Last Seconds

1769 Words

“Sir…” Xienya cautiously approached the black, humanoid statue. “Sir, the House of Martial Mortals in Ion Coalition sent off the Martial Mortals, but my grandfather… He had not returned yet and it has been forty hours since all the Martial Mortals were let go”, more than enough for several round trips from the cavern to nearest House of Martial Mortals. Since there was not much a reaction, other than the dim sound of daunting explosions inside the statue, Xienya poured everything she had to say all at once in hope something will motivate a response from Zax. Nothing. Even when she dared to repeat and interrupt Zax twice and thrice, the statue remained still, occupied with the din inside of it. Xienya could only assume that either Zax was not able to hear her or did not care that her gra

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