One Set Of Four Rules To The Surface Of The Earth

3144 Words

“That’s surprising”, Supreme Ruler Ariel began to narrate in a voice only he could hear. “He must have been really close to a breakthrough... But it truly is marvelous and voracious, the Seven Stages Of Bodily Refinement. I use a little formation to accelerate the healing process and it completely absorbed the herbal ointment and even the bandages… the fibers they were made from were not simple, to say the least, and still nothing remained!” … Zax clenched his fists in bewilderment. ‘How unexpected, I broke through! This strength…’ Before he completed the sentence, another one appeared. ‘Unbound by the road! Unbound by anyone!’ VRRUM! Kinetic energy exuded from Zax’s body, causing the air to vibrate with an ear piercing sound. ‘This strength…’ A belligerent smile bloomed on Zax face.

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