Breathing technique

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Bill hesitated for a few minutes but then his eyes shone with resolution "i will depend on myself" Bill stared back at the man's eyes with no signs of fear the man was taken aback he thought that Bill was going to beg him but didn't expect this little boy to have such a strong willpower the man thought about himself when he was younger didn't he do the same thing when his father tried to teach him the man didn't speak for a long time as he let out a sigh "you have to hunt by yourself " the man started going towards his frequent place between the two huge boulders "and you have only three days to catch a prey or else you will lose your only chance to learn about magic" the man decided that even if Bill failed in hunting he would still help him in cultivation and impart him his special breathing technique Bill just stood in his place while thinking carefully about his last chance in learning about magic 'i mustn't let this chance go' he decided to pour all his efforts and strength in catching a prey time flowed by and it was the third day late at night inside the forest a little rabbit was approaching the plump carrot step by step sniffing around it unaware of those eyes sneaking behind the bush beside the carrot when the rabbit was about to take carrot suddenly a wooden spear made of tree branch fall on it but the rabbit was quicker as it took the carrot and quickly escaped "No! that was my last chance" Bill who was standing behind the bush revealed himself as he dropped to the ground crying while punching the ground with all his strength "Now i will never rescue mother" he said while gritting his teeth his palm soon became bloody from all these punches "GET UP!" suddenly he heard a shout that made him jump from shock he looked at the cloaked man standing behind him he then started to cry even more as he thought the man would be very disappointed and will turn his request for learning magic down "s-sir, i...." he started shivering and was lost for words the man was looking at him with his usual ruthless gaze seemingly unmoved by his actions "follow me" he left those words and started walking towards the hut Bill stood up and followed behind the man when they entered the hut the man suddenly held Bill's head as light shown upon his hand Bill was surprised but knew that the man wouldn't harm him, if he wanted to do that he would have done it already from the many chances he got Bill started to feel dizzy as information started to appear in his mind as if was looking inside a book while flipping it's pages after a few minutes the man let go of his head saying " digest these information" when Bill heard that he was very  excited as he knew the man has just imparted him with the breathing technique so he teared from happiness "thank you sir!" he was feeling a strong sense of gratitude in his heart towards this man the man just nodded his head slightly while waiting for Bill to digest the information Bill needed a few minutes to clear his mind from dizziness so he looked towards the man "i am ready sir!" he was excited to learn about magic specially that this man looked to have a strong cultivation "alright then listen and look carefully to what i say and do" he then sat cross legged his eyes closed "first you have to clear your mind from all thoughts then clear your heart from all negative emotions after that look for your inner mana as recorded in the technique" Bill listened carefully as he stared at the man memorizing every word he says the man continued "when you have found the mana control it with your willpower and move it in the rhythm recorded in the technique first divide it into two currents then revolve one of them in the right half of your body and the other in the left half then let them meet at the center of your mind as both of them clash with each other" he then opened his eyes looking at Bill "try it now" Bill sat cross legged with his eyes closed then started to clear his mind and then he tried clear his emotions then tried to practice, he clenched his teeth and droplets of sweat started to form on his head "you aren't focusing enough " the man lectured " remember to clear your emotions think of peace not war let your inner peace prevail" when he saw Bill try hard he just flicked his head "ouch!" Bill held his head as the pain distracted him he looked at the man with questioning gaze "you aren't even close, try it again from the beginning" the man stared at him while faking his anger Bill shut his eyes and tried again but after a few minutes was interrupted with a flick on his forehead "again!" the man slightly raised his voice this continued til the next day "go to sleep now, we will continue during midday" the man said those words and left to train himself Bill has his forehead bruised he clutched it while gritting his teeth in pain "i will sleep now to have my full energy by the time i wake up" he threw himself on the bed and slept soundly By midday Bill wake up hungry as his stomach was rumbling in hunger "i haven't eaten anything since yesterday" he then smelled a barbecue and started drooling so he followed the smell and found the cloaked man grilling the python's meat that he killed a few days ago the meat was juicy with the oil dripping from the meat and as the man added spice and salt the aroma turned even stronger making the man realize that Bill was standing before the hut as he gulped with a very loud sound and his stomach rumbling the man stared at Bill with a pfft he started laughing as he saw Bill drooling while staring at the meat
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