
Born to be Queen

female lead
first love
multiple personality

It’s not the end it’s the beginning towards shiny luminous future.

I command you to kill entire race of ARTINO'S, Ruthless master gave commanded to his slave.



Akira, who was only six, her life changed up side down after one night, When someone brutally killed her family members.

And her elder brother who was only ten scarifies his life to keep her alive.



For the first time, her emotions invoke her powers. ELLIPSO was burning in her anger and crying in her sorrow. She was lying lifeless on the floor, covered with her loved once blood...




Her eyes start changing its colour from black to grey and than blood red, She's experiencing incredible transformation in her. From normal little girl to girl with all-mighty strength and powers. When she woke up after seven days, she had forgotten all the things from her past even about her powers and her family. Her life was ready to change, And she was ready to change others life to....



Will she remember her past ever....?????

Will she get her childhood love .... ???

Will she be able to fulfil what she pledged in childhood....????

Will she be able to save all the people and complete her revenge.....???

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“I command you to kill the entire race of ARTINO'S. Especially their first Child. I want all of them dead till midnight. And remember there is no room for mistake.” Roar raised behind the Throne. “Yes Master, consider it done till midnight” Slave replied to his Master in an assertive tone. “ Good... Otherwise consider yourself turned to ashes” Master said following it with an evil laughter. “ Master” Slave bow his head in response. Afraid of his master’s threat. At the same time in ARTINO’S residence, it was breakfast time where everyone is engaged in chit chat and enjoying their family time together. Without knowing what danger is waiting for them. Milson Artino and Akira Artino both were playing together in the garden area. Where Akira was playing the role of queen and her brother was playing the role of knight serving his Queen. “I will protect you till the last bit of my blood my Royal Highness” Milson who is only ten years old told to his sister with seriousness. “I rely on you, not because you bound to serve me but because you are my Mibo, my skinny armour knight.” Akira who is only Six said to her brother while giggling in her sweet girly voice. “Akira..!!!, I told you to not call me Mibo whenever we play this game.” He said to her try to sound mad at his sister. “But you are my Mibo and I love you Mibo.” She said to him pouting her pink lips towards him. When she learns how to speaks properly for the first time, she called him Mibo. “Okay, fine Kira. Mother is calling us, let’s go inside.” He said to her and run inside to hug his mother. “Wait for me Mibo. I am also coming behind you, I also want a hug.” She runs towards her mother and tries to embrace both while giving them her toothy cute smile. It was almost dark outside and the only light which was lighting their home is lamps and fireplace in the main hall. The weather seems perfectly normal as compare to chilly winter days. Everyone was ready to leave the dinning room after taking their meal. Except for the three children. They want to play more as Akira, Milson and Riko were not sleepy at all. Riko came here for his winter vacation as it’s like a tradition for them to be together in winter vacation. Riko is their cousin from (Vaska city) where their mother’s sister, their aunt lives. After playing a little bit more as they are tired from playing, Mrs Angel Artino (Akira's mother) put everyone to bed kissing their forehead and wishing them good night in their rooms. And went straight towards her room where Mr Thomas Artino ( Akira's Father) was waiting for her anxiously for his wife. “Sweetheart finally come site next to me.” He patted next to him on the beside. “Yes, honey.” She said sweetly while sitting next to her husband. “ I am thinking to move somewhere else from here ( Oea city)” he said to her looking worries with a scowl on his forehead. “Why honey.....???, We have everything here home, property and business,” she asked her husband looking distressed. “I feel like someone has been following me everywhere from the past four to five days.” He said brushing his hairs in frustration. “What....!!, Are you sure about that..???” She asked in shock. “Yes, I am damn sure about it. And I filled a complaint about this incident to sheriff Joe.” He said in a worried tone. “What....!! Then what we suppose to do know” She asked him while rubbing her hands together in tension. “I am not getting good vibes Angel. Something is off and that person looks very creepy not just like a normal human. We need to move somewhere else, let just move to Vaska city no one knows us there except your sister”. He said in a serious tone. His face looks all sweaty, Just thinking about that man gives me chills down my spine. “Okay honey, if you say so. Let’s move there” she said while putting a small smile on her face trying to ease the tension between them. They were busy in their discussion, while someone enters their house on tiptoes without making any noise to execute their evil plan on them. Sharp sword shining in the dim light of the lamp in his hand. He approached first room crossing the staircase where little Riko was sleeping peacefully without any worries. As he entered inside that room. He saw a little figure sleeping sound on that bed. He holds his sword high ready to slice that small kid. He raised his sword high and start slitting that small kid in pieces. First blow on the stomach and little Riko screams in horror. To stop his scream with the second blow he slit Riko's throat brutally. After hearing painful scream Mr Thomas Artino runs towards the source of the voice. He was scared and only wants his family safe as he remembers the face of that creepy man. He runs into the same man who was following him since the past few days, who now have a blood stained sword in his hand. At that moment he understood that he was right for what he feels about the man and indeed his family is now in danger. He was regretting his decision to not involve his family before now it seems like a dead end to him. And his fate is clear in front of his eyes. Another blow from sword and blood spill out from Mr Artino's shoulder and chest which cover white tiles in the pool of blood. He screamed but still try to fight back to save his family, At the same time, Milson runs towards his sister’s room as he saw the person is trying to kill his father and his father trying hard to stop him. He looks towards her sister who looked frightened after hearing screams from outside. She was sitting like a small balled up kitty. Milson runs towards her to hide her in a wooden cabinet to keep her sister safe and told her not to make any noise. As while playing he told her to protect her from evil, he was indeed the knight for his sister and she was indeed the queen for her brother. He promised himself and his parents to protect her till his last breath. He went outside to help his father but that Man was like the devil who was there to r****h them all. One more swing and he cut Milson's father throat cruelly. His sword was blood red. His footsteps approaching towards Milson the firstborn child of Artino family. To stop him Milson’s mother Stab the murderer with a knife he groaned in pain and response blow and slit her stomach open. She screams in pain and fall on red blood pool. She was bleeding too much but still trying to help her kids. Man with sword turns towards where Milson was hiding. He ruthlessly pulled Milson from under the bed. He was very happy to see the horror on little kid’s face, his face was stained with tears and he was begging for mercy. But the evil man swung his sword and cut Milson’s throat. He left the room where Mrs Angle was struggling to breathe and she again stab her knife in his foot with full pressure. He Bent down to take out a knife from his foot. Mrs Angle was in such a bad condition that she was going to die soon. And in her last breath, she managed to say “You can kill as many as you want. But no one can stop the truth and humanity in this world.” She said to the man with tears in her eyes and smile on her face. She was saying each word staring in his dark dead eyes without even blinking once. “You are accountable for your sins. And you will surely get punishment for what you did. You won't even get a place in hell after your death. Mark my words” she struggles to say each word clearly with the same smile and calm expression, spitting blood with each word. The man got scared as for the first time he saw a dying human so calm with smiling face. And her words sound like a curse in his hear. Now his face looks paler and with last blow, he made her quite as she’s no more to say anything to him. The man with bloody sword return to abandon castle which exists in the dark valley where no normal animal and plant can live and grow (source of darkness and evil power) of Oea mountain range. The castle is famous with the name Dark Castle whoever tries to find it never return to their loved once. An old huge castle which covers most area of dark valley with black walls and rusty huge iron door and windows, underground dungeons were the torcher prisoners to practice their evil power over them. As moving forward towards the place where he belongs now. He was feeling better after accomplishing his master’s order but deep inside in his mind the last words of Mrs Artino Still buzzing and bothering him. And now this stormy weather makes everything worse for him. As he entered the castle. The person sitting on the Throne asked in a stern tone and with an evil smirk to him “ Hope you bring good news to me” Man bow down In front of his master presenting the blood-stained sword which was given to him to accomplish his task. This is the same sword who screams by itself and called him cold-blooded murder, Who is reminding him of that woman's curse. “I killed him and his entire race. He was pleading to be before his death. He is no more in this world, LONG LIVE DARKNESS, LONG LIVE US” slave of darkness informs his master about his success. “It seems like our plan works properly, That's why this storm is congratulating us. Indeed it seems like he was one of the most powerful souls whose powers are now returning to the source again. “the master said to his slave with a hint of happiness and his castle was filled with the echo of his evil laughter. “Yes, Master... “ Slave bows again for his master. “ As Artino’s doesn’t exist anymore. he can’t ally with the king. But we need to be more careful from now. King will get this news soon. Anyways it’s a call for celebration.” Master said with proud to his slave and other soldiers. Slave achieve prerequisite from his completed task. He was rewarded by Master in terms of more black magic and his grade among others. He is now bondsman of a dark castle. Only a few are capable for that grade and he proves himself worthy. “Yes, Master....” Slave bows again to show him gratitude for the appreciation and his new title. But deep down he was hesitating whether to interrupt his master or not. As he remembers every single line which Mrs Artino said to him. Before killing them he makes sure to remain as the shadow of Mr Artino and he knew every single detail about him. Four people were there in his family, One boy and the girl who was sleeping peacefully in the first room. He killed all four. So, he chooses to him only. His secret. It’s nearly midnight and everyone was busy in preparing the castle for celebration without worrying about the attack. As no normal man can enter in the dark valley without summoning evil and once someone tries to do that will automatically become the slave of the dark king. And the one who was capable of entering in their world is now dead. Everyone was engaged in music and dance. And was enjoying chicha ( ancient name for alcohol) with a variety of dishes. It was like a feast for them. And they were celebrating their victory over a small Artino boy as a festival of darkness. But everyone was unaware of the fact that there is still someone alive breathing and sobbing heavily near the dead little Artino boy.

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