Coercing Yurnal

1927 Words

“Who then left, never to be seen again…” Supreme Ruler Ar Yen listlessly continued Elijah and proceeded to lift Yimin on his shoulder, inquiring. “Now for the other one or do you want to deal with Yurnal and Kartion separately?” “Kartion is too weak to pose a threat in a united front with Yurnal, however, we aren’t baiting for a fight. It’d be easier to convince one and then have him assist us convincing the other”. “Understood. Let’s pick up Yimin’s bodyguard and go”. Supreme Ruler Ar Yen said committedly. The hardest part in the plan was about to unfold and he needed his mental fortitude to be in peak performance. … A brown skinned, short haired middle aged woman and a tall, blue eyed hazel skinned middle aged man walked hand in hand, chatting and laughing among the wild vegetation.

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