Know Thy Enemy

1766 Words

"He vanished before I could lock on him. Whatever means he used, it's probably similar to the teleporting attacks he hit you with". Supreme Fiend Terbenhak leisurely, but his gaze was focused on the pool of blood, as if trying to find clues for Zax's disappearance. "You arrived here early and waited on the sidelines?" Divisions Commander Dark Wing frowned, yet refrained from making it sound like an accusation. Supreme Fiend Terbenhak was not exactly her superior, but until she will reach the Sacred rank she will have to give him a measure of respect. "I arrived when he first blew a hole in your fifth right wing and was interested by the ability he used. I didn't expect, however, that apart from having such abnormal method of long range attack, he is also excellent at hiding his presence

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