
Cursed by Fate (COMPLETE)


Nineteen year old Nicole is ready to graduate high school with her friends and purse her dream of studying photography and becoming the best photographer she can be. When tragedy strikes the day of her graduation Nicole leaves for college early, eager to leave the town and her demons behind. But things are not what they seem in the town she was to settle in for college. Secrets are being kept, people are watching her, and she is being followed. She soon realizes the secrets go deeper and further than she ever could have imagined, and somehow she is at the center of all of it. ( This is a reverse harem story)

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Chapter One
“Come on guys.” I pouted. “It’s graduation, let me get some pictures. “This is the last time we’ll all be together before we go to college”  Max laughed as he walked over to Beth and Marie. “You and your pictures.” He mused, throwing his arms over the other girls.  “You know she’s into all that photography stuff.” Jazelle said as she lithely jumped onto Max’s back.  “Don’t you have enough pictures?” Mathew groaned.  “She has plenty. You should see all the scrapbooks and photo albums she has slap full of pictures of all of our high school years.” Beth laughed.  I rolled my eyes. “Hey, stop complaining. You all will thank me one day when I am a world renowned photographer and people find out all of you were my first subjects. My very first muses. Now gather together, let me have this.” I begged. They laughed and I quickly snapped a photo. The best photos were the unexpected ones. The ones no one was posing for. It shows the real person, real emotions. An unexpected photo captures so much more than an arranged one.  Thankfully these things were very rarely posed with our group. The six of us were always real. Always laughing and joking with each other. The others were all funny faces and good times as they indulged my photography obsession. I was so thankful this group adopted me when I moved here my freshmen year. They were all outgoing and extroverted, while I was the one who would rather observe from afar, document events with my camera and people watch silently. I don’t exactly balance them out but they have helped me come out of my shell so much more than anyone else ever has.  “Okay, okay.” Marie said with a smile. “If we don’t hurry we’ll be late for graduation.”  I lifted my wrist and checked my watch. “I’m so sorry.” I said looking back up to them with wide eyes. “Let me run back to my car and grab some extra film. I’ll meet you all there.” I said turning to run back to my car.  “Hey Nicole are you sure? I can come with you.” Mathew offered.  “No, no, it’s alright. Y'all go on ahead, I’ll be right there just save me a seat.” They all nodded as they turned and sprinted to the field where the ceremony was being held.  I couldn’t help but chuckle as I made my way to my car. They were all so energetic. And Mathew was always so sweet. I was sad that we all were being separated to go to college. Mathew, Marie and Jazelle were going to the same college. But me, Max and Beth were all going to different college’s, which means we would all be alone. I’m sure I will make new friends, but no one could replace the five I have now. I just hope we don’t lose touch as the years go on.  When I finally reached my car I threw the door open and riffled through my photography bag looking for the extra film I brought with me. I didn’t expect to use so much just taking pictures of my friends before the ceremony, now I had to use more to take some of them during. I didn’t mind though. “Aha, there you are.” I said pulling the film out and holding it above my head in triumph.  Screams suddenly broke the silence in the parking lot and rapid gun fire followed. I ducked behind my car and covered my head with my arms on instinct. The screams and gun fire continued as I peeked over my car to look towards the field.  Even from here I noticed the gates had been closed and someone stood in front of it, something large and black stood out in his hands. Whenever I saw movement near him he would move that and “BAM” a shot echoed through the air joining the others. It was a mass shooting. I’ve heard of so many of these happening on TV but never thought it would happen here.  I pulled my phone out and called 911. “911 what is your emergency.” The woman's voice said. “Hello? There is a shooting at the graduation ceremony at Darkridge High. People are screaming, someone is blocking the exit. Please send someone.” My voice cracked and I know I sounded frantic but I couldn’t help it.  “Okay, what is your name and where are you?” The woman asked.  “My name is Nicole Legend. I am in the parking lot. I was late, I had to grab film for my camera out of my car.” I said through a sob.  “Okay honey, I need you to try and calm down. Stay where you are, do not approach the people, wait on the officers.”  No s**t. Why would I approach a group of armed people willing to shoot anyone who stood before them?  “Wait.” I whispered ducking lower behind my car. “The screaming and shooting stopped. The people are leaving.” Without hesitation I pulled my camera out and took picture after picture of the people that ducked out of the field entrance. I used the rest of my film and all my extra film capturing as much detail of them and the cars they were driving as I could.  “Ma’am? Ma’am are you still there?” The woman asked.  “Yes, I’m here, all of them are gone, they left.” I breathed in relief.  I connected the 911 operator to my bluetoothe and ran to the field, praying with everything in me my friends survived. I hesitated as I reached the large gates, closing my eyes and breathing deeply through my nose. Here goes nothing I thought as I stepped through the gates. Nothing, and I mean nothing could have prepared me for the sight that lay before me.  Students and teachers alike lay sprawled across almost every inch of the field. Not one soul remained standing. No one moved, no sounds were heard. I covered my mouth with my hand as tears flooded my eyes. This was c*****e, a mass murder with no rhyme or reason behind it. Shaking my head I sobbed as I walked around trying to find my friends. Did I want to find them? Did I want to see them lifeless and bloodied? No, I really didn’t. But if there was any hope, any at all I had to find them.  And I did. And I wish I never had. Max and Mathew lay on top of Jazelle, Marie and Beth with their arms wrapped tightly around them as if they were trying to protect them. I dropped to my knees, not caring that blood soaked through my white dress, not caring that as I pulled my friends into my arms I would look like Carrie at the prom.  “They’re dead.” I sobbed to the 911 operator. “They’re all dead.” “Ma’am what do you mean? Where are you?” She asked, I could tell she was trying to remain calm.  “I had to know.” I whispered. “I came and checked, I am on the field. No one is left. Everyone is dead.” My tone went flat as a hole replaced the spot my heart used to be. I couldn’t feel anything now, I was numb. I had stopped crying, stopped feeling the pain, the anguish. I stopped feeling at all  as I rocked Mathew in my lap since he was the only one I could get untangled.  A heavy hand landed on my shoulder making me look up. “Nicole Legend?” The officer asked softly. I just nodded as I looked away from him and back to my friends. “Nicole, I need you to let the young man go now.” He said squatting next to me.  “Mathew.” I whispered.  “Excuse me?” The officer asked, confused.  “Mathew, his name is Mathew.” I said never looking over to him.  “Okay Nicole. Can you let Mathew go and come with me please?” He asked.  I shook my head frantically. “No, I can’t leave them, they need me.” My tone held no emotion as I spoke to the officer in a louder tone.  “I promise you, they will all be taken care of. We won’t let anything happen to them.” He assured me.  I looked over to him, first noticing his name badge said officer Cromwell, then looked up to the most amazing green eyes I’d ever seen.  “Do you promise?” I asked, not even caring if I sounded like a five year old.  “Yes Nicole, I promise. Now please come with me, let's get you cleaned up and call your parents.” He stood and reached his hand out to me. I looked between his hand and mine which were covered in blood. I just shook my head at him as I slid Mathew off my lap and hauled myself to my feet, wrapping my arms around myself.  “And I don’t have any parents.” I told him. “They both died in a car accident two years ago. I’ve been taking care of myself with my inheritance ever since.” The officer gave me a pitying look before leading me out to where police, ambulance, fire trucks and TV station vans were parked. As soon as I was seen being led out people started shouting questions at me, flashes of pictures being taken blinded me. I curled in on myself trying to make myself smaller and keep people from looking at me.  Officer Cromwell noticed my behavior and called for some other officers to come and help block me from the media. “You must be Nicole.” A woman’s kind voice said from beside me. I just nodded, keeping my eyes on my feet. “Is there anyone we can call for you?” She asked. I shook my head, staying silent. “Mathias, I think the poor girl is in shock.” The woman whispered to someone.  “I’m not surprised considering what she just witnessed.” The voice I recognized as officer Cromwell’s answered. “The captain will want to speak with her then I’ll take her home.” He told the woman.  “Do you know who she is?” The woman asked.  “No should I?” Officer Cromwell asked.  “She is the daughter of the town's richest family. Now she alone holds ownership of half the county’s properties.” I sighed lightly as I felt his eyes bore into my head.  “Thank you officer Cromwell, but I can take myself home.” I said, finally speaking up. “Anyway I need to speak to Adam. I have photos of the people and vehicles responsible for this.” I told them.  “Wait, you got evidence?” Cromwell asked, stunned.  “Yes. Like I told the operator, I was heading back to my car to get extra film to take pictures of my friend's graduation. But after what I heard I used it to take as many pictures of the people involved as I could.”  “Nicole?” Adam shouted from ahead of me. Fresh tears filled my eyes as I bolted towards him. Adam was the captain of the police force of our little town and was also my parents' best friend. He has known me since the day I was born. Adam’s burly arms wrapped around me completely engulfing me. “Oh Nicole, I am so glad you’re safe.” He murmured into my hair.  I’m not sure how long I stayed like that but I was more than ready to get home and change out of this bloody dress. “Here.” I said pulling away from Adam and handing him the film. “I took as many pictures from the parking lot as I could. Faces, weapons, cars and even tag numbers should be in them.” Adam looked wide-eyed from the film to me.  “How?” He asked.  “I was at my car when it started, getting extra film from my car. I was going to use it to take pictures of my friends during graduation but..” I shook my head trying to erase the sounds of the screams from my mind. “Anyway, can I go home now?” “Mathias.” Adam called. Cromwell came over and smiled gently at me before looking to Adam.  “Yes captain?” He asked. “Mathias, this is Nicole. Her parents were old friends of mine which basically makes her my niece. And Nicole, this is Mathias. He just moved here a few days ago.” I nodded.  “Yes, I met him inside.” I said, monotone like. “Good. Mathias I would like you to drive Nicole home and stay with her tonight. Her home is large enough that you two will both be comfortable, and you Nicole won’t be alone tonight.”  I looked to Mathias for any sign he would protest but he just nodded to Adam, who smiled before turning to walk away. “So where is your car?” He asked, facing me. I just signed and motioned for him to follow me. Tossing him the keys I pointed to my 1971 mustang fastback. It was orange with a black racing stripe down the middle, and I swear Mathias’s eyes bugged out of his head when he saw it.  “This is yours?” He asked. I nodded, opening the passenger door and tossing my photography equipment into the small area behind the seats.  I rattled off my address to Mathias when he was finally done gawking at my car and got in. The drive was long and quiet but I can’t say that I minded. It gave me time to think. And in order to keep my mind off today's events I kept my mind occupied with Mathias. He had black hair that was longer on top than on the sides. A light stubble covered his square jaw. He had high cheekbones, gorgeous green eyes and what looked to be a body to die for. He was at least a head taller than my five foot 5 inch height, and looked to be no older than his early twenties.  “I’m sorry Adam stuck you with me tonight. You don’t have to stay, I’ll be fine. I’m sure you have better things to do and a girlfriend to get back to.” I mumbled to him. He just chuckled.  “Nah. Just moving here has its perks. I am unattached and have no plans for the foreseeable future. I came here to focus on me and my career as a police officer. So guarding you tonight will allow me to put bodyguard experience down on my resume.” He teased.  I couldn’t help but smile at that. “Well in that case I’m glad I could help.” 

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