
1499 Words
Music played as group of friends arrived in the clearing to where the party was being held. Payton stood beside Avery already looking bored by just everything. She knew earlier she agreed but she didn’t at all think night time would arrive so fast. All she knew was they were at one point in the water all their clothes wet to bone, laughing and having a joyous time. Next thing she knew her friends were dragging her to this, and they would have actually dragged her if she refused to walk. Payton sighed as she tucked her hands into the pockets of her short. Yes Payton Kent yet again wore clothes she would wear to bed to a party. Dressed in knee high shorts and a loose black vest she watched as all the other friends went their ways. Now Payton only stood with Avery, the same Avery that was smiling widely as her eyes studied the whole area. Payton couldn’t help but notice she actually wanted to be here. She sighed then took it upon herself to make her enjoy it. Payton lightly nudged Avery lightly a friendly smile replacing her annoyed face. “I told you they would ditched, imagine I was left alone at this.” she spoke referring to the seven bodies that were somewhere in the crowd. Avery tilted her head back giggling before she took her gaze on Payton. “I understand them they have things to do, better things.” she didn’t want to go into specifics on the better things they could be doing but she knew they were a lot. Payton snorted, “You mean s*x or getting drunk?” she asked digging her hands deeper into her pockets. Avery tilted her head to the side trying to find a more reasonable answer them just those two. Finally getting the idea she pressed her lips together. “Definitely having fun, but s*x and alcohol is cool too.” she opened her mouth and spoke. Payton shrugged in indifference gaining a point gaze from Avery. “Don’t be so stuck up. I bet you don’t even remember how it feels like.” she teased Payton lightly shoving her. Payton held back an amused laugh but she just simply brought her hands out her pockets. She waved her hands in the air one after the other as she spoke with a hint of fake hurt. “Speechless, in total shock. Hurt beyond—” Avery cut her off with a loud snort, “Yeah be dramatic about it.” the girls looked at one another before light giggles cane out their mouths. Then once they died it down a bit Payton threw her arm over her shoulder. “So as your mentor, we must start with the fun!” she squealed, but Avery could see beyond the lie she was forcing it partly but deep down she knew Payton was some sort happy. “You mean drink untill we’re drunk, dance untill we can’t dance anymore.” Avery corrected her, her arm still resting on her shoulder. Payton vigorously shook her head agreeing. “Pretty much sums it up.” she held a wide grin that amused Avery, the girl chuckled. “Okay mentor, though you seem more of a date.” even though she pointed it out teasingly Payton took it slightly serious. No she didn’t she played a long just old times. Taking her arm off Avery she went and stood in front of Avery as she posed, different poses. “Of course I would have you seen me.” she gained a loud laugh from Avery, if not for the music playing and everyone doing their own thing all attention would have been on them. Payton smiled before she held out her arm for Avery to take, which she happily took. “Shall we?” she pointed to where the drinks were. Avery agreed with a nod then they walked to the table grabbing themselves bottles and two red cups. Taking their drinks they sat down on one of the rocks, pouring eachother a drink after another while they toasted to stuff. They had three bottles down at this moment the alcohol started taking effect on both of them mostly Avery. The two girls leaned against eachother as they drunk yet another bottle. The bottles were long gone, they were drinking from the bottle something about the cups delaying the process. “We should dance!” Avery shouted into Payton’s ear even though the girl could clearly hear her, they were close enough. “But I’m not a dancer, this song is also boring!!” Payton shouted back. “It’s not.. you’re just boring.” Avery shot back before she began giggling at her own words. Why she was laughing, she had no idea all she knew was she was having a blast and Payton’s face was priceless. Payton looked annoyed, she brought the glass bottle drinking from it in large amounts. If she was going to dance she needed to be absolutely drunk. Finishing the remains of the alcohol she threw the bottle somewhere were the cosmos knew. “I’ll show you who the freak be boring!” she spoke rising from where she sat almost causing Avery to fall to the ground, but the girl was quick she managed to support herself in time. “Yeah you go Catherine!” Avery shouted cheering her on even though she hadn’t done anything yet. Payton turned back grabbing Avery by the hand she led them to where everyone else was dancing. It didn’t take Avery a minute or minutes like Payton, her body immediately began moving with the music letting go of everything and just being free. Something Payton found difficult she just stood their admiring as Avery swerved her hips and body back and forth. She just seemed one with the song. Avery opened her eyes to only find a Payton smirking foolishly as she watched her. “Just be free! Let it go!” Avery encouraged turning herself around she pressed her body against Payton. The little touch froze her on the spot so Avery took her hands in hers, before bringing them over to her hips. Holding onto her Avery began to move with the music but this time she led Payton with her body. Her body slowly began letting go and she began enjoying the movement they were making. The more they dance the more their bodies pressed against eachother. Avery let go of Payton’s hands before she turned herself around still moving with the music. Payton had her hands on her hips as Avery threw her hand around her neck enjoying each moment. Payton couldn’t help it but she was actually enjoying herself at this point. Avery’s intoxicating scent threw her off the edge, she smiled widely as the music blasted. Through out the whole time they danced with eachother, against eachother. They were all pumped with the adrenaline and the alcohol. In the moment of dancing the two drunk girls locked eyes. And for once since two years ago they looked at eachother the same way they once did, through out their years together. They didn’t wait a second longer they both locked lips with the other, deepening their kiss as their bodies pressed on the others. For how long they had been making out was out of question for they both didn’t know. All they knew where they led eachother out the woods to the dorms. Their lips parted as Payton tripped over and fell at the door, the drunk girls giggled before getting off the floor. Payton pressed Avery against the door to her room as she pressed her lips on hers, this time even more hungry then their first kiss. Not breaking their kiss Avery turned them over against the wall. Her hand slipped down to the tip of Payton’s shirt slowly lifting it up. But with slowness and a gentle touch, the tips of her fingers light brushed her skin. Causing Payton moan faintly from the gentle touch. Avery parted her lips from hers as she completely moved the shirt. And her eyes looked at Payton’s bare chest she had nothing under the vest. Eager Payton cupped her face joining her lips on hers once more. Slowly she walked off the wall towards her bed their lips didn’t part untill Payton laid Avery back on the bed. Lifting her dress she threw it to the ground before she got on top of Avery placing slow kisses on her neck, trailing the kisses down to her collarbone. Avery’s fingers gently brush Payton’s exposed back, the little touch sent shivers through her bodies. The exact same emotions she had gotten when she first did this with the same girl but this time she was fully exposed. And once more they kissed their almost naked bodies melt into the others as their kiss deepen. Maybe just maybe this was what they both needed, they didn’t care what would happen after all they knew they want this— needed. Payton intertwined their hands as the girls moved in eachothers embraced enjoying each touch. Every kiss— it was almost just prefect, it was them.
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