Lack Of Preparations, Reckless Whims

2020 Words

Zax was fuming with fury. Escaping before the eighteen Mythical Immortals’ net will seal his path of retreat completely, meant he had not a moment to spare. ‘COME!’ He ordered the Three Directions Crown's artificial intelligence in a short and sharp tone. ‘Affirmative’. The monotone voice replied. ‘Arrival is estimated in a minute and thirty seven seconds’. WHOOSH! Zax ascended to the sky, to outer space. From a certain view point, like a dazzling ray of black and gold that no level of the heavens can stop. From another, like a small fish being dumped in the grand ocean and to make matter worse, at a spot infested with sharks in a feeding frenzy. ‘Block him!’ Mortor Marer Mir passed a message to the five other groups, while elevating with his, drawing the inescapable net up. “Becau

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