27th Tick: Victory

1051 Words
“So sad, truly a pity, that you break so easily, don’t you think?” Wish asked Amon. “I mean, you asked for power to kill an immortal, but didn’t wish to be immortal yourself, I wonder why?” Thomas quietly approached Wish while he was preoccupied. Amon tried to get up, but fell back down, blood pooling under him. He grabbed his side, the blood not stopping. He could not save himself by turning into flames, it was already too late. He fell onto his elbows, his sight already fading, the words he was able to hear became softer and further away. He eventually collapsed in the puddle of his own blood. “What was it with you again?” Wish recalled. “Your master, some Pastel guy, not sure who he was. Your master got killed, yeah? And you wanted to get revenge in the demon that killed your master.” Wish leaned in closer. “So what? What did you achieve by getting revenge? As you can see, everything you and your master built up has been destroyed. Your life has been wasted. What are your going to do now? You have no one to serve, no one to lead, don’t you think...” Wish’s voice dropped to a Low whisper. “Don’t you think you no longer have a meaning in life?” Amon listened, that was the only thing he could do in his final moments. Wish asked him, “There is no reason for you to be alive anymore. No one in the world wants you, no human, no demon. Just give up, you’re just like a lost puppy, huh? Where are you going to go afterwards? To the humans where you will be hunted and feared? Or to the demons where you would be sentenced to death for killing a demon general. Neither option is good, what do you say? Isn’t dying the only option at this point?” Amon tried to get up, but his body did not respond. “You may have lost all purpose, but what if I told you that you can still serve one more purpose?” Wish told him, his eyes twinkling. “Surrender your body to me, I can heal your wounds with a wish, then I can repay all the humans and demons that exists. I can play more, you can have another purpose, what do you say?” ‘Of course not’, ‘go to hell’, ‘die already’. Thoughts like those ran through Amin’s head. He could never forgive Wish for what he had done. Amon, in the demon realm, was a random kid on the streets. He did not have parents, he was lonely and dirty, a kid no one approached, just another hell-spawn. However, despite that, a demon had reached out to him, offered him something to live for. The demon had told him all about his ambitions. That demon, although had a high position in the army, wanted coexistence between humans and demons. Amon looked up to him, working up the ladder, desperately, he climbed up to the position of the demon’s right hand man. When the Great War came, the demon Amon respected was voted nine against one compared to the other demon generals. Throughout the war, that demon went around, trying to invite humans to join a town under his protection, where he could have demons and humans coexist. His plan partially succeeded, but it raised much attention among the other demon generals. Amon stuck to him, until his final moments. A demon general, the main reason for the cause of his master’s death, was a demon named Episode. The demon that acted as his father figure, treated him like his own child, had died in Amon’s hands. Injuries beyond recognition, Amon had remembered crying that day, and vowing revenge. The town was hastily out under his rule where he tried to keep everything together. Luckily, the town itself would sustain, but it was not enough for Amon to do that. He had wished, he made a wish with WishEarth. One of the few demons that ever made a wish. Amon was strong before wishing, but the wish made him much stronger. With the newfound power, Wish took away something else. His memories for his master were gone. He had asked his fellow demons, they managed to tell him what his memories were. But the problem still remained, he was no longer loyal to his master, instead, he was clinging onto something like another memory. He could not remember his face, his words, his warmth, his master felt so distant. Amon had lost all forms of loyalty and devotion for his master. Not too long ago from the present, he had apprehended Episode. Unsure of whether the demon general had actually died, he had run back in an attempt to rescue the town. But Wish was right, he no longer had a meaning. Even when he fought Episode, he could not feel anger on the level of revenge, just a normal feeling. At the end, the anger was directed at someone else, it was directed at Wish, for taking his memories away. Amon felt himself losing consciousness, with his last strength, he smirked and said to Wish, “Yeah right, brat.” Wish stood up, shrugging and turning around. “Well, hello there.” Thomas said. Wish looked at what was going on and replied. “I’m not surprised.” “Zeroth Hour.” Time stopped and Wish’s movement basically came to a halt, without the necessary strength left to force his movements. Thomas snapped. “Fifth Hour.” Shrapnel flew at Wish, ripping his body apart. A black flame floated in the air, Wish appearing above the body, wearing his normal outfit. Thomas resumed time, and Wish cursed, saying, “You’re no fun.” Thomas waved as Wish disappeared with a gust of wind. For how much damage he had caused, it was a pretty anticlimactic ending. Thomas picked up Rose and told her, “Well, time to get going.” “Huh? What about WishEarth?” She asked. They walked away from the town. It was a beautiful town, where coexistence took place, where they had a strong leader to gather under and kind citizens. Thomas told Rose, “It’s been dealt with. Let’s take it that we were never in the town, and that battle never happened.” “But it did.” “I said ‘let’s take it that’, okay?” “By the way, where are we headed to next?” Thomas smiled. “I remember where Amon had attacked. I think that town has a demon general, so we’re going over there to give a polite greeting.”
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