A Trade

2491 Words

“Hand over the dark attribute’s essence and you will be let go!” A voice from Zax’s rear shouted. Ignoring the quickly approaching Martial Mortal, Zax immersed himself in converging kinetic energy to Kinetic Force and drilling faster. There were currently around fifty persistent experts on his tail. Five of which were Gong Vreil, Kirik and the other three who collaborated with him for the dark attribute’s essence. Another four, and at the lead, were four Martial Mortals. Pushing his endurance to the limit, spent to the point that his body no longer had the excess vitality to heal itself, while his right arm ceased regenerating at the beginning of the elbow, Zax still refused to give up. Except from the Linder Seeds, anything and everything consumable, every bit of food or medicine he p

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