Testing The Limits

2365 Words

Four days after his return home. Zax sighed and lowered his head in resignation as he proceeded to Grandmaster Kartion’s cave. As it turned out, promising to come back from Valgarel every three days became a compulsory routine. His mother insisted, his little sister persisted and his father, recognizing the safe side, just went with the flow. ‘These four days I spent at home were great, but mom and Liz now want me to match every day I’m in Valgarel at home’. The higher his cultivation gets, the longer his training sessions are. If their behavior is an aftereffect to the anxiety and shook he put them through or just remnants of them, he had to find a way of dealing with them, quickly! ‘If I’ll ask Anet for advice she’ll probably tell me to spend more time home… big sis not really in th

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