
869 Words
Most people know me as the enforcer, although I'm just a werewolf with some cool powers. The gods didn't know what to do with me, when I was born. Werewolf's aren't born with the ability to move as fast as sound, such as a vampire, Or manipulate the earth with the flick of a hand, such as a witch, but I can and have always been able too. No one else in my family has the powers that I do, and I don't know why I have them, but the gods quickly found a way to use me and my powers to do their bidding. We try to keep our secret from The human world even though some humans are our allies. Some werewolves are mated to humans and some vampires and witches are married to humans. So it's not like no human can ever know about our kind' its just the more that do, the more dangerous it gets for us. The gods made a deal to protect each species. The best way to do that is to keep humans out of our business. Humans get to live in their perfect little world, thinking that things like me, are just a myth. Most of the time my job is to control out of control vamps or young pups. sometimes having to end their lives, and yes, sometimes, I have to take out humans as well. Ive done it so much at this point, I don't even feel bad anymore. Its a job and unfortunately, it is my job. I have been away from my family for 2 years and I got word last month that my sister of all f*****g people was hanging with a human. So it is my job to make sure she knows the limits. The gods know I will never kill my family, just punish them if needed, but I will kill the human if needed. Nia knows better then to buddy up to a human unless this human is her mate. I guess I will see when I arrive. Zach and I will be heading to home today, Zach is my right hand. We grew up together and I think of him more like a brother. I dread dealing with this. Nia is just a kid, but she knows better then to make friends with the humans. It is just easier not to get close to them. Zach arrives and we take my bags to the truck he is driving. "You want to put the bike in the truck, or are you riding." "I'm riding." I say to him as I sit on my bike. "Dude, its like a 5 hour drive from here are you sure you don't want to haul it." Zach says as I pull out of the motel parking lot we had stayed at last night. After a several hours we arrive at the bar. My bar to be exact. I let uncle Tom run it when I took this job for the gods. Tom does a good job running the place and I will continue to let him providing, he wants to and the bar is profitable. I enter and see Nate and Tom carrying boxes liqueur from the back. "Hey Hunter, welcome home." Uncle Tom says, as he sit the box down to shake my hand. "Hey Brother". Nate says as he sits his box down and hugs me. "Hey little brother, You are not so little anymore." I said as I hugged him back. "So who is this human that our sister has taken up with." "The human will be here later today." Tom says with no emotion in his voice. I shake my head, and grab a beer. "Sit, tell me about the bar. " I say and sit down at a table, motioning for Tom and Nate to sit with me me. We talk for a while and its getting close to time to open, so I let them get back to work and wait on my sister. Im pleased to hear the business is booming, so im in a pretty good mood when Nia comes running in. Just as I stand to greet her she jumps wrapping her arms around my neck. "Hey Brother." She squeals, happy to see me. "Who the f**k is that, and why is she behind my bar?" The human looks at me with wide scared eyes. Nia, Jumps in front of me to stop me from doing exactly what I was here to do. "Office Now!" I roar at the three of them. Zach watch the f*****g human. I say as I walk by the bar and that's when it hit me. Her scent. f**k! "Mate! my wolf starts to growl." I slam the door behind me and immediately grab the desk to calm my annoying wolf. Gritting my teeth I ask. "what in the f**k are the three of you thinking, hiring a human to work at my bar, Here I was thinking that Nia had found a human mate but the goddamn jokes on me." I say, and they all three take a deep breath knowing the meaning of my words because, I never make jokes.
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