Chapter 3

1100 Words
“So are you going to apply as a student assistant? It will help you to earn money and continue to study here at the Guerrero colleges.” “I don’t know if mama will allow me, but I wanted to help them, maybe later I will tell them about it.” Ernie wanted to apply too but she can’t afford to lose her job at the coffee shop because her workmates means a lot to her. They treat her as a family. There were times that her workmates bought her foods when their allowance was delayed and she doesn’t have any more money left. That’s why her job is very important for her. Her workmates are all kind. She cannot also apply because her schedule was already full. Also she has six subjects every weekday. 8:00 am until 12 noon. Her work at the coffee shops started at exactly 1:00 pm until 6 pm and every weekend she teaches the son of her landlady. And that’s the reason why I am still single. Jowa (boyfriend) is not on my list of priorities. When she came back Alysa was on her chair and writing something on a notebook. “Thank you for this, Ernie!” Alysa said. “Welcome, I hope it will help you to understand the topic easily,” she said. Alysa went back to her chair and showed her notebook. “I left fifty pesos on the sheets of your notebook to thank you but you were so quick and saw me, anyway don’t return that! That’s the only way I can help you!” she said. Ernie opened her notebook and saw that there is really fifty pesos bill on it. She took it and handed it to Alysa but the latter raise both of her hands. “I am not going to talk to you if you return that to me, I am going to be sad. You accepted some of our classmates offer but not mine,” she said. Ernie laughed. She has no choice but to accept her offered money. “Thank you for this, it is a big help.” She said. “No worries! Next time, I will give you bread so that you will not be shy to accept money,” Alysa told her. When their mathematics professor came all of her classmate became quiet. “Good morning, BEED – Block 1.” Professor Nathaniel said. “Good morning, Professor Nathaniel,” they all said in unison. Professor Nathaniel is also strict. When comparing to Professor Diana he’s five times strict than her. She never saw their math professor smile or even tell them some jokes. “Bring out your pen and keep all your notebooks and anything that is related to this subject inside your bags. I don’t want to see anything in front of your desk except your pen.” He said. “I thought we are going to have a recitation? Huhu, I think it is a surprise activity,” Alysa murmured at her. “Santillana, what are you saying to Miss Paraiso?” She almost chokes when he heard their professor called them. “N-Nothing, Professor Nathaniel,” Alyssa said. I was so nervous. He called out my surname. He never calls my surname since the first day of the semester! “I’m sorry, Ernie. Let’s talk later, huhu,” Alysa murmured again. Ernie never talks again while their professor was giving them an activity paper. Okay, she didn’t study last night and this one is a surprise activity. She hopes she can pass it too! “I will give you thirty minutes to answer the following questions. Keep silence. No one will look at the paper of your seatmate, if I caught you, I will tear your paper and tell you to go outside.” Professor Nathaniel said. “I do not tolerate cheaters in my class,” he added. No one would dare to cheat if the professor is scary like him. Everyone looks like they have stiff neck because they are afraid to move their head. Ernie wanted to laugh at their situation but she composes herself. She doesn’t want to go outside right? When the given time ended they all pass their paper. Ernie was so nervous of the result, she didn’t know if she answered the questions correctly. After the mathematic subject was done, Ernie goes outside for lunch. She never eats lunch at the university canteen because the foods there are expensive. She needs to spend her money wisely because their manager at the coffee shop told them that the salary for the next month will be delayed, because the coffee shop was still under some payments issues. The manager told them that they’re fixing it as soon as possible. Ernie was about to cross the road when a fast car almost hit her. “Oh my!” She heard shouts from her classmates who were walking behind her. They saw what happened. The car stopped but the person driving the car didn’t go out. When the window of the car half opened she saw a man wearing dark sunglasses. He glances at her and looked at her body and when he thinks that she’s okay the man started the car and leave her. What the?! He didn’t even apologize for what he did! “E-Ernie, are you okay? We saw what happened! Do we need to get you to the hospital? Is there any broken bones? Do you still know us? I am Helena, this is Sarah, this is May and this is Alysa, Oh my! You should get treated— She almost laughed at Helena. She never changed. Back when they are still in high school she was always acting that way. “Helena, I am fine, you are over reacting again. Just got some bruises but there are no major injuries because the car didn’t hit me.” She said. “Thanks God! That man is rude but… gorgeous huh?” Helena said. “I knew him! He’s the heir of the Reverizta group of companies. He’s known for being a badboy and he never apologizes so that’s given that he didn’t apologize to what he did to Ernie,” Sarah said. “He’s popular too! I also know that guy; he’s studying at the Maria Cuezentine University, one of the Prestigious Universities here at our country!” Alysa said. She doesn’t care about who that man is, and how rich or popular he is. All she wanted that time is to eat because she’s very hungry.
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