Chapter 4

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After Rose's oversized tub had finished filling up Renesmee and I stripped down out of our clothes and got in. The water against my skin was an interesting temperature. It was a fair 98 degrees in temperature but to my skin it was about 105. Renesmee was immeadiately distracted by the bubbles as there were so many and for the first 5 minutes of our mommy/daughter bathtime we had a bubble fight that ended in the two of us laughing as we wiped away our bubble beards. After our faces were rinsed of the foam we sat back and relaxed. "Mommy can we go and see grampa tomorrow please?" Renesmee said in a clear voice. I had been relaxing in the bath with my eyes closed thinking about how far life had come for me since I had been married when she spoke. I opened my eyes and smiled. I loved it when she spoke. "Well how about we invite him over for brunch tomorrow?" I responded. I loved that I was able to have no only my new family -The Cullens- my husband and our daughter as well as my father and friends. It was more then I could have hoped for when I was told of the vampire life. "I like that mommy." She said as she began piling bubbles onto her head. I leaned over the side of the tub and grabbed the shampoo and then began doing Renesmee's hair. As I was rubbing in the shampoo I smiled at her loose corkscrew curles. "Do you know who the most beautiful girl in the whole world is?" I asked as I turned on the shower head and began rinsing her hair. A smiled flitted across her face. "I am." She said cheerfully. "But you are a part of me so that makes you pretty too mommy." I put some conditioner into her hair and began the process of combing it. "That is what your daddy tells me." I responded. It was nice to hear it but sometimes I didn't feel pretty. That comes to show that I apparently didn't see myself as the world did and probably never would. After I finished combing her hair I let the condition sit for a few minutes and then washed it out. I then drained the tub and rinsed the remaining soap from our bodies and then we got out. I couldn't believe that I had been so nervous about taking a bath with my daughter. It was nice and relaxing and in a deep sentimental way I know we had bonded. Then again I was the same way when it came to marrying Edward and making love but it turned out great and I loved everything about it. I threw a robe over my body and then wrapped Renesmee in a towel. Seconds after the bathroom opened and Alice was waiting for us. "Did you have a nice time?" Alice asked sweetly. Before I could answer Rosalie lifted Renesmee into her arms and headed out of the hall. From the sound and direction of her steps it seemed like she was heading to Edwards old bedroom. This bedroom was used for Renesmee whenever we stayed the night at the main house. She loved hearing the stories that came with the bedroom like our first dance together and Edward proposing and me saying yes. "So missy I have planned it out and I think we will all love it." Alice said cheerfully. She handed me a pair of jeans, a green tshirt and my undergarmets to dress in. I quickly slid into my bra and panties and then held the green shirt in my fingers and eyed it carefully. "It's cotton nothing fancy Bella." She chuckled. I lifted the fabric to my nose and sniffed. It was cotton. Smiling I slipped it over my head and then stepped into my jeans. The moment I buttoned them the door opened and Edward came in. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his body. In the next second his lips were against my own. Remembering what Alice had said I moved away from Edward. "Wait a minute." I said to Edward as I kept my eyes on Alice. "What have you planned?" I asked curiously. "Alice has planned a family vacation to the island where we had our honey moon. She thinks it would be good for us as a whole unit to bond without having to hide who we are or what we can do." Edward responded. His arms found there way back around my waist only this time he didn't kiss me. "Since soon enough the wolves will become part of our family through Sue and Charlie I think we should get to know one another and build a trust." Alice added. "Let me guess, beach wedding?" I asked. If I knew my father I would assume he wouldn't want the glitz and glamour that accompanies Alice and her part planning. It took him much persuasion from Alice to get him into a simple suit for my wedding. "Beach Wedding." Edward repeated. "My dad is going to say no and I'm sure the wolves-" Alice tapped her index finger to her temple and smiled. Of course Alice had looked in on this. She never planned anything without consulting with her visions before hand. "So when is this all of this happening?" I asked as I crossed my arms along my chest. "Tomorrow I will tell Charlie of the plans and then the wolves will be notified. The day after I will be doing shopping and prepping for the trip and then the day after Jasper and I will pick up everyones Passports." Alice replied. "Wait... you've got to be kidding me, a plan full of vampires and werewolves?" I said in disbelief. Alice picked up a pad of paper and a pencil and I watched her quickly sketching out wedding dress designs. "How are we going to fit everyone on the island? The wolves sleep and so does my dad and Renesmee." I questioned. Alice glanced up at me from her drawing and then looked down as if this had already been discussed and wasn't a problem. "We have four days Bella." She said simply. She picked up a pack of colored pencils and began coloring details onto the dress sketch. "Alice thought it might be obvious so she isn't delving into the greater details. We are taking a private jet to the Rio DeJaniro and then a yatch to the island. Jasper, Emmett, Carlisle, Esme, and Rosalie are going to fly out there tonight and the rest of us will be leaving later." Edward said to me. I nodded my head. So that was one question answered but there was still one left. Where would everyone sleep? "The others are going to be setting up the guest house on the south part of the island. It will be close enough to walk to but far away for a bit of privacy. Charlie and Sue will be flying to Greenland afterwards for their honeymoon that is paid in full by us." He added. "Is he really going to be alright with this Alice?" I asked. Alice set down her finished sketch and rose to her feet. She crossed the room to stand before me and placed her hands on my shoulders reassuringly. "Bella, he will be as okay with it as you were during your time. You were hesitant but you grew to it and then you loved it." She gave me a winning smile and then skipped from the room. "Don't try and talk her out of it Bella because once her mind is made up you can't change it." Edward laughed. After a few chuckles he froze and his eyes trailed up to the floor above us. "It seems like Renesmee is ready for bed. He took my hand and then we headed quickly from Rose's room on the second floor to Edwards on the third. Rosalie was waiting at the threshold as we came out onto the third floor landing. When we entered the room she headed downstairs. Renesmee was sitting on the edge of the bed Edward had bought during my final year of school for the 'slumber party' I had with Alice just before the fight with the newborns. In the next second she yawned and looked in our direction. I walked over to her side and lifted her into my arms while Edward pulled the sheets down so we could tuck her in. I laid her in the bed and watched as Edward tucked her in. "Daddy tell me a story." Renesmee requested. Edward looked at me and smiled as he took my hand and we crawled into bed beside Renesmee. I sat in Edwards arms as he leaned against the head board to the bed, his arms wrapped securely around me. "Have I ever told you about the bravest woman I have ever met?" Edward asked Renesmee as I brushed her hair with my hand. I watched Renesmee quietly shake her head. "Her name is Isabella Marie Cullen." Edward said. I felt my heart grow warm and fuzzy as I listened to his words. "That's my mommy." Renesmee said with a yawn at the end. Edward nodded his head. "Do you know why she is brave?" He asked her. Renesmee shook her head. "While we were celebrating your mothers 17th birthday she got a paper cut and uncle Jasper lost control and almost hurt her. Just the thought of her ever getting hurt because of me brought much dread to my mind and I left her to protect her. The time that I was away brought me much pain but I did it for her own good." I felt Edwards arms tighten slightly around me. "Then Alice had a vision of Bella jumping from a cliff and we thought she was dead so I went to the Volturi to ask them to end me so I could be with her in heaven." Renesmee looked at Edward and frowned. "No, your mom wasn't trying to end her life she was just cliff diving, the vision was wrong." Edward said answering one of Renesmee's silent questions. "Your mother came to me in Volterra and saved my life. She braved the horrors that were the Volturi to save me because she loved me. After that day I promised to never leave her side again." he finished. Edward placed a kiss to my cheek and then told Renesmee that she could hear more of the story tomorrow night. Renesmee closed her eyes and then Jake came into the room and tucked her wolf stuffed animal into her arms before kissing her on her forehead. After 10 minutes Edward told me that she was asleep and then we all slipped from the room to join the others downstairs. I didn't even reach the bottom landing when a familiar scent filled the air. I sniffed lightly and a smile crossed my face. The scent belonged to my father. "Dad!" I said cheerfully as I walked into the living room. Sitting on the couch beside Emmett watching the Seattle Seahawks playing football was my father who smiled as he saw me. Alice skipped into the room with a beer in her hand which she quickly gave to my father. "Thank you Alice." He said as he opened it and took a swig. "You have a charming sister." My father said to Emmett. Emmett chuckled. "She can be a bit of a pain in the butt sometimes but I couldn't imagine life without her." He said as he grabbed Alice's arm and attempted to pull her to the couch. Alice who had more then likely foreseen Emmetts prank ducked out of it and jumped onto Emmetts back. "Nice try Em." She laughed before letting herself fall onto his lap. Alice gazed at Charlie from her spot upside down in Emmetts lap. "So Charlie, the entire family is going to be going to our families private island in Brazil and you and Sue and the extended family are invited." Alice said in her innocent voice. "If Sue wants to go then I will join her with the kids." Charlie said. I walked over to his side and pecked him lightly on his cheek. "Charlie." Edward greeted with a smile. "Edward, hows the married life treating you so far? Are you being good to my daughter and granddaughter?" He asked. Edward wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Always Mr. Swan, they are my life." Edward responded without missing a beat. "We just laid Renesmee down for bed. She wouldn't stop asking to see you dad." I laughed lightly. Charlie's face grew smug. "She did eh? Well what can I say I have that grampa charm now." He said before taking another swig. Esme came walking into the room beside Sue, the two smiling. "Yes, I think they wouldn't mind helping. I mean after the recent initiatians we can probably afford to loan a few to your needs." I heard Sue say. "That is excellent, everything will be paid for and we leave in 8 hours." Esme replied. I watched Esme take out her cell phone and hand it to Sue. From the numbers she was dialing I recognized the tones to match with Jakes phone that we had given him. Just as I predicted I heard the phone ringing from upstairs. "Hello?" I heard Jake say as he answered the phone. "Jake, I need you to go to the reservation and grab Leah, Seth, Paul and Embry if they spare him. They will be going to Brazil tonight." She said simply. Jake quickly hung up the phone and I heard him leaving from the sliding door in Edwards room. In less than thirty minutes I could hear him returning. But from the stampede of footprints I could tell he wasn't alone and there was certainly more then just four extra people following him. I guess Sam brought the entire pack with him to see what was going on. This should be a great experince.
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