
My Sisters Twin


When The FBI assigned Allie to her own twins death she never imagined how complicated it would be.Joel McBride one of the sexiest beat cops in Georgia could still affect her in a way she thought was long past. Until they locked eyes again. One look could send this seasoned agent running for the hills.Can she keep her eyes on the case especially when Joel seems to have lost his way in all this craziness? Can Joel and Allie find a way back together? With everything hanging in the balance can Joel see the truth about Allie and her twin before he looses everything?

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Allie heads to Georgia.
It was a hot, late summer day in Atlanta, Georgia. The sultry humidity clung to every surface, making Allie's clothes stick to her skin in a cloying mass under her light business jacket. Smells of magnolia permeated the air as well as delicious southern foods being cooked outdoors. Allie loved the atmosphere and the gentle people she met, but still preferred the temperate climate she was accustomed to in New York, as well as the beautiful snowy winters. She looked forward to the white puffy mounds of snow. Once in a while seeing the carefree child jumping from one snowbank to the next hoping to ambush his friends with a bar-age of wintery bullets made by his own hands. Or the occasional squeal of a girl who's boyfriend found a warm spot for cold hands. Yes she truly loved New York in all its wintery colors and goodness. But, Georgia was the balmy heat mixed with a layer of humidity that made you want to stay in the shower and extra 10 minutes because you knew stepping out into the heat of the day was an acquired taste and not many enjoyed the experience. She came to Atlanta, however, with a very specific purpose. She was there to find the person responsible for her twin sister's death. Allie Delmont-Storm was an up and coming undercover agent in the heart of New York City. She was passionate and had a very keen sense of bullshit detecting. That fact alone made her a very valuable asset for the agency that she worked for. The day her father called her and told her that her twin sister Callie was dead sent her off the rails. She just knew that bastard Joel had something to do with it, or so she was told. Maybe it was old bitterness of the scorned lover who couldn't keep the object of her affection. Or maybe she was looking at this in the wrong direction. She never thought he could do something so brazen. For a cop to slip into the dark side is something that one would expect from a older warn down beat cop. One who's pension didn't meet the minimum expenses he had so he was looking for a bigger payout before anyone caught up with him. Joel was a good guy in the academy, everyone's friend. Good 'ol Joel they called him that or a few other things from the girls in the showers. They were comparing notes by who go to cop the latest feel of that sexy man they all wanted a tumble with and handcuffs were optional thank you very much. He was a second generation cop and he had a lot to prove but it never seemed to affect his attitude. He always carried that smug smile and while it was completely annoying, it melted her into a pool of wanton desire. She did not understand his reasoning. He left her and she knew her sister she wasn't Joel's type at all and yet here we are her the sister-in-law of her once lover talk about awkward. The family told her about him. But, sometimes it was like that big lingering question mark was left in the air. Something didn't make sense and as hard as she tried to explain it or make sense it just didn't. Joel McBride was a cocky asshole who made Callie pick between him and her family. But, there again Callie would give up everything she wanted just to please Daddy. Nothing was off limits not even Joel. Thats where things got muddy she did choose Joel but not like it was her choice. That was what she gleaned from the hour long drunken conversation with her sister three months before she was killed. But something told her there was more to the story than that. Something didn't seem to fit from what her sister brushed off as dramatic drunken ramblings of a lonely beat cop newly detectives wife. That's the art of bullshit detecting in her shining through. You can't lock your intuition in a box and ignore it. She knew something was up and she knew where to look and what to ask. The problem was most of these people were the quintessential yes men and assholes to any woman who dared ask the questions she was going to be asking. "You can't convict someone for being an asshole. If you could, her father would be in Leavenworth serving multiple life sentences." She laughed to herself. Ronald Delmont, Allie's father, was as big a prick as they come. He was a selfish and cruel man. There were whispers of murder and death surrounding him for years before they were even born. Some even say Ronald Delmont was the reason their dear mother was killed. Some even pointed the finger directly at him. Feeling certain that he planned the whole thing. Alibis began to circle around him calling doubt to the case but Allie knew about the fighting and crying late at night from her mother as Ronald threatened her with divorce and loss of her kids. She knew her father was lethal and had a wrecking ball attitude and he was not afraid to swing wild with it. He was not one to pull a trigger but, he knew many people who were indebted to him that would. That being said she needed to tread carefully because if Ronald ever found out she was FBI she was dead. Her father knew Allie had joined local search and rescue services but not the FBI, let alone became an undercover agent. He would go crazy if he ever knew. That's why she chose to use her mother's maiden name of Storm. She wanted her mother to be proud of her. She knew her mother got No justice for her death. Maybe she would be proud of Allie being a agent giving others justice she never got. Not even her twin sister Callie knew what she did for a living, after rejecting the family business. There was never a chance she would be able to do what her father did. She always wanted to be a cop, Never in their wildest dreams could they imagine she had become an FBI agent in the white-collar crimes unit. "Well, that might make things difficult to run a business like her father's and be an agent assigned to investigate exactly what they did in the shadows." She mumbled to herself.

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