
Married to my worst nightmare

office/work place

Polly never expected to be a mother so young, but the death of her best friend forces her to be one. Nathaniel Rossi never expected to get involved in a circus just to help a disastrous young woman with a child, but he had no choice.A wedding. Neither of them ever thought of marriage, but a lie leads them to get married. A messe-up girl. A damaged man. An innocent baby girl.In the end, who saves whom?

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Chapter 1.
I'm sitting at my desk, biting the inside of my cheek and thinking about the trouble I'll be in for lying in the interview with the social worker, in charge of my case about adopting Mary Harris, a 5-month-old baby girl, daughter of Kate Harris, my best friend. Kate and I met in high school, I was never a very graceful girl but I tried to look at life positively, instead of letting people make fun of me I would laugh at me with them, I always tried to see the funny side of things and was in a way "the funny ugly one" of the group. I don't possess great beauty, my hair is straight brown, although I'm slim, I lack breasts and have hips to spare, and my skin is a bit wheat, definitely the only attractive thing about me is my blue eyes. Whenever I think about my life before I came to New York I feel depressed, as the old version of me is like a scared little girl, rejected by her family and hated by everyone at school. I am the youngest of three siblings, Samantha is the oldest, she was a star in high school, the pride of my family. My brother is two years older than me, the famous Jason Evans, he entered college and won an athletic scholarship, now he is in his first year of administration college. Then there's me, my parents know that I have problems with my grades, my lack of aptitude for sports and that I'm often called out for not being serious about my life, my parents don't have high hopes for me, so that probably caused them to neglect me and allow horrible things to happen to me at school. In love the matter was also very similar, I never had a boyfriend, and the two boys who ever asked me out were only to make fun of me. But I never took it personally, even if they made cruel jokes on "dates" I laughed with them, I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Even with all the terrible things that happened to me, I still had big dreams and desires for the future, I wanted to be a designer, since the only thing I was apparently good at in school was art. A dream that I knew was hard to achieve, since I wasn't going to get a scholarship like my older siblings, and my parents wouldn't dream of paying for college for me because of how dumb I am. Then an opportunity appeared before me... Kate's parents would send her to New York to begin her college studies, they had even bought her an apartment near the campus. Her family is one of the most powerful in Lane, but that never affected Kate, she was simple and humble despite everything. When I told her about my desires to leave the town and find money to pay my college, she invited me to go with her. The decision was made, I was going to New York. The day of my graduation, I talked to my parents about my decision, told them I will move out and find my own way. Obviously they were not happy for me, they considered me too useless to be able to live on my own, many cruel things were said, but I still didn't back down. Despite my parents' refusal and their threats, that same afternoon I was in Kate's car, the two of us on our way to the big city. The city was a totally different world from my hometown, that's where my life would begin. Although at first I couldn't find a job, a company hired me at the botanical garden taking care of plants and making flower arrangements. I never knew that working there would change my life, because of my floral arrangements, many people wanted to hire me to design their gardens or decorate their houses, I had so many jobs of that kind that I started to earn a lot of money. Three months later, Kate practically forced me to go to an interview at Publicity HBS, I was scared, I was just a young girl with dreams of being a designer, it was only six months since I had left my home and there I was, sitting in the main lobby of one of the biggest advertising companies in the country. I was sure they would never call me, I was competing for the position with more than a hundred applicants with higher education than me, I had only remodeled houses and one or two gardens. A week later, I got a huge surprise when I got a call from Publicity HBS, offered a position as a designer on a trial basis, a dream come true. Kate was as proud of me as I was grateful to her for forcing me to go on that interview. Two years later, I was already the company's design and advertising supervisor, I struggled to prove my talent but with dedication and Kate's support, I succeeded. And even though this job is a dream come true, the one thing that makes me nervous is my boss, the great Nathaniel Rossi, the total owner of Publicity Hoffman, a cold and imposing man who doesn't accept mistakes, he likes control to the point of being heartless. I hate the way my boss makes me feel when he looks at my designs, so small and helpless, I feel like I'm back in my terrible childhood. Kate was in her third year of international business in college when she met Dave Simons, a handsome man with whom she fell in love in a short time, after three months of relationship Kate started vomiting and dizziness, so she decided to take a pregnancy test, we were both very scared because we didn't know what would happen next, I never thought that the word positive could totally change your life When Kate told Dave, he reacted in the worst way and said he would not take care of it, he still had a lot to do with his life, we never heard from him again. Kate told her parents, but they disowned her and told Kate that she had let them down and ruined her life. Since then they never returned her calls, so Kate left college and started working to support her baby. I helped her as much as I could, my salary was generous but not enough to cover all the expenses, it was a difficult time, but we managed to adapt our apartment to receive a baby and we were very excited. One day we were in our apartment when suddenly Kate became static, the pains started, months ago we had sold her car to buy one that would suit our needs, so I took Kate to the hospital where we were scheduled to deliver. Hours later, the doctor notified me of some complications that occurred during the delivery and that Kate and little Mary had to stay overnight for observation, when I was allowed to go into the room to see them, Kate was very pale as she caressed her daughter as only a mother can do: With love. When she saw me, she smiled sadly and asked me to take care of her daughter while she rested. And those were the last words of my best friend. *** A knock on my desk wakes me up from my memories. When I look up, I meet the cold black eyes of my boss. The great Nathaniel Rossi is in front of me, with a newspaper in his hand and his eyes shining with fury. He puts the paper down in front of me and leaves my office, but when he is close to the door he says: "In 10 minutes I will expect you in my office, Miss Evans." When I look down I see that the newspaper is open in the society section and the headline reads: "President of Publicity HBS Hoffman Engaged with one of his employees named Polly Evans?" I feel static looking at that headline.... How could my lie leak so quickly to the press? I thought no one would notice if I lied that I was going to marry my boss…

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