No, I Didn't

1896 Words
Present Dominic I gulped down the scotch, that I had infiltrated from my father’s study, like water. f*****g, infuriating, woman. All I had asked her was a name of the father of the bastard baby, she had brought with her. I just wanted to know who had dared to touch her, who had impregnated her. This was my f*****g right. Of course, it doesn’t matter that I hadn’t wanted kids, I didn't wanted to be a father, and I was an asshole to feel light-hearted when I had thought that I wasn’t going to be one. But, now, now all I wanted was to punish her for giving someone else the right that should’ve been mine. All I wanted to do now was to find the man and kill him, but I’d settle on breaking his bones and letting him wish for a quick death. I took another swig from the bottle as I reflected on the things I had done wrong where Kiara, my kitten, was concerned. I heard the glass doors opening behind me and a second later, a huge bulky form of my little brother was standing beside me. I looked up into familiar blue eyes, as same as mine, in the last two years which I had spent in an alcoholic buzz and just existing, my brothers had changed and moved forward in their lives. Now as I looked at Maddox with his French beard and bulging biceps and his t-shirt stretched across his muscular chest, it was hard to remember when it all had happened and where the f**k I was to not to notice all this. And, all of a sudden I missed all my brothers. “Join me,” I said, lifting the bottle in my hand in his direction. Maddox eyes dropped to the bottle I was offering and I watched the temptation cross his features, but he shook his head and without taking the bottle sat down beside me. “No thanks, I promised Brenna that I won’t drink, at least during her pregnancy.” I chuckled, lifting the bottle as if to cheers to him as I said, “To you, my p***y whipped, little brother.” I took another sip from the bottle. My little brother, now a father of two boys, and going to be for another one, gave me a look before he shook his head and took the bottle from my hand. He put it down on his other side and turned back to me. “Why are you doing this, Dominic? You could go in there and come clean about everything, stop hurting her and yourself.” “What about the fact that she had a baby with another man?” I asked. Maddox knew everything, it was his absence which had led me to Kiara in the first place, he was my best friend and still is… and I had never hid anything from him. I had told him everything after that horrible day. After I had witnessed the death of the love she had for me in her dark eyes. And, he knew my reasons too. “Does it really matter how many men she had f****d and that she has a baby now?” Maddox asked, and I had to clench my teeth tightly not to flip over. “Imagine yourself in my shoes, Maddox, and I’m sure you won’t need to ask that question if it was Brenna coming to you with a kid of another man.” I saw the effect of my words on my brother when his eyes flashed in warning. “I can see what it does to you to even think about it, just imagine what it is doing to me when I've to face it.” I bit out hoarsely, unable to hide the pain in my voice. “So… find out who that man is and kill him.” “I would love to but she won't tell me.” “And—?” I smiled knowing what my brother was getting at. But before I could reply to that, a deep voice with amusement lying behind his words said from behind us. “Don’t give him any ideas, Maddox.” Maddox and I both turned around to see our elder brother, Alex, leaning against the patio door, regarding me with his green eyes. “I just want to know one thing before I pick sides, and it wouldn’t really matter to me because I’ll always be on her side, but still… as you are my brother so I thought I’d give you a chance.” Alex came forward as he asked, “Did you really cheat on her that day?” I looked into my big brother's eyes and could feel Maddox's eyes on me too, as he knew the truth, and wanted me to answer that question as however I see fit. Finally, taking a deep breath, thinking that I could do with him not meddling in my personal business, I answered Alex’s question. “No. No, I didn’t.” And then, “It was all planned.” “Then own up to it and confess it to her.” Alex replied. “Which you should've done as soon as you saw her.” This came from my father as he came out of the house into the backyard. Three of us turned to face him as Maddox and I stood up simultaneously. He looked at me as he said, “There are things which your mother and I haven’t shared with you. We decided that you boys had already dealt with all the unpleasantness from your past and sometimes still struggled with it. But let me tell you, Dominic,” My father’s green eyes burned with a kind of fire that I have seen only on number of occasions, especially when our mother was hurt in some way, “You should be on your knees thanking the power in the heaven to give you this second chance. You don’t know how lucky you are to have it.” I nodded. But still it hurt to think of her being with someone else when all this time I had been suffering, even though I had been the one to drove her way, knowing her hard limits. “Dad, I know what you are saying but there is the kid—” His green eyes flashed in warning as he took a step in my direction. “Are you saying that I was wrong to take in your mother when she came with three boys that weren’t mine. That I had made a mistake to love you all like my flesh and blood, even though the man who—” He bit back a curse, and then slipped his hand around my neck, his fingers curling around my nape as he brought me closer to his face, he said, “I f*****g love you more than any father would love their sons, I’d die before I’ll let anything happen to any of you. You are hers, so that means you are mine. Got it?” I nodded my head, my eyes stinging as I saw my father, the cold man who dealt with criminals in the courtroom every day, laying out his emotions for us, baring his heart for his sons. He made me wonder if it really would be hard to love that child like he was mine. I could do that, can’t I? “Yes, Dad. I got it.” I answered his question and mine too. “And, one more thing, son.” I looked up at my father, waiting for him to continue. “I know each one of my sons better than you think you know yourself. I know that you are a loose cannon, waiting to detonate any given time and just try to hide this. But, don’t f*****g burst on her.” “I won’t.” I interrupted, taking offence. “Oh, you will.” He chuckled and I heard the snort of amusement coming from Alex but before I could question it, my father said, “Because of the cruel stunt you pulled to end your relationship with Kiara, you’re going to handle this situation and her as gently as you can. Make her realise how f*****g sorry you are. When you talk to her, try to understand her feelings instead of bulldozing all over them.” I opened my mouth to deny all that, when my father arched a brow at me and I shut my mouth, because I tend to do that so there was no merit in opposing those facts. My father continued, “And, if she is not ready to talk to you, you will back the f**k off.” Which won’t be possible, not now when I had already been away from her for so long. “If she is angry, you will shut your f*****g mouth and listen to her say every contemptuous word in the dictionary because you deserve it. Understood?” “Of course.” I agreed grudgingly. “Good. Now, I hope I won’t hear any screaming from the two of you.” My dad patted my head, like I was still an eight year old boy and turned around to go back inside the house. “And, I think, Mad’s (the cat) leash is free now a days, would you like to put it on, Dominic.” Maddox asked from beside me. I turned my glare at him, and found him trying hard to contain his laughter. “Or, we could simply give Kiara a riding crop to whip you as she pleases.” Alex added, making me grind my teeth. “Boys, behave.” My father said from behind us but by the time both of them had lost the ability to control their mirth. Fucking bastards. And why the hell did father gave me that speech in front of them. Now they are going to verbally slap me with that conversation until something new comes up. “Bloody assholes.” I muttered, as I punched them both in the stomach and made my way back inside the house. But it didn’t do anything to stop their amusement, they only laughed more. When I walked to the stairs to go upstairs, I heard my mother ask, “Do you think he’d stop from lashing out at her or do you think he really understood what you just said?" “No, I don’t think he did. And no, I don’t think he’d stop from going after her as hard as he could.” My father replied. My mother sighed as she asked, “And, why do you think that is?” “Because,” A grunt, followed by, “he is my son.” “Hmmm…” I heard my mother starting to moan and decided to make my feet move faster, because I had enough of those kind of memories to last a lifetime. Believe me, it was equally a bliss and a sweet torture to have your parents madly in love with each other so much so that they didn't care about getting down and dirty even with seven other members in the house. TO BE CONTINUED... DO YOU THINK DOMINIC REALLY UNDERSTOOD!?? ;)
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