Until They Will Grow Strong Enough

1833 Words

Covering his precious jewels with his hands and flying with fear that can arouse every man's sympathy, Rufer dashed at maximum speed, yelling back… "It wasn't serious-" BOOM! "I love you more-" BOOM! "Dammit! How could I have known she is your sister?!" BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Projectiles of windy element energy bombarded every corner of the streets, yet other than creating a mess and frightening bystanders, no real damage happened to the buildings and pavements, for the place was the Star called Immortal Hevapron, like Galder Star, yet another even more notorious home for the scumbags and renegades of the First Valley. … Hearing the commotion outside, a trio exited a mortals’ diner. They appeared to be between the ages twenty to forty and shared the same pale complexion, black

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