
1873 Words

Ogling the girls in front him, Guard Chou Ferk felt his libido exuberant. Before saying or doing anything to her, he retrieved from his spatial ring a cloudy cube and set it hovering at the center of the ceiling. "Walk three steps forward". He ordered in a mellowed tone. Nulivs's turned cold, her soul frozen with only a speck of warmth remaining from the treatment. She could imagine what would be done to her and every fiber in her being rejected it, although eventually she gave in. Everyone in the kin that cared for her in the absence of her Grandpa Human and Uncle Vimov will bear the consequences, should she not cooperate. "Turn around, slowly". She did. "Stop! Smile, with your eyes, too. Stay like this". Guard Chou Ferk's hands trembled. He could not wait to r****h this girl and ha

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