior on sharing the will equally even with the second wife.The second wife being the younger wife and barren too.To Bricks junior he had a say in the family and share in the will.not just him everyone. 20)There was a threat on him and he became scared and left with his step mother.It became clear so he had to be careful and also warned his stepmother to be careful he also helped and supported her sometimes with her fiances and told her he would be available anytime she needed help.On getting to his home he narrated the whole story to his wife of his brothers and mother's wickedness towards him then warned her again to be careful Bricks junior was not surprised he always knew it would come to this that eventually his brothers will one day make their intentions known through their wickedness which they had portrayed and even more wickedness which he suspected they were about to commit so he decided to be careful. 21) Unknown to Bricks junior he had being offered a drink at the last meeting he had with his brothers and mum.The drink offered to him triggers the were wolf beast in him which gets uncontrollable.So days and months he tried on reverting it the procedure what to do how to control it it was impossible.So one morning he woke up shocked with the pool of his wife's blood and unborn son all over in the bed so confused he didn't know what to do he secretly.buried her.He thought of how always wanted to be a good father and now he had lost everything .He got more vexed with the fact that two people were involved in the death his wife and his son.He blamed himself alot was so guilty of going to the meeting all this will never have happened and now he cannot revert it .The vex and pain within him grew more worse,for days he couldn't sleep he was restless the thought kept coming to him he started to drink alot to ease the pain but the pain couldn't go away it was right in his face.His other son who he adopted with his wife was his comfort.He thought of his step mother if she was okay and decided to check up on her .She was okay but not in a happy mood.Bricks junior now told her of the whole story that he had lost his wife,but never told her the exact story that he was the cause,he instead told her that his wife had had an accident and was hit by a car and then blamed it on his brothers that they are likely to be the one and she believed him because she knew how wicked his brothers were and the extent they could go .From that day things were never the same also from that day the were wolf beast in him began to emerge stronger he decided to avenge his wife's death he didn't care about his late father's will anymore he just wanted to avenge his late wife's death that he did. 22)for days months he stayed at home in hiding so that his siblings will never suspect that he was still alive.His son came to join him in the sitting room inquiring of his mother's were about Bricks junior telling.him that she had travelled and will be coming back soon.Bricks junior thought of his late father how humble he was and how he combined his being werewolf and human.if he attacked and devoured .

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