Chapter 21: The final good-bye- Two steps forward, five steps back Part 2

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"Thank you, I know my way." Bianca gave the woman at the reception one last smile before walking  deeper into the building. From her previous visits, she had known the part of the station to be the forensics section. It was eerily silent and the patter of her heels against the tiled floor echoed around the room in a  nearly  creepy manner, like the scene from a horror movie that builds up to the grim. From what she'd gathered, the entire section was empty, except for the receptionist and her father, who Rick had informed her to be in the weapons' forensics unit. She wasn't at all surprised that he was working on a Sunday, she had predicted that he would rely on his most trusted resort to alleviate his suffering, to distract himself from feeling.   She knew he missed her, it was very evid

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