Difficult Decision

2217 Words

“Silternjan, repeat these words you just said!” Horn Kikon gritted his teeth as the atmosphere spiked with tension. “Calm down, Kikon”, Archbishop Silternjan felt a tinge scared that the beast will lose all reason and attack the messenger. Inwardly he cursed the Violet Star Commander for sending Horn Kikon along General Logan and not someone less unhinged. “It’s the chain trying to take what little advantage still available from obtaining the Galactic Communicator”. “Silternjan”, Admiral Hamumni banged her tiny fist on the table. “You said that the administration permissions of the Galactic Communicator were erased, but you haven’t said what was left?” “Regarding that…” Archbishop Silternjan’s old bottom slightly shifted on his seat. Only in front those of the same caliber as his and in

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