
1863 Words

“And?” “They are mortals!” “And?” “Their torment in Rakmon Penitentiary was nothing they deserved!” “And?” “We stepped forward to save, not to oppress! They should not be implicated by the Infernal!” “And?” “And this is not the way of The Benevolent And Righteous!” “Insolent!” A light sword was unsheathed. A thirteen millimeter caliber pistol was drawn. Sergeant Britania brandished the blade. Sergeant Heyxin’s finger squeezed the trigger. SLASH! BANG! “ENOUGH!” Chief Inspector Heyner appeared between the two women. His wings’ feathers like large green fingers on one side caught the bullet and on the other the edge of the blade. Silence reigned in the small camp that was erected in the upper right eye socket. Sergeant Britania, a tall, olive skinned woman with light brown

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