New Regimen And Conditions

3017 Words

Ignoring the gazes of veneration of the adult Krikitories and basically giving a show to the little ones, Kartius took a step forward, toward the pavilion. “Big brother, you said that next time you will come visit me, would be after the pending breakthrough to the next realm of bodily cultivation”. Laivien said amusingly. Her neck stretched upward and her doe head and Kartius’s stag head fondly caressed each other. “Martial son, greet my little sister”. Kartius looked down to Zax. Seeing for the first time the true form of his Master, Zax was momentarily stunned. Then again, compared to Raroen he was barely over one tenth of the green scales purple mane dragon’s size. “Greetings, Laivien, nice to meet you face to face”. Zax was less reserved than he was when he first met Grandmaster or

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