
1651 Words
Past Kiara “Hey, ice princess, wanna go out with us tonight?” One of the assholes that I ignored on daily basis asked me as I passed through the main entrance of the school. Without giving the bunch of jerks even a glance, I continued on my way to my class. It had been two days and my best friend, Brenna, was absent once again. I didn’t even have a way to contact her to know what was wrong with her or if everything was fine, the only thing I knew was something bad would’ve happened if she wasn’t coming to school. Her aunt was a work of devil, I knew that much, not by Brenna herself, but whenever I asked about her home she’d clamped down and refused to say anything, but I could easily see the pain she tried to hide. I just wanted her to come clean and tell me what could I do to make her safe and happy, but she never told me anything, and now I was worried here when she didn’t appear on are usual spot, Zoe’s diner, where she’d meet me in the morning to go to school. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t even realise when the bunch of assholes had started following me down the hallway. One of those assholes said, “Nice ass you got there, Kiara.” Before I could reply to that, because I wasn’t a type of girl that took such comments without retaliating a hand slapped me across my ass cheek. I whirled around, with my fist c****d up and slammed it into the face of the stupid jerk who dared to touch me. “Don’t. Ever. Touch. Me.” I bit out through clenched teeth. The boy, who was a senior to me, I had seen many times in the hallways and in my chemistry class, because he had failed it, scowled at me. His bushy brows coming down as he came forward, his face twisted in a disgusting expression. “How dare you?” He spat out angrily. Without flinching, I stepped forward and said with a straight face, “Try to touch me again, and this time I’ll break your nose.” “You f*****g b***h, I will—” “Finish that sentence and you’d have to deal with me.” Even before I heard those words, I felt his body heat against my back as he came behind me. His fingers lightly touched my back, and all I could do was stop myself from leaning back into his touch. The reaction I'd had just a minute ago to this asshole was totally opposite of the reaction I was having now with Dominic’s touch on my person. “Dominic, you don’t know what she just did. She punc—” The asshole in front of me started to blabber but Dominic spoke over him, “Save it, Dean. You are lucky I wasn’t the one to hit you.” I watched as Dean’s eyes widened at Dominic’s words, but he refrained from saying anything else and after giving me a nasty look he turned around and walked away, followed by the few of the boys who had remained there after Dominic’s appearance. Aware of him, standing behind me, I willed myself to not react to his presence and without meeting his gaze, I turned around. As I started to walk away, I heard his footsteps coming behind me. “So, no thank you and no words of gratitude, huh?” “I didn’t need your help.” I said, taking a turn down the corridor for my class. “No, you didn’t.” He agreed easily. Then, “But, I helped you all the same so you should thank me.” “Fine. Thank you for the help- which I didn’t need, nor asked for.” I replied, my words coming out jerky and cold, even though I had tried to contain the bitterness I was feeling since that night. Suddenly, I was jerked back into a hard chest and was almost lifted off my feet as he tugged me down toward the darkened hallway. “What is your problem?” He asked, his blue eyes roaming all over my face, looking for answers. “Nothing.” I replied, as I tried to get myself free of his tight grip. “There’s something.” His jaw clenched and moved a little bit, before he spoke again, “It has been five days and every f*****g time I woke up in the morning, I didn’t find you in bed beside me, in fact I can bet everything I have that you didn’t even sleep in the same bed as me.” “We are not a boyfriend and girlfriend, we are not lovers and we are not a f*****g couple, so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with not wanting to sleep beside you.” For a whole minute, he just stood there looking at me. It unnerved me for a bit as he stared at me with his intense gaze. He sighed as he said, “Why are you so angry?” This was the first time we were talking to each other and all he wanted was to know why wasn't I sleeping beside him like we were a husband and wife, and I was neglecting my wifey duties. “I am not.” I replied, too quickly. My eyes automatically looking somewhere else. I didn’t want him to find the truth. I had analysed and dissected my emotions since that night, and after all that there was only one conclusion I had reached. I was jealous. I was jealous of him going to some other girl. “You are.” He observed, his blue eyes narrowing as he waited for him to say something. When I didn’t say anything, he asked, “Tell me, why you always left the room after I fall asleep.”  Because, I didn't want to fall myself. And he was affecting me in ways that he shouldn't. “Listen, this is stupid.” I said, looking down at my wrist where his fingers were holding me. Not too tight that it’d hurt,but enough that I couldn’t slip free. “I don’t know why you come into my house, you’ve to stop that. Someone would see you and make assumptions about us which I don’t want. And, I can’t just sleep with you in the same bed, it’s not happening and it’s downright wrong…” Just a week or so and I had already felt this foreign emotion called jealousy when I heard him talking about other girl, I had seen him with lots of girls in the school, but all of a sudden this emotion had appeared out of nowhere, making me imbalance. It had ached to hear him say that he had kissed someone else as if, as if…. I had wanted him to kiss me. No!! He was already confusing me. And, I had to stop it before it gets out of hand. “Hey…” He loosened his hold on my wrists, and his fingers came to my chin as lifted my face so he could meet my eyes. “I don’t know about anything else, but I know one thing and that is… I can’t seem to fall asleep in my bed, it’s too f*****g lonely and I haven’t felt as comfortable as I do with you beside me.” He laughed, a laugh that lacked humor. “I don’t know if it’s your bed or you, but, damn it… I sleep well and forget all about a part of me that seemed to be broken or lost.” I opened my lips to say something, to tell him that it was all bullshit, but nothing came out. May be, because, whatever he just said, I felt the same. Each word out of his beautiful mouth was exact words I had thought when I had slept beside him, pressed to his strong chest and hard abs. “And, the second thing I know is…” he leaned down toward me as he whispered into my ear, “You feel the same. Every night, I had felt you snuggle up to me, burying deeper into my arms, pressing your face against my chest, seeking my warmth, like a soft little kitten.” My head jerked up, I felt my eyes widening as I heard his words, as if I had just been caught with my hand in a cookie jar. “f**k…” He swore as his fingers came up and trailed down my cheek. My cheek that I felt becoming flushed by the second as he said, “First time… this is the first time I could see your emotions as clear as day in your eyes, on your face. And, you know what I see…” “What?” the word came out from deep inside me, rough and almost a whisper. “That, all I said was a f*****g truth. And, you love to snuggle up to me like a kitten. My kitten.” With that he leaned down, touched the tip of his nose with mine and walked away. So... Anything?? Did Dominic really cheated on her? What do you think?
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