
The Billionaire's Lily

second chance
office/work place

Billionaire David Black loves change. But when it comes in the form of the death of his dear wife it leaves him cold, bitter and angry . The worst version of himself.

With her gone he builds walls around himself leaving him unfeeling and unwilling to let anyone in. He spends his time working himself to death, but soon all his successes don't feel enough to drown his sorrows. So he buys himself a dying company, looking for that daring challenge to spend his energies on. But what he is not prepared for is when the challenge turns out to be his personal assistant at his new company instead of the company itself.

Mona just loves the simplicity of life. Ever looking for the brighter side in everything. Like Her father says, everything gets better with time. But when she meets David Black that theory could not be more incorrect. The man is just plain impossible and the more time she spends with him the harder it gets for her to remain true to her very single self, and the goals she set for her life.

Her dreams are anchored on this one job, while his desire to move on is anchored on saving this one company. So what happens when they find themselves trapped in the same office trying to get what they want.

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Worst First Day
"Damn it!" Mona cursed her morning for the umpteenth time. It was unlike her to be late for anything and yet here she was. Five minutes past her reporting time, still trying to push her way through the crowds as she rushed to get to her floor of her office building. Her usual impeccable dressing must have looked bizarre this morning as she didn't have time to even brush her teeth let alone pick a decent attire. When her alarm had sounded, she had to look twice when it said she was an hour late. With no second to waste she had just thrown her toilet bag with everything she needed in her handbag hoping she would get a chance to put herself together once she got to the office. "How could I pick today of all days to be late?" She face palmed herself. She was now in the elevator and really hoping her new boss was in no way an early bird otherwise she might as well kiss her much needed job goodbye. David Black did not tolerate tardiness. At least that is what she'd heard from her co-workers when they were talking about the new owner of their company. And the fact that she was to be his new personal assistant just made her curse herself even more for being late. A terrible first impression on her part. She swore never to watch her favourite series on a work night ever again, no matter how bored or lonely her little apartment became. At twenty five, her apartment should at least have a few screams or better yet a few little feet and hands tugging on her clothes as she moved about. Well, that was according to her mother anyway. When it came to her, a quiet apartment was the least of her worries. If anything she loved it quiet because it made it possible for her to take her online classes late in the night peacefully. Finally managing to get herself a spot in the elevator, she let out a breath she'd been holding. Just a few more seconds. The elevator's quiet atmosphere shifted her thoughts to her new boss. She tried to think about what kind of person he was as she waited to get to her floor. To be honest, she had spent more time trying to figure him out more than anything the last couple of days. While there was a lot of information on his company's achievements, the man himself seemed to be a very private person, so private that she could not find any articles on him to read about his personal life. Not even the most known gossip columns could give her any details about him. "Stop stalking your boss!" Her mind scoldded. "There is nothing wrong with wanting to know my boss." She sassed. "Creepy." "Whatever." She mumbled. It would be a little difficult for her at first to work with someone she didn't know but Mona told herself that she could do this. After all, it was her opportunity to finally get her events management degree and she would be ready to fly. The job would pay her enough to cover all her costs and still have a little bit of money left to start out on her own. She didn't mind that she would most likely endure a lot from her boss but like her father says, Everything gets better with time. She leaned back and sighed thinking about her family. They were not well to do or anything, but they were the loveliest people she had ever known and her number one fans. She would be lying if she said she wasn't doing this for them too. If what she wanted to do went well, she would be able to change their lives a bit too. The elevator dinged on her floor, bringing her out of her thoughts and she bent down to pick up her box containing her office stationery. With her heavy handbag in hand she went to step out just as the elevator doors began to close, making her panic. "No, no, no, no, no," she cursed as she moved towards the doors. With her hands full, she slipped her foot forward to keep them from closing while she hopped on the other. A very awkward stance but she managed to come out. A second later though she tripped on herself and fell flat on the floor. "Oh shoot! One more thing to make sure I am totally late." She mumbled to herself as she started picking up her things that were now scattered on the shiny floor. One by one she quickly put them back in her box as her watch seemed to tick even faster, reminding her of how late she was. She paused a little to catch her breath just when a pair of shiny black obviously very expensive shoes came into her view. She had been too busy to notice anyone else on the floor. "Good morning Miss Myers" Mona froze, the sound of that intimidating voice making her wish she had spared even a second to look presentable. Because right now with her kneeling on the floor, her hair and clothes out of sorts, she must have looked like a homeless person rummaging through trash. Let it not be him, please. Biting her lips nervously, she looked up and found the meanest, most cold looking eyes she had ever seen. "Goo...Good.. morning Sir," she couldn't help but stumble on her words as she looked at a face that looked a lot like the one H.R said was the new owner of their company. Her little prayer had just gone unanswered and she had no choice but endure his scolding. The man, however, just squatted and came eye level with her, his intimidating look making her squirm. "You think we might get something done by today?" His voice now colder than his eyes made Mona shudder. "Sure...I was just uh...getting ready to do just that." She stumbled as she picked up all her things and headed to her office table while trying to compose herself knowing he was probably watching her go. "And you might want to do something about that look. We have a meeting in about fifteen minutes and wouldn't want my clients thinking this is a home for strays." Home for what?! She hit her brakes as her temper flared at being compared to a stray dog or cat or whatever. Her look may not have been perfectly put together, but to compare her to a stray was down right insulting to her. She turned around to give the jerk a piece of her mind but she found herself alone. "Jerk!" She huffed in anger and continued to her office while trying to calm herself. At this rate, she would not have a job at the end of the day if she succumbed to her hot headed side. Her new office table was, well, new and she immediately thought up ways she'd personalise it. But that would have to wait. After putting everything down she went straight to the lady's room to get herself put together before the jerk reappeared and called her more names. It was officially the worst first day ever even though, technically, she had been here for ages. And as bad as it felt, she still had to agree that it was better than the hell the company had just escaped. The past couple of months had been hard for everyone. The company had gotten into trouble and was slowly shutting down. Everyone knew it was just a matter of time before they were jobless. The uncertainty kept everyone on their toes, while others spent their time looking for new jobs just in case. For Mona it would have meant going back to the last place she wanted...her small hometown. And just thinking about it made her unhappy. But with the high rentals in the city and with her receptionist position she didn't have enough savings to last her even two months without a paycheck, so the chances of having ended up in her miserable little town was high. Going back home was going to be a blow to her pride after vowing never to return. And neither was she prepared to see the look of disappointment on her parent's faces. David Black didn't know it, but his decision to buy the company saved her big time. And being his P.A was like a dream come true. When she had looked at her contract papers she was more than happy to append her signature as the job would pay her more than she had ever earned. "There." Mona gave herself a once-over in the mirror and she was satisfied. A touch of some lip balm and she was good to go. She wasn't so big on makeup but she still tried to clean up well. She took a deep breath and packed up everything. "You think we might get something done by today?" She quirked an eyebrow as she talked back to her reflection. "Let me show you just how an amazing personal assistant I can be Mr. Black" And with that, her day as P.A to the powerful David Black had officially begun. A quick look at her watch gave her five minutes before the meeting and she smiled. "That's more like it." She knocked on his door and walked in when he told her to. The man didn't even look at her but just pointed her to a seat to which she sat in quietly. "So where are you originally from, Miss Myers?" The question caught her off guard. "Shouldn't you be filling me in on the meeting we are about to have? I'm sure you can get all my details from my file" She tried to sound respectful, knowing he could easily get that information from her employee file. "Oh that, we still have about thirty more minutes before our client arrives. And no, I prefer not having to look into employee files. Some of that data is lies am sure" "Lies?" She looked at her boss incredulously. This was his second insult and she was trembling inside as she struggled to keep her tongue from lashing out. She had barely put aside his earlier insult and now he was insinuating she could have lied about her personal information? Moreover, she didn't appreciate being made to rush to put herself together when there was so much time left before their meeting. She wanted to give him a piece of her mind but a thought reminding her she already blundered when she came in late kept her mouth zipped. She chose to give herself a moment to cool off instead. "Coffee?" "What?" "If we are going to spend the time we have left getting to know me, we might as well do it over coffee, don't you think? Besides, it gives me a chance to have some kind of breakfast too." His confused look made her smirk at him and she decided to walk out before he could say anything. There was no way she was letting him walk all over her, boss or not. "Actually Miss Myers…" She stopped in her tracks at the sound of his strong and confident voice. "I already did get my coffee." He waved his mug when she turned around. "And if I have to make my own coffee one more time, don't bother coming in for work."

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