The Second Solution

1778 Words

"The Moon Ray won't hold! What do we do, Sub Constable Gon?!" A black uniformed, green skinned, dark green haired woman turned anxiously to the man sitting on the Commander Post in the Moon Ray spacecraft's command deck. Sub Constable Gon, like the rest of the four Martial Mortals crew, was draped in back and had a slick, hard pearly skin and white cotton, combed hair. He had the highest seniority among the four and so was picked as the Sub Constable, until Sergeant Heyxin's return. Right now he felt an ounce of regret for taking the role, that otherwise would advance his career in the Kon Juya Constabulary, after his Evolutionary Ascension. Should he not comply, the crazy Heavenly Immortal will kill them and should he give the order to obey an enemy, how will it reflect in his record?

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