
The Alpha's Promised Mate

second chance

As a result of a promise the Alpha made, he decides to accept his mate, Rachel Sparks whom he bears no feelings for.

Still thinking that she's the cause of his parents' death, he tells her to leave the pack which she does but their last night together could put their separation on hold, as she becomes a suspect of the Alpha's mother's death.

Diving deeper to prove her innocence, she finds herself embroiled in a series of events whereas only the Alpha can save her from, and this is when and where emotions and secrets start to ignite.

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A Visit To The Palace
Rachel I twirled around my room, happily. My puffy, beautiful dress which had sparkles also danced to my tunes, corresponding to the flow. I couldn't hold my excitement and let out a soft scream which my mother heard. She came into my room and heaved in relief after seeing I was in a good condition. "Why did you yell?" My mother, who was still curious, asked. I smiled broadly, causing my deep dimples to emerge. My teenage mind was so engulfed with happiness that I found it hard to explain myself. It was such a joy to the heart when I realized that the Alpha's son, Brandon, who was my classmate and every girl's crush in school, was my mate. We both suddenly felt that bond a few days ago while in class. It was later obvious we were blessed by the moon goddess to be mates. However, everyone knew Brandon to be a tough person who never paid anyone attention. He had his own squad and preferred no other person to talk to or join him. He always had this poker face which showed how harsh and nonchalant he could be. "Are you that happy?" My mother asked, as if she could read my thoughts. "Of course." I nodded. "Let's go, the carriage is waiting outside." My mother told me as she dabbed my pony-tailed hair. The carriage was sent by Alpha's wife, the Luna of the pack. She grew this friendship bond with me the moment she found out her son and I were mates. Even when Brandon ignored my presence, his mother was always ready to talk and c***k jokes with me. She was such a good and jovial soul. That Saturday, she had summoned me to the palace where her and her family resided. I felt happy and also excited because I knew that Brandon would be home. It meant that I would see him. My thought was to try to talk to him and see how well we could understand our bond and become closer, since we were obviously mates. I wanted him to stop ignoring me. I quietly followed my mother out, and she placed me in the golden-like carriage. Before the door closed, she embraced me and gave me a few pieces of advice a mother would. "Take care of yourself and make sure you show only your good behavior. You could also try to be close to Brandon too." She said, and I nodded, affirmatively. "I have that in mind too," I whispered, and she smiled. We both waved before I closed the door. Soon enough, the carriage was on the road, and we were off to the palace. It took only a few minutes to get there. I got down from the carriage and entered the gigantic and gorgeous palace, which had affluence in every nook and had corners. I got to the passageway and my gaze fell on Brandon, who was just opposite me. "Hi." I smiled at him with a wave. He only sighed and ignored me, trying to walk away. "Brandon!" I called quickly before he could get the chance to dismiss himself from my sight. Brandon rolled his eyes before he turned to face me. "What is it?" His voice sounded upset. "Is your mother in your room? She… She asked for me." I stammered and gulped hard. "What do you want from her?" He asked instead. "She asked to see me. She even sent a carriage to fetch me." I replied as I noticed his eyes scanning the dress I wore. "What do you think of the dress? Is it pretty? Your mother bought it for me." I chuckled. Brandon sighed, frustrated. "Can you do me a favor?" He asked, and my eyes grew wide, overwhelmed by his statement. "What is that?" I asked. "Stay away from my mother. My father being very sick is already taking a toll on me. I want my mother to be on her own. Stop following her like a lackey. I would rather not think too much," he blurted out to show how obviously he disliked me. I frowned lightly. "I'm not being a disturbance to your mother, neither am I following her around like a lackey. Like I said before, she was the one who called me" "Just stay away from her" he hissed and advanced to leave. I understood how he felt at that moment. The Alpha of the pack, the Crescent moon pack, was very sick recently and it truly bothered Brandon. No wonder he skipped a few lessons the other week. His father had been lying on his sick bed and could hardly stand or even eat without assistance. At that moment, his mother was the only one he had and he, it seemed like I was trying to take his mother's love from him. Thankfully, his Beta and the elders of the pack were the ones trying to move the crescent pack forward and everything was normal. "Brandon?" I called again, and he groaned before looking at me. "What do you want again?" He asked in an uncomfortable tone. "Do you want to have tea later?" I asked and his thick eyebrows arched. "Why should we have tea? Are we friends? I only have tea or anything with my friends and those close to me." He replied, sounding gruff. "And why shouldn't you have tea with your mate? Isn't Rachel your mate? Isn't she somebody who is supposed to be close to you?" We heard someone say from behind me, and our gazes swerved towards that person. It was Queen Lindy, Brandon's mother and the Present Luna of the Crescent Moon Pack! She was wearing a smile on her face and her royal blue dress, which looked exotic and beautiful, almost made me yearn for it. "Mother," Brandon whispered. "Good day, your highness", I also whispered and gave a small bow in respect. Lindy chuckled and rubbed my hair. "You came. I have been waiting for you. I almost even thought you would never come." "I'm sorry for not coming earlier. I was having a word with Brandon," I said. "No, It’s fine. You don't have to worry." She assured me, and I nodded, taking my eyes up. "Brandon, you shall have tea with your mate after I have spent my leisure time with her," Lindy said, and a disappointed look overtook his face. "You need to be closer to her! Did you hear me?" Lindy said, sounding angry. "I will, mother" he finally replied, and his mother smiled. "Very good. You can go to your room now. Rachel?" She called me after speaking with her son, who was already leaving us. "Yes, your highness," I replied. "Let's go now" She smiled, offering her hand to me. I smiled back and held her hand. Together, we both walked away to her chamber.

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