The Difficulties Of A Single Mother

1753 Words

‘How clueless and clumsy have I been?!’ Boijent was shaken physically and mentally. The interest in which she began to watch Zax evolved moment by moment from amazement to admiration, inspiration and longing. She was so enthralled that at the deepest recess of her heart she came to the conclusion of if given the choice; she would rather be able to execute the sequence of bodily maneuvers to as exquisitely as Zax then successfully become a Red Shui Shui Elite Fighters! ‘Two thousand times five, a thousand instances of the soul…’ She seemed to perceive something from Zax’s depiction, a name… ‘Soul Surges Through The Touch!’ With the name came a newfound, in depth understanding of the sequence of bodily maneuvers. ‘The sequence is composed of two hundred maneuvers, each one comprised of

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