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The life of Raffy is about to change as his rich father put everything, his money, businesses, inheritance and many more, under Raffy's name. Not happy with this, his father's second wife, Margaret, will do everything to get rid of him and kill him, so that she can have Raffy's everything, so she can have Raffy's inheritance, so she could be the fairest of them all.

Witness the life of Raffy as he deal with all of the problems that will come to his life, brought by his father's second wife.

Will Margaret be successful?

Or will Raffy be strong and prevail?

This is the story of Raffy. And his killer is also his lover.

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Fairest Of Them All
"What did you say? Raffy will have all of his father's inheritance? Are you dead serious?" a woman said to the one she's talking to on the phone. "Yes, you heard it right. I just heard from our lawyer that everything will be named to Rafael Zeine Dela Cruz." "This can't be happening! It should be me! I should the one who will have their properties. I should be the one who will be rich, not his stupid son from his first wife. It should be me!" the woman yelled. "So what's your plan now? Don't tell me you will kill him just to have his inheritance?" "Which I'm going to do right now. Find someone who can bring me Raffy's heart. And tell him I want it bloody and quick. He needs to die. I need to be the fairest of them all." - - - - - I was immediately awaken by the cold breeze coming from the window of my room. I forgot to close it last night. I got up and fixed my bed. It's 6:30 am, Monday morning. A typical morning for a student like me. I lazily take a glance in my room in the school's dormitory where I was staying. I woke up with the fact that my father's already dead and will never come back. And its been 3 days since my father's burial, but I can completely remember the face of a woman they called "Margaret" who's according to them, was my father's new wife. I don't know what am I supposed to feel that time, sorrow for the lost of my father, or confused for the moment that a woman approached us claiming that he was my father's wife that I didn't knew about and my father didn't told me about it either. I was preparing my stuffs that I will bring to school when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw Martin, my friend and also occupying the unit next door. "Hey! Why are you not on your uniform? The class is about to start in ten minutes." "You know the reason why. I haven't slept this past few days. I really missed my dad." I told him with a sad face. He then sighed deeply and patted me on my shoulder. "You're the strongest person I know. You can passed this obstacles you're facing right now." Martin told me. I am not that kind of person who likes to cry a lot, but I almost did right now. "Now packed all your stuffs and let's go." Martin is a very close friend of mine. We became friends since when we decided to stay in the school's dormitory. We have different courses, but we always manage to eat lunch and snacks together even though he's always busy with his duties as the Student Council President. "Thanks bro!" I sincerely thanked him. We're already in front of my classroom and he's about to leave to go to their room. "You're always welcome." I entered the room and everyone is looking at me. The class has already began when I got in. Our teacher greeted me and expressed his deepest condolences for the death of my father. I just accepted it and went to my seat. Everything just went good that day and I'm heading back to my unit when I noticed a group of people came over me. "Raffy!" I heard Martin called me. He's with the six other members of the council, who were also all boys. They're all doing their duties responsively and serving us the right way. "Hey! How many times I'm gonna tell you, don't call me Raffy in front of other people. It's embarrassing, you know haha" "Haha sorry dude. I just got used to it." "Heading back to the dorm? Why don't you join us? We're going to eat in a resto before going home." Kayser told me. He's the SC Secretary and also a friend of mine for he also stays in the dorm like me and Martin. "Yeah sure! Good thing is that I have nothing to do that much this time. But can I dropped by the dorm for a minute? I just want to change my clothes. If that's okay with you." I told them and they all agreed. Martin escorted me to my unit while the others already headed to the resto where we supposed to eat. I rushed changing my clothes and we're now on our way to the resto. "By the way, I have to mention this. The intramurals' a month from now. Do you have any plans joining the University Stars? Or even the tournament sports?" Martin told me. "Well bro you always know that I don't have any plans or even some urge to join any kind of pageant, maybe the tournament sports but not the pageant." I sincerely told him, which is true. "Think of it Raffy. We're graduating this school year yet you haven't even joined in any pageant though you're a sure win University Star. Haven't you looked at yourself in a mirror?" "Why?" "Look at you. You're handsome, you're smart, you're famous for being one of the top students here. And look at you, you're whiter than white. Believe me bro, you're a crowning material." "I'm going to think about it, but I'm not saying yes already." "Yes! Please consider." Martin happily said. He really wanted me to join since when we we're first year. We were a few blocks away from the resto. We just decided to walk since it was pretty close enough to walk from the school. I was currently using my phone and checking updates on my social media accounts when Martin spoke again. "Pretend that we're not talking or noticed something. Just continue walking and don't look back." Martin seriously said. I somewhat feel scared from what he's said and asked him why. "A man wearing hoodie was following us. I noticed him since when we we're going out of the school. He's been following us from there." I eventually got scared, I wanted to look back but I want to trust my friend who told me not to. Few steps from where we are right now was the resto. I somehow felt safe when I saw the guard outside. We never looked back and entered the resto. From the door we can see the man in black hoodie passed by but didn't even throw a single stare on us. "That was scary! But who do you think he was?" Martin asked me, but I totally have no idea. I just looked again to that man who was standing on the across street right in front of the resto, and looks like waiting for someone. I just shrugged it off and went inside. Maybe it's just a coincidence that we thought he's following us but maybe he's not. But hell yeah, that was scary!

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