Ancient Prophetess Chapter 23

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There was a man all the villagers of Eto refused to go to his house. He was avoided because he was sick and the sickness was said to be a curse. People said that his mother cursed him on the day she gave birth to him because upon giving birth to him her husband died and she too after cursing him died too. The villagers said he was a bad omen and a bad luck and that anyone who associated with him died for no reason. They would tell their children about him and advised them to stay away from his house. At a point the king called the whole villagers and addressed them on the issue of the man. The villagers had already given him a name and that name was said to be a name that even an animal was not considered to bear. That name was Ajonwa (Which meant evil child) They had a meeting never to buy or sell to him because he was the Ajonwa that took the lives of his father and mother on the day he arrived the earth. When the king of Eto invited the people he warned them never to ever have anything to do with him. Ajonwa as he was popularly called began to have sleepless night. He would stay awake asking himself so many questions and wondering why the gods decided to make him an abject of mockery. He decided that it was time for him to leave the kingdom of Eto. He would go to a distance land and start life afresh there. He stood up one morning and began to pack all his belongings. If the people of Eto had refused to sell or to give him anything he had nothing else to live for in the land of Eto. On the day he left some of the people of Eto gathered to watch him. Some spat on him and others laughed at him but he walked on and never looked back to say anything to them. As he found his way out of the land of Eto the king of Eto invited his people to celebrate the departure of the diseased man. As he stood on his platform and wanted to address the people of Eto the people of Eto waited with eagerness to hear what their king had to say. He began by thanking them for bearing with him all these while he had harboured Ajonwa in the land of Eto. "I would have chased him out or banished him but then there was no ground to support my reasons and knowing now that he decided to leave by himself shows the gods of Eto are alive and that they have driven him out. We should all rejoice and thank the gods for all their great deeds. Ajonwa should continue his journey to the unknown for all I care" after he was done the people clapped and thanked their king for standing up for them. Ajonwa on the other hand entered a land called the land of Sadede. There he was so tired when he got to a big tree standing at the side of a bush near the path he traveled on. He remained seated there until he began to hear the footsteps of passersby. He hid behind the tree and watched as some able bodied young men carried a carriage on their shoulders and passed. There was someone in the front who was singing songs of praises and inside the carriage the young men were carrying sat a very beautiful young lady who was fanning herself with a feathered hand fan. He watched as they passed without taking notice of him and he came out and wondered who was that important. He began to follow the carried. He followed it until they came at a place where there was a river. The able bodied young men dropped the carriage and the lady stepped out. That lady was actually the princess of Sadede and his father was one of the most powerful king at that time. She had actually gone to the river to bath. When the men lowered her down she stepped out and began to undress. The young men had turned their faces abruptly and facing the direction where Ajonwa was. Immediately they saw Ajonwa peeping and they shouted. At once the princess put back her cloth and the able bodied young men began to pursue Ajonwa. Ajonwa was running fast but they ran faster. Before long they caught up with him and forced him to face the ground. They began to beat him. He could hear one of them say that he was guilty of staring at the nakedness of their princess. They dragged him back to where the princess was and the princess who was already angry asked them to pick him up and bring him with them. They did and before long they were nearing the palace of the king of Sadede. Inside the palace of Sadede preparations had already been made on how the king of Sadede was going to attack the land of Eto. He was a very powerful king and he was known to attack kingdoms and take over their lands. The other kingdoms feared him. After he was done speaking the general bowed before him and assured him that preparation will be made at once and left. The princess and her men came in, holding onto Ajonwa. They made him kneel before the king and the king was surprised to see a man bearing the tribal mark of the people of Eto in his land. He inquired to know what happened and one of the guards explained. After he was done speaking explaining the king ordered that he be throne to jail. Ajonwa was thrown into to cell. Before long the people of Eto became restless. The news was everywhere, that the king of Sadede was going to attack the people of Eto. They inquired from their king to know what was happening and the king told them that what they heard was true and that there was nothing they could do except to stand their ground and face their own death. "We can not stand the king of Sadede and his army and so we must embrace our death peaceful" That was the last thing the king of Eto said to his people before they dispersed sadly. Inside the cell where Ajonwa was kept. He was nearing sounds of struggling and he stood up. He began to pay attention and he could understand that someone was trying to force himself on a woman. He alerted the guards at the cell gate but they ignored him. He kept on pressurising them until they too began to hear the same noise. They ran out and saw in a corner one of the generals of the king of Sadede trying to force himself on the princess of Sadede. The guards seized him at once. In the morning the news had already circulated in the palace and that the person that saved the princess from being brutally defiled was Ajonwa. The king of Sadede was moved and he wrote a letter to the king of Eto. In that letter he made him understand that he never knew that something good could come from his land. He mentioned the name of Ajonwa and how he saved his princess and told him that because of this deed by Ajonwa Eto would not attacked by Sadede. The king of Eto could not believe his eyes as he read the letter. He fell down on his kneels and thanked the gods and also thanked Ajonwa for rescuing the land of Eto. The people of Eto that gathered and witnessed this were shocked and before long the news circulated everywhere. They sought for a way to invite Ajonwa back to their land but it was already late. The king of Sadede had made him a citizen of his land and had already cured him of his ailment by the help of his healer. The princess later got married to him.
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