
Alphas Broken Mate

kickass heroine

Andrew has been waiting to find his Luna and mate for years. He is the Alpha of Moon Lake Pack, a very successful pack and he is a firm leader. What he didn’t expect was to find her while visiting one of the most ruthless packs in the world.

Catalina, the daughter of the Alpha of Blood Forest Pack, was treated like a servant in her pack. She cooked, cleaned, and anything else her father asked. Until one day an Alpha from another pack claimed her as her mate and moved to the other side of the country. Will he turn out to be her Knight in shining armor or like every other Alpha that has treated her like a dog. Will they be able to stay together when she turns out to be more than just his mate. A war is coming and she is the key to winning.

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The Agreement
Catalina’s POV I wake to my alarm going off. It reads 5 am. I get out of bed and put my work clothes on, I only have two outfits; work and casual. I head down stairs to the kitchen to get started on breakfast. But first I make myself a cup of coffee and step out on the patio. It’s dark and quiet, no one wakes up this early. This is the only peace I have all day, and I cherish it. After I finish my cup I head inside and start making breakfast for everyone. I live in the Alpha house, only the alpha family lives here. The Alpha’s my father. My mother and father live here along with my two older brothers. Even though I’m family, I am treated like an omega. My ‘room’ is a closet. I cook for everyone, and I clean constantly, and I’m not allowed out of the house. I want to finish breakfast before anyone comes down. It’s the best way to avoid confrontations. I make stacks and stacks of pancakes. My brothers are 27 and 25. They’re both warriors. They eat A LOT. I cook sausage and bacon as well, and just to make sure there is enough I also bake some blueberry muffins. As I finish making breakfast and cleaning up, I start to hear movement from upstairs. I race to set the table and make my way down to the basement to start on the laundry. I try my best to make sure I am out of their way. In the basement I hear them make their way down stairs and start eating. I feel a bit relieved, today might not be so bad. I know my father has a meeting with an Alpha from another pack today and he’ll probably be busy with that for most of the day. About an hour later, I am folding clothes in the laundry room when I smell it, that rank smell of lust and I know immediately who’s behind me. I turn around to see Beta Yuri standing in the door way. He pushes himself against me and takes my throat in his hand. “You trying to avoid me Cat?” He spits into my ear. I shake my head nervously. He grips tighter and takes a big sniff of my hair. I can feel him growing excited against me. “Mmm, I don’t have time to f*** you right now. But I’ll have you tonight.” He grips tighter against my throat, his free hand glides behind my waist and grabs my a**. “Do you understand?” He asks. I can only nod my head. He releases me and steps back. I gasp for air and grab my throat. He straightens his clothes and hair before heading back upstairs. “Bring a tray of coffee and muffins to your father’s office in one hour. I don’t want you in there when the other Alpha arrives.” He yells over his shoulder on his way up the stairs. About 30 mins later, when I’m sure they have left the dinning room, I head upstairs to clear the table and prepare the tray. When I finish I bring the tray to my fathers office and knock. “Come in.” He yells. I take a deep breath and enter. Both my father and Beta Yuri are sitting in the office. I try to hurry and leave the tray but as I turn to leave Beta Yuri says, “Cat, come over here.” I slowly walk over to the side of the couch. He looks up at me and a smile curls across his face. “Sit on my lap Cat, I’ve missed you.” I hesitate but he grabs my hips and pulls me into his lap. I don’t pull away because I know it’s no use. My father doesn’t look up from his work, but I know he knows what’s going on. Beta Yuri buries his face in my neck and sniffs. He whispers in my ear, “I am looking forward to tonight. Maybe there’s time to play time before the meeting?” He slides his hand over my shirt, but before he can really do anything we hear movement outside the door. He groans, “Looks like we will have to wait until tonight, they’re early.” He says with a sigh and shoves me off of him. I take a few steps away from the couch to put some distance between us. I am standing next to my fathers desk when he walks in. Drew’s POV My alarm goes off at 4 am. I get up, put on some work out clothes and head to the gym, good thing it’s only down the hallway. I live in my pack house. Its a 12 story condo-like building. Everyone in the pack lives here. The top floor is all mine. I’m the Alpha. I need a work out before I go to this meeting today. Alpha Samson and his pack have always bothered me. He is unnecessarily cruel and ruthless. I’m just glad his pack is small and not very successful or else he’d be a threat to many. I jump on the treadmill and look over the notes for the meeting today. After an hour, I get off and head back to my room for a shower. I’m in there for maybe 5 minutes, then I hop out and get ready to go. I make my way down to the first floor where my beta Murphy meets me. “Morning Alpha.” Murphy says with a smile. Murthy’s always smiling. I’ve always thought he was too jolly for his own good. “Morning Murph, did you read over the meeting notes?” “Of course I did. Don’t worry, they NEED our help. I don’t think we have anything to worry about.” Murphy says while slapping his hand on my back. Murphy has been my best friend since we were pups. His father was my father’s beta and best friend. We head out the front door and get into the car waiting for us. “Even though this is going to be an easy meeting, I am not looking forward to it.” Murphy admits. I raise my eyebrow at him. “Alpha Samson always rubs me the wrong way. He’s just.. slimy.” Murphy gives a face and shivers. “I know what you mean Murph, but we could use the land they own here.” I say as we arrive to the airport. We make our way to our private jet and prepare for the 2 and a half hour flight. We land ahead of schedule and head for the Blood Forest Pack. We’re a bit earlier than planned, but I’m eager to get this over with. Blood Forest Pack isn’t a big pack, but they have a lot of land spread out all across the country. We’re trying to acquire a plot they own right next to our pack lands. We want to build a new training facility. We pull up to the Alpha Samson’s house about 10 minutes earlier than anticipated. “Should we wait?” Murphy asks as he looks out the window at the decently sized home in the middle of the woods. “Let’s just get this over with.” I say as I open my door. It’s quiet outside, although I can hear the distant sounds of warriors training. We make it up to the door and before we can knock, it’s opened by Luna Mary, Alpha Samson’s mate. She is all smiles, “Welcome Alpha Andrew and Beta Murphy. What a pleasure to have you both here.” She opens the door wide to let us come in. “I know we are a bit early Luna Mary, I hope that won’t be a problem?” I ask. “Not at all Alpha Andrew. I believe Alpha Samson is in his office already. Please follow me, right this way.” She smiles and leads us up the stairs. The home is very open and the stairs lead to 4 doors, all visible from down stairs. We stop in front of the second door, where she knocks and opens the door. As we enter the room I see the Beta sitting on the couch, Alpha Samson sitting at his desk.. … wait… What is that smell? “Mate!” Mark, my wolf, growls. I see a girl standing by the Alpha. She is about 5’6, with auburn hair pulled back in a ponytail She’s dressed like a worker. Is she an omega? She looks nervous. She’s just staring at the floor, avoiding eye contact with everyone. Am I sure she is my mate? “Yes, she is. And she is not an omega.” Mark growls. “Leave Cat.” Alpha Samson whispers and she turns to go. “Wait!” I exclaim. I can see Murphy turn to look at me out of the corner of my eye. “Mate.” I mindlink Murphy. Alpha Samson, Luna and his Beta are all looking at me confused. I walk over to her and place my hand under her chin. She winces. I lift her head and her blue eyes meet mine. “Mate.” I say. She only holds my eyes for a moment before shifting her eyes back to the ground. I felt a ping in my heart, was that rejection? “Leave now! Cat!” Alpha Samson shouts angrily, taking my attention. He does not look happy, but his Luna looks very pleased. Cat leaves the room and I turn to face the Alpha Samson and Luna Mary. Alpha Samson hisses, “Who do you think you are coming in here and claiming my daughter for yourself. She is..” Luna interrupts, “Now now dear, you know the mate bond is not a choice” she says with a smile, “Alpha Andrew and Beta Murphy would you mind giving me and the Alpha a moment in private?” I nod to her and step out of the room. “Is she really your mate man?” Murphy whispers. “Yes, I’m sure of it, but it felt one sided. Maybe she’s not of age yet?” I hear sharp whispers behind the door, a loud bang, and then silence. Beta Yuri storms out of the room and down the hall. I look over to Murphy and he has a confused look. When the door opens, the Luna is smiling and invites us back in where Alpha Samson is waiting. “Alpha Andrew, thank you for your patience. Why don’t we have our meeting first and then we shall discuss the matter of my daughter.” he suggests. I nod and Murphy and I take a seat. The meeting is pretty successful. We come to an agreement on the land and the contracts are drawn up. Once the official meeting concludes, I become anxious about my mate. Alpha Samson turns to his Luna, “My dear, would you mind stepping out for a moment while I speak with Alpha Andrew about Catalina?” She gives him a pointed look, “Of course dear. I’ll grab us some celebratory drinks.” and she leaves the room. Alpha Samson stands up and walks around the desk. He sits on it’s side. He’s an older man, probably in his early 50s but it’s hard to be sure. Weres age slower than most. “So Catalina is your mate. And I’m guessing you would like her to go with you back to your pack.” Alpha Samson looks directly at me. I can see the rage in his eyes and my own is growing inside me. “What will you give me for her?” He hisses. Shock. Total and utter shock flows through me. “What?” Murphy asks. Alpha leans back and relaxes his face, “ It’s simple, I have something you want. So what do you have that I want? It’s Business.” Alpha gets up from the desk and walks back around to his chair. He is completely serious. He’s going to sell his daughter. What kind of man is this? “What do you want Alpha Samson?” I ask coldly. “Hmm, well you are taking one of my best workers. I’m going to need some compensation so I can hire someone new.” He says with a grin. “He’s selling his daughter.” Murphy mind links me. I can feel the disgust in his voice. “How much Alpha Samson?” I ask with a straight face. “$1,000,000” Alpha replies. Murphy stands, “What?!” I can tell he’s had enough of this. I keep my eyes on Alpha Samson as his smile widens. “Agreed. But she comes with us now.” I say as I stand. Alpha Samson stands and shakes my hand. “Are you really going to pay that money for your own mate?” Murphy mind links me. “ I have a feeling I need to get her away from this man as soon as possible.” I tell him back. At that moment, the Luna walks in with drinks and a smile. “ So we have an agreement?” She asks with a smile. That’s when I realize they both planned this. Who are these monsters?

Dreame-Editor's pick


My Crush Is My Best Friend's Dad


The Lone Alpha


The Vampire King's Human Mate


Just Got Lucky


The Luna He Rejected (Extended version)


Sold to the Ruthless Alpha


Cruel Love


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