Blue World Estate

2081 Words

‘Is that it?’ Zax raised his brow. … Listening for quite a while to the figure that emerged from the fog, the first thing Zax got to learn was its identity. Nocron Yorak Gogenta Jin Buvel, Gogenta in short. He is the previous owner of the Black Core. The humanoid form he presented himself in was his secondary form. His first, the colossal that gave the impression of being larger than a planet, too big to observe, was his innate form as a type of being called “Larzar”, which he in melancholy avoided elaborating about. ‘Larzars’ main form may differ, but our secondary share the same feature, so I’ll let you witness mine as I speak’. He said at the beginning and the entirety of the fog concealing him cleared out. He had no pupils, only golden yellowness to his eyes. His skin was gray and

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