First Ever Cruise, Done

1867 Words

Kindel reached the peak of confusion. In such a state his acute mind forgot how to formulate words, much less register others’. Zax saw his struggle to maintain sanity in what was for him a catastrophic ordeal. TING! The ring sounded out of nowhere and swept in its decline the blackness, the colossus and the quivering yellow sun. In their place appeared a green field beneath blue sky and two people. One in black jeans and tucked buttoned, light blue shirt with squared designs and folded sleeves and the other barefooted, dapped in a black and gold shirt and pants. ‘Huermand?’ With a morsel of clarity Kindel repeated. ‘Yes’. Zax nodded. ‘…Learn what? The change in scenery also brought with it a sensory change. Previously, Kindel’s psyche was too overwhelmed by Zax’s sea of consciousne

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